Wednesday, September 29, 2021


     I guess, we all know, I dabble in damn near everything. Here's a lovely story for you. Oh & if you read palms, by all means feel free to add. Palms change & adapt every couple days. No divination is set in stone. I'm a trainer for the business I work at, I do classroom and on the job. A few months ago, I had the pleasure of training a little Asian woman. She was so fun & I hope she's still working with us. Her mother was a palm reader, and she picked up a few things when she was younger. Now as I said, this was months ago, several things in my life have since changed & I have had several major life changes good and bad. Some things may be different now. 

Another note, she only agreed to read, because she knew that I would not take it to heart. I read cards so, I know choices change things. 

The first thing she told me is that my lines meet the same way on both hands. In the way that they meet, means that I am extra stubborn, and I listen to no one. Next, she said that the markings on my life line say I walk alone with little to no support. My love line shows, that if I marry again it will also end with divorce. That I will have 3 children (I will definitely not if I can help it), and then some of my markings mean I act quickly with out thinking things through. After all of that, I had a little dot that has since faded, she told me that is a sign of fortune.

So, what do you think? Wanna have a gander at my hands?

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I'm terrible with zodiac symbols & birth charts, so lets talk about it.


Feel free to comment & discuss.

Recently I learned my Moon & Rising signs. needless to say I was a little at awe. 

My sun sign is Libra

My moon sign is Leo 

and my rising sign is Aquarius. 

Someone so very special to me has their sun sign in Aquarius. This discovery made me miss them. 

So here's what I've gathered in a quick research on the topic of zodiacs that I most likely won't retain-but please feel free to put in your 2 cents on the matter. I'm extremely interested in learning more & hopefully some of it sticking. Also, by teaching me more, if you could site your references as well. I like to collect books & read.  

Women's Business Daily had an article called "What Is My Sun, Moon, and Rising sign?"

In it was an explanation on how to determine your signs. In that article it states, "Think of it as the energies that you put into the world. Whereas the sun sign represents your core self, the moon sign represents your inner self, and the rising sign is all about how you present yourself." They article also quotes Cafe Astrology saying, "The ascendant (or rising) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others" 

With all that, I have gathered my core air sign Libra seeks balance and is obsessed with symmetry. We strive to create equilibrium in all areas of life.

 While my inner fire self, Leo is fiery and passionate about my feelings I'm highly creative and at home in the arts. (I dunno about all that, I am a crafting dabbler.) 

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Woolfolk says that having a moon in Leo can modify your sun sun in 2 ways : the bright side: You are more exuberant, creative, broad-minded, colorful, and fun loving; the dark side: you are self-indulgent, self-centered, conceited, overbearing, and bullying. YIKES!

My mask would be another air sign, Aquarius. Meaning I make surprise moves and choices, often to the shock of others. I'm easy to be friends with, but can quickly transform into a loner.  

How about you, where do you fit in the zodiac?

Monday, September 6, 2021

A recent mouse found, but not caught

 has me thinking of a movie I watched as a child. One where members of the fae community helped the flowers bloom and road mice like horses. 

In all this adorable nostalgia, I remember, I have a book on Fairies. 

The Fairy Bible, which you can find here

Generally, I customize my link colors and fuss over color matching, I'm not going to fuss any longer. its too much to keep up with, and no one cares enough to read these blogs anyway. 

A new Fae, I have met in The Fairy Bible, is known as The Gwargedd Annwn, (pronounced Grageth Anoon).

If you hadn't already guessed, its a sprite from Whales, specifically a water sprite. Typically, a blonde, female, irresistible to men, but devoted if you deserve it. 

They live beneath lakes and rivers. Commonly known, as Lake Maidens; The Lady of the Lake in Avalon is a Gwargedd Annwn. 

Not only can you read about them in The Fairy Bible, but there's also a story of one in John Rhys Celtic Folklore

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Thinking about a new line of blog posts

 I have so many books, I've got divorced, and I've rearranged books, and lost bookmarks for past blogs.

I am currently considering .... poisonous plants, a garden. 

maybe coming soon to a blog near you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Hi welcome to my rant...quit calling me negative

At somepoint the words people throw at you are...annoying. So, color me annoyed.

I'm not hurt. I'm not angry, I'm just fucking annoyed.

I can only speak for my experiance

Define witchcraft....

Here it is. . . from someone who practices when they see fit.

Witchcraft is a natures religion, which celebrates and revolves around all aspects of life including death. Just like all religions, there are extremists who are just down right fucking evil assholes. I'm not one of them.

Let me break this down for you. If I need a maple branch for some spell I'm working on... I normally try to find one that has fallen of its own accord so i don't have to damage a live plant. Witches, when having to take a live branch generally leave a thank you or an offering...not of a virgin or a first born child ... fucking idiots... usually a lock of their own hair, or some herb medley that they grew and harvested..

Think of spellwork an ornamental prayer... fire and lightening doesn't spark from our wands... leave that shit with disney. Our wands or staff or any other tool we use is simply representation of a direction at which we choose our prayer to go or an amplifier so its a little louder than all the others.

Love spells aren't about making some poor unsuspecting soul love you that would otherwise think your barely tolerable...they're about asking the universe to help you find the love you're looking for.

The herbs we grow or offer nature ... compare them to the insence Catholics burn at mass. Its meant to cleanse the area and effect the mood, to keep out intentions that would go against prayer.. or in witch's cases spells.

The Jews, Catholics, and baptists all for as long as I can remember burn candles to send love or wishes for one reason or another.... witches do the same. Light a single large candle with 2 smaller ones ... to join in marriage, light a small white candle at mass in thought of a loved one whose passed or ill, do it in a church and no one bats an eye. Do it at home while casting a spell FOR THE SAME REASONS and you're an evil witch....

Witches drink tea to heal a sore throat or cough, they use witch hazel to ease skin irriatations, onions to pull out bacteria in the air... they're healers.

And that pentacle that you just love to hate on.... is a symbol of protection... lest you forget ... they're on Sheriffs badges and cars, most military vehicles, and I've recently spoted them in the breaklights of school buses.

I can only speak for myself here .... but you drink blood and eat flesh.....(yes I'm aware its wine ...grape juice... and stale bread wafers)

The difference between a witch and a christian isnt' that we're evil heathens or we're negative or synical. . It's that we struggle to believe in a book that has been translated by man, and is incomplete. They still have yet to find all the manuscripts that actually belong in the bible. There are around 20 years of Jesus's life missing.

On top of all of  that there are several places that are misinturpreted or contradictory.

Do not judge lest ye be judged....
Thou shall not kill.....
Thou shall not suffer a witch to live..... what does that mean...

So...I'm not supposed to judge anyone
and I'm not supposed to kill anyone buuuutttt.. ya want me to judge that someone is a witch and kill em????

Jesus hung with whores, gamblers, lepers... but i don't recall ever reading that he went to church...Jesus taught in the streets....

Listen here too.... before you decide to get all high and mighty thinking I dunno what I'm talking about. It took me a long time to leave the broom closet, I as never quietly there. I have never been a sheep and followed the masses... I carried the bible to school and  read the scripture, even then they were bitching about god being out of  schools.  I paid attention with my dad, his friend Ronnie, and my grandfather practiced their Hell, Fire, and Brimstone revival sermons. and way back then I was teased for it... called goody two shoes... mocked even in youth studies on Sunday nights with these called christians.

I carried my spell a day almanac an was mocked for that too... no matter what you belive you're going to catch shit for it.

But no religion is positive or negative. It is what you make of it, and my religion of Witchcraft IS NOT FUCKING EVIL OR NEGATIVE IN ANY FUCKING WAY.

And here is where I close my rant. I have this customer, a very kind man, a Protestant preacher. He brings me Moroccan coins with pentacle adornments so I can make jewelry from them. He performed a marriage for an atheist and  catholic, an he always letting me know if the antique store he works at has cast iron cauldrons.

I asked him once why he didn't look down on wicthcraft and other heathen religions the way most do and this in a nutshell is what he said to me.

I have faith that my path, is the one and only path. However, I am only human, and should I be wrong, I want to show kindness to those who may be right. So that when the time comes, if I am wrong, those people will show me kindness in return.

Moral of my story here and my rant. Stop telling me my religion is negative or evil, especially if you are uneducated and know nothing of it. I AM NOT LESS THAN.

Quit being stupid and ignorant and learn something new.

Give a witch a hug today! Trust me we need one.