Thursday, October 20, 2016

This is how it all starts....

Well, a lil bit about me. My name is Holly, I just joined the dirty 30's this year :) I live in a predominantly christian community. I mean we even have a privately ran christian college here. I guess, I'm doing great. I practice witchcraft, I call myself a witch, I'm pretty open about it, everyone knows, I answer questions as best as I can or will even research until I find an answer, oh and no one has stoned or hung or burned me yet! I kinda wing and learn everything on my own. I'm not huge into the ritualistic ceremonies. I've never been shown or invited to them, mostly because the witches I know are like me-self taught and without a coven until we all grouped together in this thing called life. This is my path, I didn't search it out. I fell happily into it.

On to the reoccurring problem/ theme popping up in my life right now.  It's not even being shunned by the community! People here genuinely like me or at least have tried hard to like me. I have been approached on numerous occasions this year and asked if I would lead a coven, if I would be willing to teach what I know, if I had a coven, if others could join it, and if we could have regular ritualistic meetings where people could learn and grow.

These are things I'm really not sure of. I don't feel I know enough to be a High Priestess to lead a coven. I don't know how to teach someone what I know, because it was never taught to me. and I don't literally have a coven. I have 2 friends I meet with on sporadic occasions and do rituals. Those two people would definitely with out a doubt be a member of my coven.

I'm at a loss here. I would love to share what I know with others, but I don't know the first thing about starting an actual coven, with actual meetings, with actual ceremonial rituals, where we eat the first born child of our enemies (I'm kidding, oh my goddess that was seriously a lil sarcastic ass joke. Witches don't really eat children!)(Wait do they? LOL) 

Now, as far as that I'm not a High Priestess and I don't have a coven.
1. I feel like all members of a coven should meet regularly to do things together, bonds and like minded views make magic that much stronger.
2. All coven members, therefore, should get a vote on if other members are allowed to join to keep anger out of the magic- but I also feel like this would maybe unintentionally be a way to bully outsiders rather than guide them to a better way of life.
3. Do High Priestesses go to college and study philosophy and religion the way that christian preachers and leaders do? Or are they just wise caring beings that are willing to share and grow with their group.
4. Do you elect your Priest/Priestess....eewww politics in my religion!

So, My final thought on all of this is (Until I can talk with my 2 favorite witching hour friends about this to ease my mind and see if they're willing to jump in and drown with me.)  If you are willing to learn- I am willing to help guide or teach you, but please know I'm not great at everything and I do struggle. Also, know that I will do everything I can to find you answers or help even if I don't have the answer right away.

This blog then is my way of sharing my books - I'm not going to edit any of the books wordings so that you may interpret it how ever you choose, I'm also not going to include the entire section for each item I post. I will, however, do my best to keep you up to date on links, books purchase links, and the like for each blog so that you may in turn further your research. After all, you only get out what you put in. :) Happy Witching little bobbles!

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