Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mushrooms- you can cautiously eat this one!

Latin Name: Agaricus Abruptibulbus Peck

Common Name: Abruptly-bulbous Agaricus
Width of Cap: 2-6 inches
Cap: Convex to broadly convex, becoming flattened; white to creamy white or tinged yellowish with age, staining reddish when waterlogged; surface smooth to silky-fibrillose, or slightly scaly with age, bruising yellow; margin sometimes ragged with remnants of the partial veil
Flesh: White, fragile, with a pleasant odor of anise or almond, taste mild. 
Gills: Free from the stalk, crowded; whitish to grayish pink when young, becoming pinkish brown then chocolate brown as the spores mature
Stalk: Slender, nearly equal with an abrupt bulb at the base; white bruising yellow; partial veil leaving a whitish skirt-like ring on the upper stalk
Spore Print: Chocolate-brown
Occurrence: Solitary or gregarious on the ground in woods, woodland margins, grassy groves, parklands, and landscaped areas; saprobic; summer-fall; common
Edibility: Edible and good with caution

Of the Birthday- September 20th

It's been a while since I've done an educational thing. SOOO I thought what the fuck why not now...



White, red, and black
Flecked Opaque stone
Greenland, Alaska

Spiritually this stone teaches how to 'breathe and be,' experiencing at one and the same time a physical connection with the earth and a spiritual connection with the infinity of being. 


Siberian Ginseng

Parts Used: The root of a N.E. Asian shrub

This herb may be safely be used to increase stamina in the face of undue demands and stress. These may be physical or mental. It is used for debility, exhaustion, and depression, except where these are due to a specific medical reason. 

This herb is usually available as a tablet or powder, the dosage of which should be 0.2-1 gram 3 times a day. 


Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury, the communicator
Symbol: The Virgin
Tarot Card: The Hermit (inner strength)
Number: 5
Favorable Colors: Yellow, Green, Brown
Key Phrase: Busy is better than bored. 

September 20

"As long as I learn from my setbacks I cannot fail"

The birthday of the charming controller. 

Your greatest challenge is learning to look before you leap
On the Dark Side: Condescending, controlling, superficial
At your best: Organized, practical, intelligent. 


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


    So, I like to spend a lot of my time staring at the sky. Which is crazy, because with my work schedule I'm usually in bed before it's dark, and when I drive to work in the dark morning its foggy and the street lights steal the stars from my vision.

   I still have a very wondrous, dream state reaction to the back lit canopy with holes punched in it.This little blog will cover some of my favorite constellations, the pictures for references I've randomly stolen from the google. I may continue to do this through out the blog and cover several, but for now- start with some favorites.


     Orion is the hunter. I always see him as a man in traditional Greek combat attire. Breast plate, leather Pteruge, bow in one hand pulling an arrow with the other. Many depictions however, show him with a lion in one hand and a club in the other. That's the beauty of it, the shape is what you see.     
    Most of the world can see this constellation. The Greeks saw demigod Orion, powerful hunter that goddesses fought over. Egyptians saw Osiris, the God of Light. People of Brazil known as Bororo saw the constellation as a caiman, and the Maori of New Zealand, saw a canoe. 



    The Scales, Balance, the stars of my birth! We are all made of stardust you know. This was the last sign added to the Zodiac. In ancient times, the autumnal equinox occurred when  the Sun crossed the celestial equator in Libra. The scale represented equalizing of day and night. This has now moved to the constellation of Virgo.
   Libra is also associated with justice, and the scale sometimes shown in the hand of Goddess Astrea, who weighs right and wrong and is tattooed on my right ribcage. 

Ursa Minor & Ursa Major

Little Bear and Great Bear

   These are also commonly known as the Little and big dipper, although you will see that the big dipper is actually only part of the Ursa Major constellation. The story with these two is fun. 
Ursa Major

   Zeus fell in love with Callisto, a beautiful mortal. Hera furious transformed her into a bear. retaining her human sensibility, Callisto wandered the forest in terror of other animals until Zeus placed her in the stars. 
   The Native Americans saw this constellation as a great bear chased by 3 hunters. 

Ursa Minor 

   Zeus's desire for the beautiful Callisto resulted in a son Arcas. While roaming the forest as a bear Callisto saw her son out hunting and rose to embrace him. Seeing only an attacking bear, Arcas thrust at her with his spear. Zeus noticing the encounter, intervened at the last instant, placing both mother and son in the stars as bears. 


September 2018 Magick Mail/ Inked Goddess Creations Box