Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mind Body Spirit- Encounters

Yes! like Ghosts!!!

Mind Body Spirit- Craft of Mediums

Or smalls or larges no one is judging here!

Mind Body Spirit-Spirits

No, Not like ghosts- like you- past lives, out of body, near death, your guardian angel, spirit animal...those spirits.

Mind Body Spirit- Casting Spells

I just want to take a minute here to say this. There is no right or wrong way to cast a spell. Magic is something that comes from within. These are simple guidelines, they are not iron clad rules. Go with you intuition when working.

Mind Body Spirit- Nature Magic

Mind Body Spirit- Charms

Mind Body Spirit- Using Crystals

I've recently purchased the Crystal Bible by Judy Hall so this is definitely a topic you'll see popping up more. Along with herbs and magic, runes, tarot cards. Okay, so, I dabble in damn near everything. Knowledge is power. I want to be in the know. I want to talk of things that are mysterious and wonderful and magical. I want to understand people who are specifically tuned to one thing. With understanding comes knowledge. So, I dabble; I study; I learn.

Mind Body Spirit- Palm Reading

This is something I have a book and a "gift set" for. I'd love to sit down and study it and learn. That gypsy in the local fair ground tent. I'd love to do that!