Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mushrooms- you can cautiously eat this one!

Latin Name: Agaricus Abruptibulbus Peck

Common Name: Abruptly-bulbous Agaricus
Width of Cap: 2-6 inches
Cap: Convex to broadly convex, becoming flattened; white to creamy white or tinged yellowish with age, staining reddish when waterlogged; surface smooth to silky-fibrillose, or slightly scaly with age, bruising yellow; margin sometimes ragged with remnants of the partial veil
Flesh: White, fragile, with a pleasant odor of anise or almond, taste mild. 
Gills: Free from the stalk, crowded; whitish to grayish pink when young, becoming pinkish brown then chocolate brown as the spores mature
Stalk: Slender, nearly equal with an abrupt bulb at the base; white bruising yellow; partial veil leaving a whitish skirt-like ring on the upper stalk
Spore Print: Chocolate-brown
Occurrence: Solitary or gregarious on the ground in woods, woodland margins, grassy groves, parklands, and landscaped areas; saprobic; summer-fall; common
Edibility: Edible and good with caution

Of the Birthday- September 20th

It's been a while since I've done an educational thing. SOOO I thought what the fuck why not now...



White, red, and black
Flecked Opaque stone
Greenland, Alaska

Spiritually this stone teaches how to 'breathe and be,' experiencing at one and the same time a physical connection with the earth and a spiritual connection with the infinity of being. 


Siberian Ginseng

Parts Used: The root of a N.E. Asian shrub

This herb may be safely be used to increase stamina in the face of undue demands and stress. These may be physical or mental. It is used for debility, exhaustion, and depression, except where these are due to a specific medical reason. 

This herb is usually available as a tablet or powder, the dosage of which should be 0.2-1 gram 3 times a day. 


Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury, the communicator
Symbol: The Virgin
Tarot Card: The Hermit (inner strength)
Number: 5
Favorable Colors: Yellow, Green, Brown
Key Phrase: Busy is better than bored. 

September 20

"As long as I learn from my setbacks I cannot fail"

The birthday of the charming controller. 

Your greatest challenge is learning to look before you leap
On the Dark Side: Condescending, controlling, superficial
At your best: Organized, practical, intelligent. 


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


    So, I like to spend a lot of my time staring at the sky. Which is crazy, because with my work schedule I'm usually in bed before it's dark, and when I drive to work in the dark morning its foggy and the street lights steal the stars from my vision.

   I still have a very wondrous, dream state reaction to the back lit canopy with holes punched in it.This little blog will cover some of my favorite constellations, the pictures for references I've randomly stolen from the google. I may continue to do this through out the blog and cover several, but for now- start with some favorites.


     Orion is the hunter. I always see him as a man in traditional Greek combat attire. Breast plate, leather Pteruge, bow in one hand pulling an arrow with the other. Many depictions however, show him with a lion in one hand and a club in the other. That's the beauty of it, the shape is what you see.     
    Most of the world can see this constellation. The Greeks saw demigod Orion, powerful hunter that goddesses fought over. Egyptians saw Osiris, the God of Light. People of Brazil known as Bororo saw the constellation as a caiman, and the Maori of New Zealand, saw a canoe. 



    The Scales, Balance, the stars of my birth! We are all made of stardust you know. This was the last sign added to the Zodiac. In ancient times, the autumnal equinox occurred when  the Sun crossed the celestial equator in Libra. The scale represented equalizing of day and night. This has now moved to the constellation of Virgo.
   Libra is also associated with justice, and the scale sometimes shown in the hand of Goddess Astrea, who weighs right and wrong and is tattooed on my right ribcage. 

Ursa Minor & Ursa Major

Little Bear and Great Bear

   These are also commonly known as the Little and big dipper, although you will see that the big dipper is actually only part of the Ursa Major constellation. The story with these two is fun. 
Ursa Major

   Zeus fell in love with Callisto, a beautiful mortal. Hera furious transformed her into a bear. retaining her human sensibility, Callisto wandered the forest in terror of other animals until Zeus placed her in the stars. 
   The Native Americans saw this constellation as a great bear chased by 3 hunters. 

Ursa Minor 

   Zeus's desire for the beautiful Callisto resulted in a son Arcas. While roaming the forest as a bear Callisto saw her son out hunting and rose to embrace him. Seeing only an attacking bear, Arcas thrust at her with his spear. Zeus noticing the encounter, intervened at the last instant, placing both mother and son in the stars as bears. 


September 2018 Magick Mail/ Inked Goddess Creations Box

Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 2018 Magick Mail BOOXXX

Seriously am I the only one that wants to sing?

Here's the mail
it never fails
it makes me want to wag my tail
when it comes I wanna wail



I know you're not here to see me.
here's the video.....

Thursday, July 5, 2018

JULY 2018 Hedgewitch is HERE!!!

You'll be super jelly if you missed it. . . its one of my FAVES!!... ok ok so their all my faves. I can't help it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June Magick Mail 2018

This Girl Loves Trinkets

So, while I await my magick mail video going up I need to tell you all about my new trinkets!!!!

Ok, they aren't trinkets they're more like books and cards!

Trinket #1 Book


This nifty little notebook!

You can order from the link above. It has a list of lunar eclipses  right in the cover. It teaches you the phases of the moon (if your reading this hopefully you already know those, but its nice to have references). The note pages are observation logs. In the back is a list of constellations (15) and a pull out of a simple astrolabe. 

Cool as fuck right!!!!

Trinket #2 Cards 

This deck is bomb! Seriously! It has 48 cards. 1 card has definitions & info on it (front and back) and the other 47 look like so: 

That's right check out all that witchy history! A love for sure right!

Trinket #3 Book

This line of books also has a few for specific states! I've been in love with tales of haunting spirits since middle school when the librarian, (Who shaved his legs and dressed like a woman when we got our test scores up! He was great!). Read us the Tale Tale lilac!. 

Trinket #4 Book

Another book of lore just a little more local. I find these books all over the place (I usually grab them from a local book store.) But, on a treat-full occasion they can be found at local state/national parks in your area. There's nothing more I love than hiking out and about and visiting a gift shop to help support my favorite local parks.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I don't remember buying this book...

but I'm glad I did.

While reading through some of my other books for my last blog, I found this neat little book. The Witch's Journal (currently out of stock there sorry.) (Don't buy it from amazon its listed as like $64.00 WTF rapist!)  This is a great review of the book :D

So, basically, I pulled all my books off the shelf and checked for the word hand-fasting in the index. Those are the books I kept off for the blog. Now, out of the 7 or so I used 2 for the blog. The reason for this is sometimes in the index it just shows the word hand-fasting is used on a page. For example, one book mentions hand-fasting in a small piece on Lammas. The two I chose to use had small pieces on hand-fasting. This book mentions it on a page about brooms which is what I'm about to share with you! :D I heart brooms.

Jumping the Broom:
This custom, originating from both Wales and Africa, is continued in Wiccan weddings (hand-fastings) today. Following the ceremony, the couple step over the broom to bless their fertility and their union. The broom is typically decorated with flowers and ribbons, and hung in a prominent place in the couple's home after the wedding.

Brooms and Protection:
According to folklore, a broom hung over or near a doorway with the bristles pointed up will protect the home from negative energy.

How to Make a Broom:
You can find decorative twig brooms in craft and home-decorating stores during the fall, but you can also make your own.

  1. Soak the bristle material in water overnight. let it dry for a few hours until it is supple but not waterlogged. 
  2. Arrange a layer of bristles around the base of the branch and tie tightly with twine
  3. Add another layer, building outward until the bristles reach the desired fullness and shape.
  4. Add a final layer, with 6 inches (15 cm) of bristle covering the broom handle. Wrap the twine securely around the top layer 3 inches (7.5 cm) from the base of the handle. Fold the bristles over the twine to hide it. Tie a length of twine tightly near the top of the bundle. Tie a second length about 2 inches (5 cm) down. 
  5. If you wish, decorate the handle or the top of the bristle bundle with crystals, paint, or carvings. 
Handle Woods: 
The broom handle can be made from a variety of sturdy branches. The following are the most common:
  • Birch
  • Hazel
  • Ash
  • Oak
Bristle Materials:
  • Straw
  • Wheat
  • Twigs, such as Willow
  • Lavender
  • Mugwort
  • Thyme

Hand-fastings. Something I haven't blogged on about before.

For those of you curious, the last royal wedding was a hand-fasting. (Did you see that gold ribbon around the hands of Will and Kate?

Hand-fasting is a timeless Celtic tradition. Something so lovely and real about ribbons for the pretty show; and rope to remind you that you now have another responsibility.

Grimiore for the Apprentice Wizard cite hand-fasting as marriage, for as long as the love shall last. And if they should someday decide to part, a ceremony of hand-parting will allow them to do so with honor and good will.

To Light a Sacred Flame lists that there are three types of hand-fastings.

  1. Ceremonial: A ceremony performed for a year and a day
  2. Legal: A legal ceremony performed for life under the rules and regulations of state law
  3. Spiritual: A ceremony performed for this lifetime and beyond. 
You will also find a step by step ceremony for a hand-fasting in To Light a Sacred Flame, along with this list of herbs for marriage: 
  • Aconite
  • Apple
  • Basil
  • Broom
  • Caraway
  • Coriander
  • Elderflower
  • Ginger
  • Holly
  • Ivy
  • Jasmine
  • Lavender
  • Lemon Verbena
  • Licorice
  • Lotus
  • Maple
  • marjoram
  • Mistletoe
  • Orchid
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Skullcap
  • Yarrow

If you're planning to tie your life to another's and you want a traditional ceremony, but you aren't by any means looking to do it in a church or a court house here is a list of officiants by state

I recommend a cat if your just feeling lonely and you have no partner or if your partner is an asshat.  

That is all! 


The Dogs are holding me hostage.

Athena, my baby beagle or the mountain cur or my favorite rescue mutt, has gotten herself into a frenzy over car rides recently. So much of a frenzy that she now chases all the way down our driveway and into the main highway to catch a ride. She never used to do this. It's a recent behavior. Great lengths have been taken to keep her out of traffic while I leave for work or errands that dogs can't tag a long with. Goddess forbid someone break my window, because the dog is closed inside. As recent dream has revealed I kill over my Jeep. I'd more than likely cause severe torture and then death over my dog. Back to great lengths, she now not only knows how to open the sliding glass door, but she can unlock the lock on the door, AND she can lift the bar that blocks it from sliding! Dogs are smart. It's been so muddy recently and so cold that I don't want her in the Jeep. I just spent the weekend cleaning the mud and rocks out of it. I'd like it to remain smelly nice for a little while. While you might think this behavior is a "she misses me behavior," its not. When I'm home, she tucks herself away in a hole and sleeps the day away so she can torment me and keep me up all night with the let the doggy out to bark at the darkness, let the doggy in to lay on your extremities til they are numb and you can't walk to let the doggy out dance. She's so mean to me. I'm not allowed to leave and I'm not allowed to sleep.

Much to my displeasure, I'm being held hostage.

So here's a picture of my dogs last car ride. I took her a mile down the road to the dollar store and bought her a bag of her favorite "beefys."

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Random Gifts of being sick- Oil Blends for Star Signs!

So, I was cleaning up my altar and reorganizing it and picked this little guy up and toted  him all over the house. I completely forgot how nice it is to have a squishy when you feel icky.

I had to get a little exercise in, So naturally, I went shopping. Found some new books and a deck of cards.... IKR like I needed more books and cards. . .

I've flipped through the Incense, Oils and Brew book, shuffled through the cards. and now I'm admiring all the perfectly photographed crystals in 101 Power Crystals (Ya'll its a Judy Hall book so you know its good.) 

Any way. I thought I'd do a little blog and give you some oil blends for your Star sign, because I'm "resting" so WTF else am I gonna do?

Don't forget diluting 

"As a general guideline, add 5 to 7 drops to 1/8 cup of base oil, such as jojoba. This dilutes the essential oil so that it won't irritate the skin, but you will still be able to smell it."

Instructions for these oils are "Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers"

In ABC order (cause its in the book that way)

Aquarius Oil

5 drops Lavender
1 drop Cypress
1 drop Patchouli

Aries Oil

3 drops Frankincense
1 drop Ginger
1 drop Black Pepper
1 drop Petitgrain

Cancer Oil

4 drops Palmarosa
1 drop Camomile
1 drop Yarrow

Capricorn Oil

3 drops Vetivert
2 drops Cypress
1 drop Patchouli

Gemini Oil

4 drops Lavender
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Lemongrass
1 drop Sweet Pea Bouquet

Leo Oil

3 drops Petitgrain
1 drop Orange
1 drop Lime

Libra Oil

4 drops Rose Geranium
2 drops Ylang-Ylang
2 drops Palmarosa

1 drop Rose absolute or otto
1 drop Cardamom

Pisces Oil

3 drops Ylang-Ylang
3 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Jasmine 

Sagittarius Oil

4 drops Rosemary
2 drops Oakmoss Bouquet
1 drop Clove

Scorpio Oil

3 drops Pine
2 drops Cardamom
1 drop Black Pepper

Taurus Oil

4 drops Oakmoss Bouquet
2 drops Cardamom
1 drop Ylang-Ylang

Virgo Oil

4 drops Oakmoss Bouquet
2 drops Patchouli
1 drop Cypres

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mushroom- One to eat, One not to eat.

Common Name: Veiled Oyster

Width of Cap: 1 1/2- 4 inches
Cap: Convex at first, becoming more or less flattened, margin inrolled, often ragged with partial veil remnants; White to cream or pale yellow; surface cottony to scaly in the center, especially evident in older specimens; flesh thick and tough, odor usually pleasant, somewhat anise-like or sour in older specimens
Gills: Decurrent, sub-distant to moderately close; white to cream or yellowish
Stalk: More or less equal or enlarged downward, central to eccentric, at times nearly lateral; whitish, velvety, with a thin cottony to membranous ring on the upper stalk that becomes inconspicuous or may disappear with age. 
Spore Print: White
Occurance: Solitary or in small clusters on logs, stumps, and trunks of broad-leaved trees, also on trunks of living trees; saprobic; summer-fall; occasional
Edibility: Edible

Common Name: Hornemann's Stropharia; Lacerated Stropharia

Width of Cap: 2-5 inches 
Cap: Convex to broadly bell-shaped, becoming flattened with age, often with a broad umbo; color variable from cinnamon-brown or reddish brown to dingy yellowish brown, often tinged violet, and olivaceous gray on the margin; surface smooth and viscid, with scattered whitish fragments of a partial veil at the margin, at least when young, flesh white to pale yellowish, odor and taste not distinctive.
Gills: Adnate, sometimes with slightly decurrent lines at the stalk apex, moderately close; whitish at first, becoming smoky purplish gray, but gill edges remaining white. 
Stalk: Equal; whitish, covered with dense cottony scales from the base upward to a persistent flaring membranous ring, smooth above the ring, base with white cord-like rhizomorphs.
Spore Print: Purple-brown
Occurance: Sometimes solitary but more often in groups on or around well-decayed logs and stumps of conifer wood, also reported to occur on wet mossy ground; saprobic; late summer-fall; uncommon
Edibility: Not Edible

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Herbs (of the day LOL)

I did three gemstones to finish up Jasper, I'm going to do 2 herbs to finish up this page in the book :D

Senna Pods

Parts Used: Dried Fruit Pods
Collection: The pods are gathered during the winter in Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, and India

Senna Pods are used as a powerful cathartic in treatment of constipation. It is vital to recognize, however, that the constipation is a result of something else and not the initial cause and that this has to be sought and dealt with.

Infusion: the dried pods should be steeped in warm water for 6-12 hours. If they are Alexandrian Senna Pods, use 3-6 in a cup of water; if they are Tinnevelly Senna, use 4-12 pods. These names are given to two different species when sold commercially.

Shepherd's Purse

Parts Used: aerial parts
Collection: The herb can be collected from February until October

This easily recognized plant may be used wherever a gentle diuretic is called for- for instance, in water retention due to kidney problems. As an astringent, it will prove effective in the treatment of diarrhea, wounds, nosebleeds, and other conditions. It has specific use in the stimulation of the menstrual process, while also being of use in the reduction of excess flow. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. If it is used for menstrual conditions, it should be drunk every 2-3 hours during and just before the period. Otherwise, drink it three times a day. 

Crystals (from what would have been an of the day post.. but clearly I suck)

I haven't done any educational blogs recently. I decided, like 3 minutes ago, to pull the old book off the shelf and just pick 3 I haven't done. I'm exhausted. 3 AM mornings suck. Therefore, that Crystal in alphabetical order pick is how its done :D

When it comes to photos of these things I grab a pic from google that closely resembles what I see in the book. This gives you an idea of what to look for :D and also so you don't get scammed buying. Some gemstones can be pricey but you shouldn't over pay for the ones that aren't. 

Ocean Orbicular Jasper 

Whorls, contour lines and bands of opaque stone, interspersed with druse
Rare, but easily obtained

A stone of renewal and strength connected to Atlantis and holding mystic knowledge within it, Ocean Jasper takes you back to reclaim wisdom when you meditate with it. 

Poppy Jasper

Mottled opaque stone with flower like markings
Easily obtained
California, US, China, South Africa

Joyful and potent, Poppy Jasper is named for its orbicular "flowers." A powerhouse that is gently stimulating or fiery as required, it is a strongly physical stone that resonates with the base chakra to bring you vitality and passion, grounding energy into the body and stimulating libido. Conversely, it calms an over-stimulated base chakra and disperses sexual frustration, soothing and over-active libido. 

Rainforest Jasper

Green and White
Mossy opaque stone
easily obtained
South America

Connecting to nature and to the earth, Rainforest Jasper unites the earth, base, and spleen chakras to create emotional stability. 

That finishes up the Jasper section of the Crystal Bible 2 

If you're really into gemstones and wanting to study all they can offer you, both Crystal Bibles by Judy Hall are highly recommended. That's how I ended up with them. I've seen them recommended at local gem shows, on multiple pagan groups. There are multiple images in the books for each stone but google is your friend when it comes to seeing multiple version of the same stone if it can't be found in her book.. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Ostara- is March 20, 2018

In case you missed the Wheel of the Year for this Witchy holiday you can find that here.

If you fill in with so many of us and you're broke but you want to celebrate so bad check out this blog with 10 great ways to connect with nature and celebrate Penniless Pagan- 10 Ostara Celebrations

During this time of year mother nature is waking, some days its nice and sunny with lovely blue skies, some days its dark and cloudy and raining, other days its dumping down that four letter "S" word.

Light a green candle to give thanks to the German Spring Goddess, Eostre. 

The Greek Goddess, Artemis is a great represented deity to work with. She represents the eternal Virgin, the untamed wild, huntress of the forests and night. Artemis is associated with Moon, fertility, and childbirth. (Any one else notice the bunnies & the spring flowers yet or is my garden waking early?) her symbol is the Waxing Crescent.

Ostara, also, is the height of spring, corresponding with dawn, and east. Animal totems you can use this time of year are rabbits, ducks, chickens, sheep, and goats.  You can observe this sabbat by honoring the spring babies- decorate your altar with them.

Spring colors are mint green, lavender, pink and butter yellow.

Decorate eggs with runes, ogham, or other different symbols and as they're found - do a divination reading! Rubber duckies in a kiddie pool with symbols on the bottom are just as fun!

Plant the start of your garden during this day to celebrate fertility, also. Cool weather plants- chives, onion, and lettuce.

Ostara is a good time to begin new things. To bless a new venture, write it down and place it on your cauldron. Leave it overnight. Then place it in a potted plant and forget it.

Quicken Your Spirit-

from a Spell- a- Day almanac of the past 
written by: Najah Lightfoot. 

You need:
  • salt
  • two cups warm water
  • yellow candle 
  • your favorite invigorating scent (pine, rosemary, eucalyptus)
  1. Take three pinches of salt add them to the water. 
  2. Anoint your candle with your scent.
  3. Light the candle
  4. Shed your clothes
  5. Use the saltwater to scrub your body as you stand before the flame
  6. Invoke the spirit of Spring: Anew am I. My flesh is alive and my spirit is quickened  Gone are the dark days. I am renewed and reborn! Blessed be spring!
  7. Allow your candle to burn out safewly
  8. anoint yourself with your refreshing scent. 

Poppet and Magic- get crafty.

The goddess poppet shown here I made using an Inked Goddess kit. The string poppet photographed has been seen every where this one is also from Inked Goddess. However, I have one I found in a ghost tour shop in Gettysburg, PA (it was a gypsy); one I found in the Frist Art Museum in Nashville, TN (a flying witch!). I've also seen them in stores like Hot Topic, and A.C. Moore.  

So, every now and then in my studies I come across Poppets, Voodoo Dolls, and the like.

There's a great article about Poppet Magic at Earth Witchery- Poppets

Now, what I know about poppets:

They come in various forms and have been used for ages. They are not just for Voodoo and not all Voodoo Dolls and Poppets are evil.

Some forms you may have seen other than the two pictured here are corn husk dolls, wax and herb, sticks or old fashion cloths pins wrapped in twine, yarn poppets, burlap.

Poppets are anything you can imagine, created to resemble a person or god/dess.

They are created for but not limited to - creativity, prosperity, love, banishing, protection, healing, connecting your energy to the deity represented in the poppet shape (like the goddess above), and of course what they are mostly known for thanks to Media- revenge and what ever happens to the poppet happens to the person its connected to.

Poppets are connected to a person by a personal item embedded into it when its made or attached to it- a business card, photo, hair, nail clippings, paper with their hand writing. I've even made one with a favorite piece of broken jewelry. 

Now, depending on your purpose you can use different colors of cloth and string.- (I have a blog somewhere around here on colors for reference).
 If you aren't really crafty with shaping a person you can always use a gingerbread man cookie cutter to help you 😉
You can draw symbols on your doll, or stitch them if you're really crafty.
You also want a filling for your doll, some herbs that are connected to your purpose, a gemstone, regular old stuffing.

and remember everything  you put out comes back to you times 3.
As you will it, so mote it be!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Magic Mail of February 2018

Dude, I'm tired, this light sucks, I'm working on it. OK no I'm not working on it. Here's a Magick Mail Box video

This spray sniffs so good.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Valentine's OOOO kissy kissy

OK OK So, I've avoided the "of the day posts", they are just overwhelming. Things I love, I tend to hate when I feel obligated to do them. Especially when they take me hours to do and it seems as though no one ever reads them. On to this post:

I bought a grab bag from Inked Goddess at the end of last year during the Yule special edition sales.

In one of my bags was a book "White Spells for Love"
In somewhere around 20ish days is my least ok 2nd least favorite holiday of the year. It's right up there with Christmas Ya'll. 

So I decided, for those of you who don't hate it the way I hate it. 

A treat from the book. 

Things to keep in you "Love Box" (refered to in the book as a pink spell box for love) 

  •  candle holders 
  • pink candles that hold color as they burn
  • ribbons of any color but make sure pink and red are dominant
  • lavender and rose oils
  • rose petals
  • apple seeds
  • rosemary leaves
  • lavender leaves
  • rose quarts and other crystals
  • a statue or image of your favorite love goddess
  • don't limit yourself to these items let your thoughts and feelings dictate what else you add to your Love Box that is relevant to your love needs
(Anyone who knows me knows there's a jeep in that pink box, and also pink makes me want to puke.)

Side note Star signs have their own candle color. 

Aries & Pisces- White
Taurus, Gemini, Leo, & Capricorn- Red
Virgo & Libra - Black (this matches my soul so it's suiting that I'm Libra)
Scorpio- Brown
Sagittarius- Gold
Aquarius- Blue

When you have your "Love Box" ready (OK, I keep thinking of vagina, I dislike this "Love Box" term) 

Keep it in a special place and don't share its contents with anyone. This box is something private between you and the universe. 

(Um, excuse me teacher, if the universe knows... it's totally fake news on CNN right now and everyone knows)

Sometimes, it's preferable that you don't tell anyone about it. 

The new moon is a good time for all types of love spells -as the moon grows full so does your love and relationship needs. 

I'm done with magic 101 lets check out the spells....

The Self-Love Pouch Spell

 ... and I'm back to gutter brain.... 

Now that you have your affirmation, (I skipped that spell it didn't look fun, it looked magic 101 blocking out the negative, I WANT FUN BOOK LADY!) 
You are going to put together a pouch that you can carry with your or hang around your neck. It doesn't matter what material you use as long as the color is vomit...oops ... Pink

In addition to the pink ouch you will need 
  • 1 rose quartz
  • small piece of blue paper with "I love your name" on it
  • wooden shavings from a sharpened pencil -NO LEAD
  • 1 cooking clove
  • 2-3 drops of rose essential oil
  • 1 small twig full of rosemary leaves
once you've gathered all of the above, place each item separately into the pouch. As you put each item in the pouch, visualize self-love (hahahahaha) and loving yourself for who you are. Send out to the universe your thoughts of love for yourself, and at the same time you will be energizing your pouch. Once finished, wear it or have it with you at all times and at night place it under your pillow.

To Go Tips

Sexy: Stitch a red bow in the back of your undergarments to attract those who see past your clothes.

Crystal Power: Carry or wear a rose quarts to attract love within

Dreams of Love: Burn sandalwood at night and you will have prophetic love dreams of the partner you wish to meet.

Star Bright: Keep a star anise seed with you at all times to bring you the luck you need to find the love of your life.

Find romantic Love spell

Pick up the phone and call me

By now, you may have already found someone  you want to spend time with. But that love interest may not be calling you as often as you'd like to make a date so romantic love can occur. 

You will need: 
  • pink ribbon  (ugh again with the pink) 
  • rose quartz
  • tiger eye
  • glass of water, if you live by the ocean use sea water
  • teaspoon of rock salt
  • small piece of paper
Add the rock salt to the glass of water and submerge both of the crystals in this water. Take the glass out to your backyard and leave it out there for three days and three nights under the stars (sounds salty) 

Once you've done this, take the crystals out of the water and rub your hands together until they feel hot and tingly. Then take both crystals into your hands and hold them there, thinking intently of the person you wish would call you. Say out loud "Remember to call me you will, and other things I wish you to do to get to know me."
Write the persons name on the piece of paper, and then wrap the crystals together with the paper and use the ribbons to keep it all in place. Once you've done this, take your little crystal bundle out on a full-moon night and leave it out overnight on the grass. Next, place the bundle by the phone to receive your very important call. 

Relationship Spell

You don't listen to me

Sometimes you probably feel that your partner is just not listening to you, that the things you say go in one ear and out the other. This lack of communication can cause frustrations, disappointment, and needless arguments
  • You will need: 1 small bunch of fresh rosemary leaves
  • 5 lemon seeds
  • 2 cooking cloves
  • 4 coffee beans
  • 1 yellow candle
  • a small piece of paper you can write on
On a full-moon night, crush together with a mortar and pestle the lemon seeds, cloves, and coffee beans. Once you've done this, write on the small piece of paper your partner's name and the wish you have that he or she will listen to you more closely. Next, embed the yellow candle with the aromatic mixture you've created; as you do this, visualize your wish to be listened to. Place the piece of paper under the candle, light the candle, and let it burn all through in a place safe from wind. 

That's all I can't take any more pink and any more love. There's loads more in this cute little book.  As I stated before its called "White Spells for Love" written by Ileana Abrev (link is above in the mention)

She has other books also. I don't have any so I don't know them offhand, but it is mentioned in this book that she has other writings. 

Now "go love yourself" LMAO 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Jan 2018 Magic Mail!!

So, If you didn't notice I'm quiet and I am not so bouncy. I'm tired, and my voice is going hoarse from a mad allergy/sinus infection (I'm allergic to pine & a lot of Christmas crap that was just every where last month) LOVE this box of smells (the smells are good as in my nose is clogged up and I"m still smellin the smells!