Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Exploring Thoughts.. It is a Blog after all.

I have decided to blog today, not on birthdays or stones. Which are my favorite things, but types of witches.

Wha? There are more than one kind of witch

Well, yes little Jimmy there are.

There's a Celtic, White, Kitchen and Avalonian, and the list is simply endless. I'm sure you've heard of all the things that the term "Christian" represents: Catholics, Baptist, Pentecostal.  All those people who celebrate Christ's birth 2 seasons late. << Yea, I poked a bear. Put on your big girl panties and suck it up.

Witchcraft is no different. It's a blanket term.

So what has peeked my interest today?

Well you see, I went to the book store. I KNOW!! I was left unsupervised!

I found a new book!! What? You don't own them all?

I DON'T life goals, though. I need to make an electronic list of all the books I do own, so I don't end up with multiple copies (No real harm if I do, books are the gifts of my people!)

Today, I'm going to explore :  Murphy-Hiscock, Arin. The Green Witch

I like how its a "hard-to-find" title; I found it on accident. I have many books on greeness. This is actually my second title. I have a collection of herb books and mushrooms, etc.

So, What is a "Green" Witch

Urban Dictionary.
noun. A witch specializing in the earthen world. A green witch is typically female, practices solitary, and is a Pagan. Green witches know much about the identities, myths, care, etc of plant life and seek to preserve it. They attempt to connect with the earthen world with New Age methods such as meditating. They acknowledge magic and use it in tune with natural forces to accomplish a goalaka using witchcraft. These goals may include, but are not limited to: hearings, protections, blessings. Green witches are usually knowledgeable in herbal-ism.

Now to the book, 

"Historically, a green witch lived apart, using the energies of plants and trees around her to heal others. Those who needed her services traveled to see her. These days, a green witch is more likely to be living in the middle of a city or in the suburbs. She could work in any of a variety of fields, such as business, medicine, or teaching, or might even be a full-time mom."
I feel like this book is going to be insanely contradictory
Right in the beginning of the book "In essence, she lives the life of a green witch: she lives the green path"
Ok, you can not define something by using it as a definition. It's still early I'm gonna let that one slide. 
My opinion of a green witch, is: Some one who practices witch craft, who is mostly focused on "Earth" aka "green" magic. Women who are particularly interested in herbology, healing, teas, the practice of grounding toes in the dirt, washing negative energies away in a running spring. Green Witches are similar to Kitchen Witches who use herbs in their spell work and cooking, or Hedge Witches even. 
Oh look, page 20 "Similar paths"
Kitchen and Hedge are listed! 
Back to my opinions. It's a good read, full of learning, and a great reference. I have only read the introduction. I did just get it today. I have skimmed the rest of the book. It in many pages refer to the use of herbs, mortal and pedestal and other Earth based items used in witch craft. So, If you find yourself out and about and your more balanced in that quiet place in the park where the flowers are growing, you really like to make herb blends and tend to drink eucalyptus and lavender tea when your sick. You may just find yourself walking a Green Path.  

Engage with me moment. 

What types of witch catch your attention the most. 
Are you into 
What type of witch are you. What does that label mean to you as someone who practices it?
What else should I be looking at. 

I collect a lot of aspects of many types of witch, an "Eclectic" Witch so to speak. 

Leave your answers in my comments and I'll send you a virtual thank you cookie. 

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