Barbara Wynn Malatesta
The Celts were an expansionary, clannish, and soulful group of warriors, storytellers,
and artists who dominated the regions of Central and Western Europe for about 1000 years.
They left behind a richly textured, complex legacy and heritage that is reflected in
their evocative, mysterious, and imaginative artifacts. The artwork of the Celtic people
evolved from primitive spiral, step, and key patterns (Bronze Age, to intricately laced
plait work patterns and unbroken knots (Christian Period) (see "Celtic Art" by J.R. Allen).
While many of the Celtic clans were independent groups loosely connected to one another,
they all shared a common religion based on nature, which was passed on through the oral
tradition. Much of the meaning ascribed to Celtic artwork, particularly the intricately
woven knot and circular patterns found in manuscripts, artifacts, and stone carvings,
derives from their deeply held spiritual beliefs and wisdom passed through the ages.
The Celts believed in the interconnection of all things, and they viewed existence as
a seamless weaving of the physical and supernatural realms. The Celts believed that
spiritual fulfillment could be found through death and rebirth, and this is the meaning
that has often been interpreted in the Celtic knot. While no reliable historical source
can tell us exactly what each knot pattern meant to the Celtic people, it is highly
likely that through artistic expression and representation, they communicated their
fiercely held convictions. The meaning of the Celtic knot can also be found in our rich
and profound connection to our Celtic ancestors. Their ancient rhythms, patterns,
and beliefs resonate within each of us, and connect with our souls to illuminate our
essential selves.
The meaning of the Celtic knot resides withing us. We are its living, breathing
representation. Much like the strands of the Celtic knot, our ancestors continue
through us, echoing throughout generations --- a never ending thread of life.
Each piece of Innisfree Glass has been named after essential tenets of Celtic belief and wisdom.
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