Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Exploring Thoughts.. It is a Blog after all.

I have decided to blog today, not on birthdays or stones. Which are my favorite things, but types of witches.

Wha? There are more than one kind of witch

Well, yes little Jimmy there are.

There's a Celtic, White, Kitchen and Avalonian, and the list is simply endless. I'm sure you've heard of all the things that the term "Christian" represents: Catholics, Baptist, Pentecostal.  All those people who celebrate Christ's birth 2 seasons late. << Yea, I poked a bear. Put on your big girl panties and suck it up.

Witchcraft is no different. It's a blanket term.

So what has peeked my interest today?

Well you see, I went to the book store. I KNOW!! I was left unsupervised!

I found a new book!! What? You don't own them all?

I DON'T life goals, though. I need to make an electronic list of all the books I do own, so I don't end up with multiple copies (No real harm if I do, books are the gifts of my people!)

Today, I'm going to explore :  Murphy-Hiscock, Arin. The Green Witch

I like how its a "hard-to-find" title; I found it on accident. I have many books on greeness. This is actually my second title. I have a collection of herb books and mushrooms, etc.

So, What is a "Green" Witch

Urban Dictionary.
noun. A witch specializing in the earthen world. A green witch is typically female, practices solitary, and is a Pagan. Green witches know much about the identities, myths, care, etc of plant life and seek to preserve it. They attempt to connect with the earthen world with New Age methods such as meditating. They acknowledge magic and use it in tune with natural forces to accomplish a goalaka using witchcraft. These goals may include, but are not limited to: hearings, protections, blessings. Green witches are usually knowledgeable in herbal-ism.

Now to the book, 

"Historically, a green witch lived apart, using the energies of plants and trees around her to heal others. Those who needed her services traveled to see her. These days, a green witch is more likely to be living in the middle of a city or in the suburbs. She could work in any of a variety of fields, such as business, medicine, or teaching, or might even be a full-time mom."
I feel like this book is going to be insanely contradictory
Right in the beginning of the book "In essence, she lives the life of a green witch: she lives the green path"
Ok, you can not define something by using it as a definition. It's still early I'm gonna let that one slide. 
My opinion of a green witch, is: Some one who practices witch craft, who is mostly focused on "Earth" aka "green" magic. Women who are particularly interested in herbology, healing, teas, the practice of grounding toes in the dirt, washing negative energies away in a running spring. Green Witches are similar to Kitchen Witches who use herbs in their spell work and cooking, or Hedge Witches even. 
Oh look, page 20 "Similar paths"
Kitchen and Hedge are listed! 
Back to my opinions. It's a good read, full of learning, and a great reference. I have only read the introduction. I did just get it today. I have skimmed the rest of the book. It in many pages refer to the use of herbs, mortal and pedestal and other Earth based items used in witch craft. So, If you find yourself out and about and your more balanced in that quiet place in the park where the flowers are growing, you really like to make herb blends and tend to drink eucalyptus and lavender tea when your sick. You may just find yourself walking a Green Path.  

Engage with me moment. 

What types of witch catch your attention the most. 
Are you into 
What type of witch are you. What does that label mean to you as someone who practices it?
What else should I be looking at. 

I collect a lot of aspects of many types of witch, an "Eclectic" Witch so to speak. 

Leave your answers in my comments and I'll send you a virtual thank you cookie. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

November 2017 Magic Mail

This months box is Kitchen Witch. I love this bag!!! No really. Just in case you are navigating me with a mobile and you can't get to all my side bar tagged things to check out. Inked Goddess Creations

So, in the video I let it slip out that the shopping list is missing an item... it's wine, it's missing wine. LMAO 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Herbs and Witch Terms

During Samhain celebration, my friends and I were discussing terms for herbs. Terms such as, for example: "Eye of Newt" and "Dead Mans Toe." Yes, I watch a lot of Hocus Pocus and Practical Magic. Sue me. There is truth in fiction, even if its a small fraction.

So here are a few links.

Tryskelion- Old World Names
Witchipedia- Herbs by Folk Names
Witchesofthecraft- Ancient Names
Thevillagewitch- Ancient Names
Gypsy Magic Spells (a blog) - Old Names for Herbs
Wicca.com- Herbal Magic

Friday, October 6, 2017

Of the Birthday October 6

I'm Having Technical Difficulties.. none of my pictures are uploading to the blog. Internet at my house is an ass hat.  (I just updated now with photos! on 2-28-18)


Jasper: Leopardskin Orbicular Jasper

Pretend there's a photo about here of a little polished stone 

Green or Orange bi-colored
Opaque leopard-like markings
Easily obtained
South America

A bridge to the deepest mysteries of duality, Leopardskin Jasper assists in redressing the balance between light and dark, teaching how to recognize dark as a complement to light rather than its opposite. 



another photo here of a green leafy thing

Common Name: Snake Root 
Part Used: Root and Rhizome
Collection: The roots and rhizome are collected in September and October

Senega comes to us from the Native Americans. It was used by the Seneca tribe for snake bites. It has excellent expectorant effects that may be utilized in the treatment of bronchitic asthma, especially where there is some difficulty with expectoration. 

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2- 1 teaspoonful of the dried root and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk 3 times a day. 

(copy and paste makes this part work!)


Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Scales
Tarot card: Justice (discernment)
Favorable colors: Green, Purple, Pink
Key phrase: There are decisions to be made
Love Matches: Aries, Leo, and Saggittarius

October 6

"Every conflict is an opportunity for me to become more of who I am."

The birthday of the romantic adventurer.

Your greatest challenge is being realistic
On the Dark Side: Unreliable, superficial, sensationalist
At Your Best: Adventurous, energetic, spontaneous.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Wheel of the Year- Samhain Edition

The Samhain book this info is from is Available to purchase

Old Ways

At Samhain the circle of the year has come to its final spoke in the Wheel. At this time harvest has finished, the dying god interred, and the goddess has descended to the underworld with her beloved. Above, her people prepare for the veil between the worlds to thin; dead ancestors will be visiting, and with the harvest tools put away, there's a new year to think about, resources to manage, goodbyes to say, and plans to make. Meanwhile, the now barren land gives way to the rulership of the Crone

The Fire Festival 

To the ancient Celts, Samhain marked the most important of four Celtic fire festivals. Located halfway between an equinox and a solstice, it is one of four cross-quarter festivals. Every year on the first frost after the full moon in October, families allowed their hearth fires to burn out. At this time, they brought back herd animals from grazing and completed gathering the harvest.
After the fires died, they gathered with the rest of their tribe to observe the Druid priests relighting the community sacred fire using friction. The priests induced friction with wheel and spindle: The wheel representing the sun turned from east to west and lit sparks. At this time, they made prayers and offerings or sacrifices related to their needs. 

The Christians 

When Christianity spread throughout Europe, the church officials went about converting the area heathens by converting their holidays. In the fifth century, Pope Boniface attempted to re-purpose the ritual, identifying it as a day to honor saints and martyrs, moving it to May 13. When the late October/November fire festivals continued anyway, in the 19th century Pope Gregory decided to move the saints and martyrs day back to the same day as the secular festival of the dead. The church resorted to declaring Nov 1 All Saint's Day and added All Souls' day on Nov 2.  
Eventually, both All Saint's and All Souls' became distinct holidays unto themselves, with All Saint's an observance for souls believed already ascended and All Souls' as a day to honor souls possibly still working out issues in purgatory. In Ireland, These days marked a time for family reunions after cow-milking season finished. Over time the night before Nov 1 called among many names Hallowe'en, Allhallows Eve, or Hallowmas, became the repository for most of the original Pagan practices. 

Lighting the Way for the Ancestors

The torches of the Welsh and the Jack-o'-lanterns left at the edge of walks "kept witches away," but they also lit a path for ancestors wandering across the veil. 

The fearsome things

While the early Celtic Christians invented Old Jack, the British Isles had other monsters to fear tracing back to their Pagan days. Yet others reflected the evolving political history of the Isles. Early on, People carried lanterns on Samhain night and went out in groups lest they run into any of a host of wicked characters. They might run afoul of a Pucah, a shape-shifting faery prone to both seduction and outright kidnapping. This was far from the only lurking shadow. 
The Lady Gwen was a woman who appeared dressed in white, sometimes headless and evil, sometimes playing the role of a benign lost soul. She chased travelers she caught wandering at night. 

Skipping tooooo 

New Ways

Many modern Pagans celebrate Samhain, either on the full moon closest to October 31 or on that date itself. At Samhain season, it is appropriate to invoke Morrighan, Dagda, Hades, Persephone, Hecate, and many other death and Witchcraft deities across many pantheons. 

Wiccans consider Samhain the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. Celtic Reconstructionists are Pagans who are trying to rebuild ancient Celtic Paganism is exactly as possible. They call Samhain Oiche Shamnhna, and try to make their observations as close tot he first frost as possible. Often Morrighan is venerated at this time. In Irish myth, Samhain marks the day that she and the Tuatha de Danaan god Dagda mated at the River Unis. Druids, October 31 is Samhain-a festival to honor the dead. Traditional Witches of Britain see Samhain as one of the great four fire festivals. Eclectic Witchcraft borrow from different traditions in a manner that spiritually resonates with them. 

Moving on- Other Holidays at this time are

All Soul's Day
All Saint's Day
Dia de los Muertos
Autumn Dziady
Mischeif Night/Guy Fawkes Day

Trick or Treating

The witches way!

Treats instead of candy 

Small story scrolls: tiny (four line stories) rolled up tied with a ribbon
Origami fortune cookies: Make origami paper or out of square cut magazine paper and insert fun fortunes or silly facts inserted inside the "cookie"how to cookie
Miniature cootie-catchers: paper fortune tellers, you can write down numbers and symbols, or names on the inside. how to cootie

Other celebrations

Adopt an Ancestor - take care of a neglected grave. Clean off leaves and debri, offer water to the soil, call in vandilism
Have a Divination Party. 
A Candle Chain
Story Telling
Hold a Magical Movies: Dead like me, Wonderfalls, Practical Magick, Mirror Mask, What Dreams May Come, Haven, Midnight in Paris (Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter, The Craft LMAO) 

Spells and Divinations

A spell to settle debt

heat proof container, copies of bills you've paid, sturdy banishing herb (Solomon's seal, margoram, lilac twigs) 

Put the bill in the container and light it, chanting:
as these bills burn, chains melt, debts be fed, debts be dead. The money I earn I keep for myself!

As each bill burns, add a few pieces of your chosen herb. 

Other spells to cast during this time. 

Spells against sorrow
To heal grief
To break bad Luck
Assist in creative flow

The divination of Three Plates
Scottish Origin
Blind fold, 3 plates- one with grain, one with soil, one with net

Blindfold a person turn them around three times, then let their hand fall on a plate. 
Fortells for the next year
Grain= prosperity
Soil= death
Net= tangled fortune 

Recipes and Craft

Baked Apple

One cored apple per person
(per apple)
1 Tbs maple syrup
1 Tbs raisins
1 teaspoon allspice, cinnamon, or ground clove

Set cored apples in a glass dish, mix ingredients until evenly distributed. fill the apple, microwave on high 2 minutes per apple or preheat oven to 375  for 10-13 minutes

Pumpkin Seeds

1-2 cups of pumpkin seeds
1-2 tsps olive or sunflower oil
salt to tast
preheat oven 300

toss seeds with oil and salt spread evenly on cookie sheet bake about 45 minutes 

Make a mask

A blank template
Hot glue
feathers, beads, ribbon

grocery sized PAPER bag
Crayons, paint, or markers
A stapler

Spin your fears

Paper plate, construction paper
scissors, crayons & markers

cut a small isosceles (2 long 1 short side) triangle out of the construction paper to make a pointer, set aside. Take a marker and divide the plate into 4 pie shaped sections. in each section write a fear. Fasten the triangle to the plate. Spin the triangle. focus on the theme

Goodies for Samhain

I'm struggling with where to start this blog, I'll get to the wheel of the year later for that reason. Halloween and fall have always been a favorite. I am a fall baby! 

With that being said ... I'm sort of inspired by the Double Double Toil & Trouble, October Magic Mail Theme. 

Where does a person start with so much damn potential... Well 

Your altar, Your crafts, Your new beginnings spell. 

Ladies and Gentlemen and Witches. THE NEW YEAR IS UPON US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, enough of my sillyness, On with the links and the crafts and the celebrating! On with the APPLES and the PUMPKINS and the LEAVES and the SMELL OF THE CRISP AIR.

In the references there are links to all things in the crafts and etc to give credit to where I found the idea, and also so you can check out what other really cool shit they have going on. 


Grave Rubbings ooo spooky. 
 All you need for this activity is some lightweight paper, tape and a crayon. Make sure that you wipe off any offending dirt or dust that's on the tombstone first before you begin your rubbing.
After you've dusted the grave off, simply place the paper onto the tombstone and tape it up as best you can. Next, use the long side of your crayon to rub back and forth onto the paper, and you will begin to see the words on the tombstone appear on your paper. Take this home with you and use it along with your other Samhain decorations!


Warm Drinks for Cold Samhain Nights
What better way to celebrate Samhain than with some hot apple cider?
For apple cider, take a large pot and combine 1 1/2 gallons of apple cider, 2 cinnamon sticks, 5 cloves, 1 large orange sliced thin and with the peel left on it, half of a lemon sliced thin with the peel left on it, and half a cup of sugar. Heat it until it reaches the temperature that you prefer and enjoy!
If you happen to like apple cider but don't feel up to making it yourself, you could always buy Trader Joe's spiced apple cider and use that instead. It's a delicious alternative to homemade apple cider.
For adults, homemade mulled wine is a traditional favorite. In a large pot, pour in one bottle of your favorite red wine (Merlot or Cabernet for me), one peeled and sliced orange, one peeled and sliced lemon, 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 2 teaspoons ground ginger, 5 whole cloves, 3 cinnamon sticks, 1/2 cup of sugar, 2/3 cup brandy or cognac, and 1/2 cup of water.
Warm these ingredients for 25 minutes, but be sure to avoid accidentally boiling the mixture. Once the mulled wine is warm enough and the sugar has dissolved completely, it is ready to serve.
Don't forget to serve up some pumpkin pie or pumpkin bread and muffins with your drinks!

Celebrate By

Set Up an Ancestor Shrine

In many Pagan traditions, the ancestors are honored, especially at Samhain. This Sabbat, after all, is the night when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its most fragile. By setting up an ancestor shrine or altar, you can honor the people of your bloodline -- your kinfolk and clansmen who have helped to shape the person you are. This altar or shrine can be set up just for the Samhain season, or you can leave it up all year long for meditation and rituals.
If you've got the room, it's nice to use an entire table for this shrine, but if space is an issue, you can create it in a corner of your dresser top, on a shelf, or on the mantle over your fireplace. Regardless, put it in a place where it can be left undisturbed, so that the spirits of your ancestors may gather there, and you can take time to meditate and honor them without having to move stuff around every time someone needs to use the table.
Also, bear in mind that you can honor anyone you like in this shrine. Someone doesn't have to be a blood relative to be part of our spiritual ancestry. 


Of the Birthday--October 5

So, I've been LAZY with this blog. I haven't posted a single birthday since summer hit, I am not going to do three months worth of catch up... I'm so sorry (maybe I'll catch you a little bit this winter when it gets to the birthdays I've already took care of in 2016) I do keep track, that's a plus.


Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Scales
Tarot card: Justice (discernment)
Favorable colors: Green, Purple, Pink
Key phrase: There are decisions to be made
Love Matches: Aries, Leo, and Saggittarius

October 5

"World peace begins inside me."

The birthday of dignified altruism

Your greatest challenge is keeping a sense of perspective
On the Dark Side: Neglectful, extreme, impatient
At Your Best: Altruistic, gracious, warm hearted




Pars Used: Aerial parts.
Collection: The young shoots and leaves are collected in June before flowering

As its name suggests, Self-Heal has a long tradition as a wound-healing herb. The fresh leaf may be used or a poultice or compress made to aid in the clean healing of cuts and wounds. As a gently astringent, it is used internally for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or mild hemorrhages. For sore throats, it may be used as a gargle, sweetened with honey. For bleeding hemorrhoids, it may be used as an ointment or lotion. Self-heal may be used as a spring tonic or as a general tonic in convalescence.

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse ofr 10 minutes. This should be drunk 3 times a day or used as a gargle or lotion.



Striated or bladed, opaque, slightly metallic
US, Mexico, Peru

Huebnerite is a useful detoxifier, cleansing gall, bile and bitterness from the physical and emotional levels of being and re-energizing the emotions.  Physically the stone invigorates and recharges. In healing it supports the liver, spine and pancreas. 

Books of Shadows

Many witches keep a book of shadows, some are custom to families passed on generation to generation, in the past they have been known to be an item for only priestess/ priest to be burned when they pass on.

The origin like so many witch things is consistently argued upon. The one thing all origins have in common is that they contain spells and knowledge for the witch that it belongs to.

For all of you wondering, if you practice my craft whether you have a penis or a vagina, you are a witch. Warlock is not a "male" term here. Warlock is a dirty, disgusting, evil traitor. Now that that is clear and out of the way.

I'm making a video on things I have included in my Shadow Book. It is covered in about 6 inches of 3 ring binders. The video is like 24 minutes long. .. But watch it... and let your head gears turn...

October 2017 Magic Mail !!

Magic Mail Box!!

Here's a hint at the Theme!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Seriously.... go snoop around on these links.

Morgan (Inked Goddess) on Youtube

So yea, she has a youtube. There's like so much to see: unboxings, bottle types, herbs, blah blah no really go check her out.
The store!

September 2017 Magiiiccc MAAAILLLLLL

So the box wasn't late at all.... I am lol

Also-I'm geeking- because last month MORGAN from Ink Goddess totally commented on my video!!!

Monday, August 21, 2017


I got a message asking what I knew about sigils. Well, not much, so here is some quick research to get us all started with the basics.

So googles definition:
plural noun: sigils
an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power.
a seal.
"the supply wains bore the High King's sigil"

a sign or symbol.

From Wikipedia:

A sigil is a symbol used in magic. The term has usually referred to a type of pictorial signature of a demon or other entity; in modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, it refers to a symbolic representation of the magician's desired outcome.

In medieval ceremonial magic, the term sigil was commonly used to refer to occult signs which represented various angels and demons which the magician might summon. The magical training books called grimoires often listed pages of such sigils. A particularly well-known list is in The Lesser Key of Solomon, in which the sigils of the 72 princes of the hierarchy of hell are given for the magician's use. Such sigils were considered to be the equivalent of the true name of the spirit and thus granted the magician a measure of control over the beings.

A kameas (magic square) sigil.
A common method of creating the sigils of certain spirits was to use kameas (magic squares) — the names of the spirits were converted to numbers, which were then located on the magic square. The locations were then connected by lines, forming an abstract figure.[1]
The use of symbols for magical or cultic purposes has been widespread since at least the Neolithic era. Some examples from other cultures include the yantra from Hindu tantra, historical runic magic among the Germanic peoples, or the use of veves in Voudon.

In modern uses, the concept was mostly popularized by Austin Osman Spare, who published a method by which the words of a statement of intent are reduced into an abstract design; the sigil is then charged with the will of the creator. Spare's technique, now known as sigilization, has become a core element of chaos magic.
The inherently individualistic nature of chaos magic leads most chaos magicians to prepare and cast (or "charge") sigils in unique ways, as the process of sigilization has not been rigorously defined. Sigils are used for spells as well as for the creation of thoughtforms.[2]
Unlike with traditional sigils, whose creators made use of traditional lore passed down from generations or from books, modern users often create sigils entirely themselves and devise individual means of "charging" them with metaphysical power.
A "hypersigil" is an extended work of art with magical meaning and willpower, created using adapted processes of sigilization. The term was popularized (if not coined) by Grant Morrison. His comic book series The Invisibles was intended as a hypersigil.[3]

A pinterest link for even more sigil ideas

Some Image searches and I found some somewhat common examples. 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

August Magic Mail iss heeerrreee

I did the video a little different this month. Stuff is being moved to storage, stuff is being installed and painted, and basically that means stuff is everywhere!

So, you get a small and a tad boring tour of my "library" 😃

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 2017 Magic Mail Box

Here's the mail
it never fails
It makes me wanna wag my tail
When it comes I wanna wail



I hope you watched blues clues as a child.
I hope that is now stuck in your head.

You're welcome.


If you haven't made last months craft, there's no excuse now!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Of the Birthday June 1-5



Green, Gray, White, Brown, Yellow
Translucent crystal, greasy or powdery with clay inclusions
Rare but increasingly available

Containing borax and Halite, Hanksite formed through evaporation and is found in deep mud, symbolizing wisdom awaiting release from the dross of the past. 

Hematite with Rutile

Silver and Gold
Beautiful silver and gold opaque stone
Africa, Australia

Hematite with Rutile combines the grounding and energizing functions of Hematite with the cleansing properties of Rutile into a high-vibration stone that activates the past life and soma chakras and deep soul connections.


Blue, Brown, White
Tiny transparent needle-like striated or pyramidal crystals on a matrix, or botryoidal crust
Easily obtained
England, Mexico, US, Zambia

Hemimorphite is an extremely protective stone, particularly against malicious thoughts and manipulation. 


Golden, Gray, Brown, Green, Purplish-Lavender
Opaque or translucent stone with natural facets and terminations
Brazil, South Africa, US, Germany, Russia

A high-vibration stone, Herderite aligns the subtle chakras, raising consciousness to the highest possible levels and awakening the illumined mind. 

Golden Herderite links to the divine within and assists in recognizing that you are god. 


Peach, White, Green
Crystalline to vitreous opaque pearly crystals on a matrix
Easily obtained
India, Iceland

Heulandite is an extremely beneficial stone if you want to evolve. Karmically, it assists in reconnecting to ancient knowledge and skills from the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis and from other past lives. 



Common Name: Wormseed
Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The seeds are collected in the fall in areas where they grow, which include most of Asia

Santonica is one of the oldest worm remedies recorded. It proves most effective against roundworm and, to a lesser extent, threadworm. However, it will do nothing against tapeworm. Due to the potency and to a low level of toxicity of santonin, this herb should only be used under medical supervision. 


Parts Used: Root and Rhizome
Collection: The roots and rhizome can be unearthed throughout the year

Sarsaparilla is a widely applicable alterative. It may be used to aid proper functioning of the body as a whole and in the correction of such diffuse systemic problems as skin and rheumatic conditions. It is particularly useful in scaling skin conditions such as psoriasis, especially where there is much irritation. As part of a wider treatment for chronic rheumatism, it should be considered and is especially useful for rheumatoid arthritis. It has been shown that Sarsaparilla contains chemicals with properties that aid testosterone activities in the body. 

Decoction: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Root Bark
Collection: The root is unearthed to gather this herb, which grows over large areas of North America

Sassafras is used primarily in skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. As another aspect  of its undoubted systemic activity, it may be used with benefit in the treatment of rheumatism and gout. As a diaphoretic, it may be used in fevers and systemic infections. The plant has disinfectant action and makes a valuable mouthwash and dentifrice. It acts as a specific to combat head lice and other body infestations

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Oil: The oil of Sassafras should be used for the external treatment of lice and never taken internally. 

Saw Palmetto Berries

Parts Used: Berries
Collection: The berries of this impressive palm are gathered from September through until January.

Saw Palmetto is an herb that acts to tone and strengthen the male reproductive system. It may be used with safety where a boost to the male sex hormones is required. It is a specific in cases of enlarged prostate glands. It will be of value in all infections of the gastrourinary tract. 

Decoction: pur 1/2-1 teaspoonfuls of the berries in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for five minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Sea Holly

(The desperate to make people laugh side of me really wanted to put my photo here ...get it see Holly LOLOLOLOLOL)

Parts Used: Dried Roots
Collection: The roots are unearthed from their shoreline habitat at the end of the flowering time.

This most impressive plant of sandy shores is used in a whole range of urinary conditions. It is a diuretic in the herbal sense that it has an affinity for the system rather than being a strong remover of water from the body. It has most use in kidney stones and gravel, especially if there is an associated restriction of urine flow. It will ease colic due to urinary problems as well as reducing hemorrhage. It can help in cystitis, urethritis, and enlarged and inflamed prostate glands. 

Decoction: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Mercury, the messenger
Symbol: The Twins
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable colors: Orange, yellow, white
Key phrase: Variety is the spice of life.
Love Matches: Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius

June 1

"I relax and recognize my potential for greatness."

The birthday of the enigmatic student.

Your greatest challenge is understanding yourself
On the Dark Side: Scattered, impatient, vain
At Your Best: Discerning, popular, sociable

June 2

Happy Birthday Clarissa Bailey <3

"Every day offers me an opportunity to learn something new about myself.''

The birthday of ingenuity.

Your greatest challenge is enjoying the ordinary
On the Dark Side: Self-defeating, restless, complicated
At Your Best: Intuitive, inventive, adaptable.

June 3 

"I now choose to release every negative thought from my mind and my life."

The birthday of original wit

Your greatest challenge is avoiding sarcasm and negativity when things don't go your way.
On the Dark Side: Argumentative, unclear, cutting
At Your Best: Expressive, articulate, witty

June 4

"Today, I am an open channel for original ideas."

The birthday of the apprentice

Your greatest challenge is acknowledging your emotions
On the Dark Side: Critical, stressed, unfulfilled
At Your Best: Intelligent, intuitive, empathetic

June 5

"Today, I let go of my worry and uncertainty."

The birthday of the intellectual juggler.

Your greatest challenge is learning to pace yourself.
On the Dark Side: Anxious, chaotic, highly strung
At Your Best: Articulate, versatile, intelligent


June has 4 different stones to choose from. I chose to use Moonstone. (Even though Pearl is definitely my favorite among gems)


So, this is the first time ever ever. That I have recorded something and went with the first recording. 
Like I didn't even make a second recording. 
Also, Please excuse the sunburn... I like outside... I really need more sunscreen in my life apparently. 

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


The toy that you most treasured.


A kiss


Travel Altar 

I've seen so many versions of these (and also there is one included in the magic mail this month!)
Basically get yourself a Tin or small wooden box at a size that you can easily tote. I've found empty gift card tins at a local craft shop already decorated, or even an Altoids tin, the local Dollar Tree here also has small metal tins with puzzles inside. Any of these will work.

This is even a good idea if you have kids and they want to have their own altar in their room but space is small. :D
Birthday candles are a good size and pony beads will hold them. You can use a small tea light candle as well. 
A little salt, a favorite stone, a quartz point, small shell. 
Think items that represent -fire, air, water, earth, spirit.

Assuming that you are going to watch my video you can use the items in it for your traveling altar or 
Here are some links to ideas as well. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Of the Birthday May 25-May 31



Sandy-beige, gray, yellowish
Tiny grains cemented into a tube 
Easily obtained
US, Sahara, Gobi Desert

Fulgarite is formed when lightening hits sand--an event that tightly focuses an enormous amount of energy into a tiny space. Despite its delicacy, Fulgarite has traditionally been a powerful shamanic soul tool, as this stone holds high-frequency energy from the strike. 

Gaia Stone

Deep Green
Transparent, obsidian-like clear crystal
Easily Obtained
Artificially manufactured from volcanic ash from Mount St Helens, US

Gaia Stone is also known as the Goddess Stone as it brings about a profound connection to the divine feminine within women and men. Spiritually, having been born out of fire, the stone shows the value in the spiritual purification and transmutation that occurs through psychological catharsis and alchemical processes within the body or the earth. 


Dark and Light Apple Green
Opaque, mottled and veined
Rare but increasingly available especially as jewelry
Canada and Australia

Gaspeite is one of the stones lending strength during the evolution of the earth and to all those upon it. Spiritually, it fortifies the soul and grounds spiritual energy into the body assuring that, if you need help, you only have to ask. 


Deeply ribbed opaque stone or 'stars'
Easily obtained
US, Germany, England, France, Canada

Meditating with Goethite feels like being suspended in a still, silent point of non-action and non-doing. With Goethite, you simply are


Grayish or Bluish-Green when raw (Deep blue-Green when polished), Violet
Dense, opaque stone with metallic glow

Greenlandite is a higher resonance of Aventurine. Forming part of the cape of the Bishop of Greenland, this stunning gemstone is 3.8 billion years old. With ancient energies encoded into its striations, it teaches how to care for the earth and live in harmony with nature. 


Blue, Lilac, Pink
Dense opaque or crystalline stone
Rare (heated amended stones are available
Greenland, Canada, Russia, Australia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Pakistan

A higher resonance of Sodalite, Hackmanite has an extremely fine vibration while remaining connected to the earth. Activating a cosmic anchor and protecting the biomagnetic sheath, it opens an in-body expansion into the infinity of being and integrates the lightbody. 


White, Pink, Blue
Fragile, crusty transparent small or large cubic crystals
Easily obtained
US, France, Germany, North Africa

Efficient for purification, Halite stimulates spiritual discernment and multi-dimensional evolution. 


Red Poppy

Parts Used: Petals
Collection: The petals should be collected on a dry morning after the dew has dried in the months of July and August. Dry carefully

This beautiful wayside herb does not have the potent activity of its relative, the Opium Poppy. It may be used to soothe irritable coughs and in cases of respiratory catarrh. The petals are often added to herbal teas and potpourris to add color.

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried petals and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Red Sage

Parts Used: leaves
Collection: The leaves should be gathered shortly before or just at the beginning of flowering in dry, sunny weather in May or June. Dry in the shade or not above 95 degree F. 

Red Sage us the classic remedy for inflammations of the mouth throat, and tonsils, its volatile oils soothing the mucous membranes. It may be used internally and as a mouthwash for inflamed and bleeding fums, inflamed tongue, or generalized mouth inflammation. It is an excellent remedy in mouth ulcers. As a gargle, it will aid in the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and quinsy. It is a valuable carminative used in dyspepsia. It reduces sweating when taken internally and may be used to reduce the production of breast milk. As a compress, it promotes the healing of wounds. Red Sage stimulates the muscles of the uterus and so should be avoided during pregnancy.


Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the leaves and let infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Mouthwash: put 2 teaspoonfuls of the leaves in 1 pint of water, bring to boil, and let stand, covered, for 15 minutes. Gargle deeply with the hot tea for 5-10 minutes several times a day. 

Rhatany AKA Krameria

Parts used: Root
Collection: The root of this herb is collected in Peru

Rhatany is a powerful astringent that was retained in the official pharmacopoeia until recently. It may be used wherever an astringent is indicated--for example, in diarrhea, hemorrhoids,, hemorrhages, or as a styptic. Rhatany is often found in herbal toothpastes and powders, as it is especially good for bleeding gums.It can be used as a snuff with Bloodroot to treat nasal polyps. 

Decoction: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Rhubarb Root

Parts Used: Rhizome of Rheum Palmatum and other species not the garden rhubarb. 
Collection: This root is collected in China and Turkey.

Rhubarb Root has a purgative action for use in the treatment of constipation, but also has an astringent effect following this. It therefore has a truly cleansing action upon the gut, removing debris and then astringing with antiseptic properties as well. 

Note: Rhubarb Root may color the urine yellow or red. 

Decoction: put 1/2-1 teaspoonful of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10 minutes. This should be drunk morning and evening. 

Rose Hips

Parts Used: The fruit (hips) and seeds of the Dog Rose. 
Collection: the hips are collected in the fall

Rose Hips provide one of the best natural and freely available sources of vitamin C. They may be used wherever this vitamin is required. They will help the body's defenses against infections and especially the development of colds. They make an excellent spring tonic and aid in general debility and exhaustion. They will help in cases of constipation and mild gallbladder problems as well as conditions of the kidney and bladder. 

The decoction and syrup may be taken quite freely.

Decoction: put 2 1/2 teaspoonfuls of the cut hips in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10 minutes. 


Parts Used: Leaves and twigs. 
Collection: The leaves may be gathered throughout the summer but are at their best during flowering time. 

Rosemary acts as a circulatory and nervine stimulant, which in addition to the toning and calming effect on digestion, makes it a remedy that is used where psychological tension is present. This may show for instance as flatulent dyspepsia, headache, or depression associated with debility. Externally, it may be used to ease muscular pain, sciatica, and neuralgia. It acts as a stimulant to the hair follicles and may be used in premature baldness. The oil is most effective here. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse in a covered container for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Dried aerial parts
Collection: The herb should be collected before the flowers open in the summer and dried in the shade.

Rue is an herb with an ancient history. The genus name Ruta comes from the Greek word reuo, to set free, showing its reputation as a freer from disease. Its main use is the regulation of menstrual periods, where it is used to bring on suppressed menses. The oil of Rue is a powerful abortifacient; therefore, the plant is best avoided during pregnancy. The other area of usage is due to the plant's antispasmodic action. It may be used to relax smooth muscles, especially in the digestive system, where it will ease griping and bowel tension. The easing of spasm gives it a role in the stopping of spasmodic coughs. It also increases peripheral circulation and lowers elevated blood pressure. If the fresh leaf is chewed, it will relieve tension headaches, ease palpitations, and other anxiety problems. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 



Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Mercury, the messenger
Symbol: The Twins
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable colors: Orange, yellow, white
Key phrase: Variety is the spice of life.
Love Matches: Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius

May 25

"I am free to move on, unless I decide not to."

The birthday of the caring soldier

Your greatest challenge is opening up to others about your feelings
On the Dark Side: Unforgiving, cold, repressed
At Your Best: Honorable, caring, bold

May 26

"I am willing to discover opportunities for me to change."

The birthday of the solicitous adventurer

Your greatest challenge is conforming to your own high standards
On the Dark Side: Hypocritical, rebellious, escapist
At Your Best: Concerned, warm-hearted, decent

May 27

"Today, I will replace old habits of judgement with new habits of flexibility."

The birthday of progressive action

Your greatest challenge is to avoid hastily judging and condemning others
On the Dark Side: Detached, obsessive, selfish
At Your Best: Steady, dedicated, elegant 

May 28 

"Today, I will remember to stop and ask my intuition before acting."

The birthday of rejuvenation.

Your greatest challenge is coping with boredom
On the Dark Side: Restless, impatient, hasty
At Your Best: Innovative, progressive, versatile

May 29

Happy Memorial Day!

"Everything that happens to me helps me learn and grow."

The birthday of the plate spinner

Your greatest challenge is knowing what you want to do.
On the Dark Side: Procrastinating, aggressive, frustrated
At Your Best: Vibrant, Generous, mediating. 

May 30

Happy Birthday Mike Richards

"I am powerful, balanced and here in the now."

The birthday of mercurial sparkle

Your greatest challenge is learning to focus your energies.
On the Dark Side: Irresponsible, flighty, nervous
At Your Best: Fast, gifted, expansive

May 31

Happy Birthday Rick Weaver

"I am a still center in an ever-changing world."

The birthday of clarity

Your greatest challenge is coping with rejection.
On the Dark Side: Compulsive, over-confident, restless
At Your Best: Confident, clear-sighted, capable
