Monday, October 24, 2016


Chirognomy is the study of the size, shape and appearance of the hand, including analysis of the color, texture and resiliency of the skin. A good place to start the study of Chirognomy is by getting to know the basic hand shapes. Assessment of the shape of the hand provides insight into the essential character of the individual.
Throughout history palmists have developed various systems of categorization for hand types. One popular system classifies the hand into 7 types: Elementary, Square, Spatulate, Philosophic, Conic, Psychic and Mixed. In traditional Chinese Palmistry there are 5 hand types that correspond to the 5 elements of Water, Fire, Wood, Earth and Metal.
The simplest type of classification reflects the 4 elemental categories used in western astrology: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
The elemental type is defined by the shape of the palm in relation to the length of the fingers. Is the palm square or oblong? Are the fingers short or long?
Square palm + short fingers = Earth Hand
Square palm + long fingers = Air Hand
Oblong palm + short fingers = Fire Hand
Oblong palm + long fingers = Water hand
 Earth Hand
The Earth hand is square and solid. The fingers are short and the palm exhibits few lines. Those that do appear are strong and well defined. Subjects with Earth hands tend to be level-headed, no-nonsense people. Physical experience may be more important than intellectual pursuits. Practical in nature, the Earth type may be conservative and probably prefers spending time outdoors. It has been my experience that the Earth type is the least likely to seek out a palmist for a reading.
Astrologically, the Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
 Air Hand
The Air hand has long fingers and tends to have an abundance of clear lines in the palm. Air types spend their time in the intellecual realms. They are curious and full of ideas. They thrive on nervous energy and may be prone to worry and stress. Air types are communicators and are often good at working with the public. However they may tend to intellectualize their feelings and can have difficulty with close, personal relationships.
Astrologically, the Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
 Fire Hand
A hand with an elongated palm and short fingers fits into the Fire classification. The lines in the palm are usually strong and well-defined and the hand may have a busy or vibrant feel to it. Fire types are energetic and action oriented. They have a need for variety and may lack patience. Then tend to be individualistic and often make good leaders.
Astrologically the Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Water Hand
Water hands have many fine, spidery lines and both the palm and the fingers are long. The Water hand is found on the sensitive, emotional type of individual. Water types are caring, receptive and artistic. They are primarily motivated by feelings. They may have trouble coping with stress and are often happiest in a peaceful environment.
Astrologically the Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Palmistry is often thought of as the art of reading the lines in the hand. The lines tell only one part of the story that is etched into the hands. A skilled Palmist looks at palmar lines and ridges, the shape and length of each finger, the mounts and bumps on the hand as well as skin color, warts, cuts, blisters, scars and the subject's own unique calling card, the fingerprints.
Recognition of the shape of the palm and the correspondences given to the mounds and fingers provides a grounding in the study of the map of the hand. Once this mapping is understood, it becomes much simpler to learn to read the hand by viewing the lines, bumps, wounds and other unique markings as an 'overlay' on top of the map.
 Judging by the number of hands painted in prehistoric caves it would seem the human hand held a interest for humans since the stone age. Archaeological discoveries have discovered hands made of stone, wood and ivory by ancient civilizations. The emperor of china used his thumbprint when sealing documents in 3000 bc. Information on the laws and practice of hand reading have been found in vedic scripts, the bible and early Semitic writings. Aristotle (384-322 bc) discovered a treatise on palmistry on an alter to the god Hermes. The Greek physicians Hypocrites and Galen (ad 130-200) were both knowledgeable about the use of palmistry as a clinical aid. Julius Caesar (102-44bc) judged his men by palmistry.
The practice of palmistry was unfortunately forced underground by the catholic church who branded it devil worshiping. Anyone found to have an interest was quickly murdered. As the church started to lose its influence in society common sense prevailed. Notable people such as Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Fludd (1574-1637) brought respectability to palmistry through their writings. Later Dr Carl Carus, physician to the king of Saxony in the 19th century matched palms to personality. Advances in genetics, psychology and forensics have propelled palmistry into the modern age.
In 1901 Scotland yard adopted the technique of fingerprinting in criminal investigation and identification. Medical researchers studying skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), have discovered a correspondence between genetic abnormalities and unusual markings in the hand. Research has confirmed a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease. These days palmistry is well accepted throughout the world. Professional palmists can be found reading palms in every country in the world. Pick up almost any copy of a women's magazine and there is some information on palmistry. There are thousands of books written on the subject and there are palmistry clubs the world across.
 The study of the lines in the hands. This word is also often used to describe the entire study of palmistry. This section gives a basic overview of the three major lines found in the hand as well as commonly found vertical lines.
The lines in the hand can be divided into 3 groups: the major lines, the minor lines and the personal lines. There are 3 major lines to be found in the hand. These are the Life Line, the Heart Line and the Head Line. The minor lines run vertically in the hand and each is named for the finger under which it terminates. Everything else is considered a personal line. The personal lines may have names and fit into categories though there may be some lines that are quite unique to the individual. It is through practice and experience that the palmist can learn how to interpret these lines.
Though most hands will have the 3 majors and at least one or two of the minors, every hand is unique and many of these lines will be absent from a number of the hands you observe.
The lines in the hand change all during the life and reflect the changes in behavior, attitude, lifestyle and experience of the individual. Taking dated prints of the hands provides a record of what the hands reveal at a particular point in time. The optimum appearance of the lines is to be clean, deep, light red in color, and with no apparent breaks or other markings. Any deviation from this optimum tells of difficulties in the area of life represented by that particular line.
 Dermatoglyphics is the study of the skin ridges in our hands. The word is made up of two parts -- "derma" meaning skin and "glyphs" meaning carving. When we talk about Dermatoglyphs we are mainly concerned with the fingerprints, though on some hands there are glyphs to be found on the palm itself.
Your fingerprints are fully formed 16 weeks after conception, a full 5 months before you enter the world, and they will never change.
Each fingerprint is composed of between 50 and 100 lines. Though no 2 fingerprints are exactly alike, prints can be classified into one of 4 major types: the whorl, the loop, the arch and the tented arch. There are also 2 subtypes of the whorl. The peacock looks exactly as the name suggests, like the eye on a peacock tail feather. The composite resembles a yin/yang symbol, 2 loops swirling around each other.
In general, a preponderance of a particular type of fingerprint can tell you about the basic temperament of the subject. A formula for determining the karmic life purpose by mapping out the number and type of print along with which finger(s) it falls on was developed by Richard Unger of the International Institute of Hand Analysis in Sausalito, CA.
A common occurrence of a glyph on the palm may be found between the fingers. A loop between the Mercury and Apollo fingers is called the Loop of Humor. Having this loop indicates a subject with an optimistic outlook and a good sense of humor. A loop between Apollo and Saturn is called the Loop of Seriousness. People with this loop exhibit common sense and may feel a great sense of responsibility in their lives.
Less common is a loop between Saturn and Jupiter. Called the Rajah Loop, it was once thought that this marking indicated descent from royal lineage. One author has renamed this mark the Loop of Charisma. It can be viewed as a mark of executive ability.
 Colors on the hand
Pink: Healthy, Optimistic, Vital.
Red: Anger, Temper, Acute, Inflamed.
Yellow: Bitter, Malicious, Jaundice.
Brown: Depression, Unforgiving, Chronic.
Black: Proud, Haughty, Moody, Vengeful.
White: Lifeless, Apathetic, Unmotivated.
Blue: Cold, Self-destructive, Isolated.
Lines on the hand
More about the character and personality
Hand Division
Compare the size of your hands. One will be slightly larger than the other. The larger hand is your Active, or Dominant hand. The smaller is the Recessive, or Non-Dominant.
The Dominant hand gives detail about your present circumstances and the choices you have made. The Non-Dominant provides the background for the details of the Active hand.
The palms supply detail from the owner's perspective. The back of the hand relates to the views of others.
Specific Markings
Cuts on the hands show where the person has sustained minor psychological harm.
Broken Fingers
Broken bones indicate severe damage to the psychological aspect represented by the finger - ie. broken ego (index finger).
Blocks and Advancements
Any horizontal mark is considered a "block", while any vertical mark is considered an "advancement". Blocks are traits or events which in some way inhibit the person from achieving what they desire. Advancements are traits or events which propel the individual to further develop their personality.
Spots identify chronic and accute ailments within the body. Spots may be White, Red, Blue, Brown, or Black. The darker the marking, the more serious the affliction.
The position of the thumb shows us the subject's current strength of will. We look to see how far away from the rest of the hand the thumb is held, making special note of cases where it has fallen inside the hand, or is held rigid at a 90 degree angle.
Any time the thumb has fallen inside the hand, the individual's will has been broken. Their words and actions are not their own, but have been imposed upon them by another. At these times the subject must be handled gently, for they are likely to react to outside stimuli with anger or open hostility.
If you find your own thumb showing a broken will, review your recent thoughts and actions to see where you have "given up". These patterns in ourselves can be difficult to spot at first, because we are acting in exactly the "correct" way in which we have been programmed.
In cases where the thumb is spread to its maximum angle and held so firm that it quivers, the subject has completely lost control of their temper, and will strike out violently at anything they feel stands in their way. As long as the thumb holds this position, no amount of reason or negotiation will have any effect on them.
The flexibility of the 1st knuckle of the thumb reveals how adaptable a person is to new situations and environments. In some cases the thumb is so flexible that it bends back beyond a 90 degree angle. This extreme flexibility is most visible when holding a pen for writing.
The greater the flexibility of the knuckle, the more adaptable the person is. In cases where the thumb will bend far back on itself, the individual will quickly and easily adjust to any new environment in which they find themself. They will not stop to first consider whether the change is beneficial or harmful - their love of new experiences is stronger than their good judgement.
This class of person will quickly outperform their peers, regardless of the morality of their actions. For this reason, owners of extremely flexible thumbs must exercise caution in choosing their friends. If associated with a group of philanthropists, they will improve more lives than their peers. If with a group of voluptuaries, they will exceed all others in their debauch.
Some hand positions show a constructive mental outlook, while other positions reveal a destructive mental focus. The most destructive hand position is when the index finger alone is extended. Most often the finger is pointed at another person, and is "waved" or "shaken" at them.
The Index Finger represents the Ego. By extending only the one finger and waving it about, the subject is directing only self-centered, egotistical thought patterns and behavior.
If you find your own index finger being pointed and shaken at another, be aware that your current attitude is judgemental and egocentric. Become aware that what we dislike in others reflects patterns that we ourselves are guilty of.
 The simplest divisions of the hands are the areas called "Mounts".
The Mounts of the hands may be elevated, flat, or depressed. Elevated mounts show a physical, direct approach to the aspect represented by that mount. Depressed mounts denote a mental, or indirect approach to that aspect. Flat mounts show no real influence in the subject's life.
The Mount of Jupiter
Ambition, Ego, Drive for Power, Achievement, Leadership.
The Mount of Saturn
Serious, Intellectual, Somber, Moody, Scientific Investigation.
The Mount of Apollo
Brilliance, Creativity, Artistic, Beauty, Emotional Fulfillment.
The Mount of Mercury
Communications, Spirituality, Commerce.
The Mount of Venus
Passion, Lust, Desire, and other Raw Emotions.
The Mount of Mars Positive
Physical Courage, Martial Spirit, Aggression.
The Mount of Mars Negative
Mental Courage, Inner Strength, Resistance. The Mount of Luna
Imagination, Reproduction, Fear, Sexuality.
The pointer finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Jupiter.
The Jupiter finger can be looked upon as the trigger finger. It represents authority, leadership, motivation, confidence, pride, ambition, goals, power, boundaries, status, and ideals.
A high set Jupiter finger is an indication of a high need to feel respected. An overly large Jupiter finger shows that the subject likes to be in charge. A bent , twisted or short Jupiter finger often indicates problems with authority figures, self-esteem issues or struggles with personal power.
The middle finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Saturn.
In the hand the areas of Saturn measure completion, accountability and self-worth. It is here where the palmist looks for the subjects attitude towards responsibility and to see if he or she is doing what they are supposed to. Keywords include integrity, security, discipline, should, prudence, prudishness, duty, obligation, money, values, resources, environmentalism, pessimism, conformity and structure.
Because of the emphasis on security, employment and success in our culture the Saturn finger tends to carry its share of baggage and it is not uncommon for the finger to be twisted, overgrown or challenged in some other way.
The ring finger and the mound just below it are ruled by the Sun, commonly referred to as Apollo.
Apollo in the hand reveals the subject's feelings about expression of the self. Keywords include creativity, aesthetics, art, beauty, the persona, personal expression, niche, social skills, applause.
The size and shape of the lower zone of the Apollo finger shows whether the subject feels acceptance in the world. A star on the mound of Apollo is an indication of exceptional creative talents.
The little finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Mercury.
Such a small area of the hand reveals a lot about its owner. Keywords for Mercury are communications, ingenuity, negotiations, invention, intimacy, strategy, marketing, healer.
A long Mercury finger indicates that the subject is quick, sharp and clever though not necessarily a good communicator. A bent Mercury finger may imply issues regarding trust. A low set Mercury finger reveals fears about abandonment.
Mars rules 2 of the mounds on the hand. The upper mound of Mars is located just under the mound of Mercury. The lower mound of Mars is found inside the life line above the mound of Venus.
The upper mound of Mars deals with determination and resistance. It can represent both endurance and stubbornness. It is often considered to be passive Mars and tells of moral courage. If this mound is overdeveloped the subject may be daring and rash. If it is underdeveloped or negatively marked it may be an indication of a subject who succumbs to fear and apprehension.
The lower mound of Mars is more active and outgoing. Here can be found indications of ambition, physical courage, initiative and aggression. If this mound is overly large, the subject may be driven, aggressive and argumentative or he/she may like a good challenge. If hollow, it shows a person who lacks the ability to stand up for his or her self.
The mound that forms the ball at the base of the thumb is ruled by Venus.
The mound of Venus is an indicator of our ability to love as well as our capacity for playfulness. It indicates the strength and energy of our physical appetites, our zest for life. A normal mound of Venus suggests warmth and a balanced attitude toward the physical manifestations of love.
An excessively large mount of Venus is an indicator of someone who lets their desires run the show. Appetites and emotions may be exaggerated and this person can be crude and brutish. An underdeveloped mound of Venus implies insecurity or lack of zest for life. It is often accompanied by a life line that runs closely around the thumb.
The Moon
The mound on the lower, outer heel of the hand is ruled by the Moon.
The mound of the Moon in our hand is the area of receptivity, either positive or negative (stagnation). Keywords include intuition, imagination, moods, sensitivity, illusion, lunacy, escapism, addiction, psychic vision, the subconscious and spirituality.
The Main lines
 The Life Line
The Life Line begins at the edge of the hand between the thumb and forefinger and arcs downward around the thumb area. Contrary to popular belief, this line does not indicate length of life. It does identify vitality, robustness or weakness, enthusiasm for living and state of health. Irregularities show a weakening of this vitality.
The Head Line
The head line begins at or near the beginning of the Life Line and moves horizontally across the hand. It represents mental capacity, cognitive abilities and the intellectual style. The length of the line indicates amount of time spent in the realm of thoughts. A curvy Head Line is a sign of an intuitive thinker while the very straight line indicates a logical disposition. Abnormalities on this line show periods of mental stress and/or brain conditions.
The Heart Line
Also called the Mensal, the Heart Line begins under the little finger (Mercury) and moves across the upper palm. The Heart Line reveals the style of relating, the degree of sensitivity of an individual and the emotional history. If the Heart Line sits low in the hand, it is an indication that the heart rules the head. If the line is very straight it shows a person who intellectualizes the emotions. Abnormalities tell of emotional difficulties
The Simian Line
Some hands have only 1 line moving horizontally across the upper hand, a combination of the usual 2 lines representing head and heart. This marking is known as the Simian Line. With the Head and Heart lines running together, the emotional and mental functions do not operate separately. Those who possess this line exhibit intensity of temperament. The Simian Line gives the ability to focus on one thing, absolutely, to the exclusion of all else. These people generally achieve and accomplish far more than most, developing techniques and inventions that will last for generations. They also experience far more misfortune than most, usually due to the same intensity that drives them. A truly double-edged sword.
The Minor Lines
 The Line of Saturn
The Saturn Line begins just above the wrist and moves up the hand to the middle finger. It is commonly known as the Fate Line. This line represents the measure of personal success and the subject's attitude toward handling responsibility.
The Line of Apollo
Also called the Line of success or Line of the Sun. It appears under the finger of Apollo, the ring finger. The presence of the Line of Apollo indicates artistic talent. This line is often short, rising just above the Heart Line and may not appear on the hand at all.
The Line of Mercury
The Line of Mercury may sometimes be referred to as the Line of Health or the Line of Inner Dialogue. It may not appear on the hand but when it does it rises from the base of the hand and angles up to the Mound of Mercury under the little finger. When present this line will give information about the subject's nervous system. It is also an indication that the individual is seeking a path of self-improvement or spiritual growth.
The Line of Mars
Also called the Inner Life Line, the Line of Mars does not appear on all hands. When present, it adds strength to the Life Line, allowing the subject to overcome apparently insurmountable odds.
The Line of Fate
Sometimes called the "Career Line" or "Destiny Line", the Line of Fate reveals not only the major events and occupation of the individual, but also the strength of their belief in (or denial of) pre-destination and fate.
There are only four basic Dermatoglyphic patterns you need to be concerned with: The Whorl (or Swirl), the Arch, the Loop, and the Triradius. All other markings are merely combinations and variations of these four patterns.
Each person will have a Whorl, Arch, or Loop on each fingertip (the fingerprints), a Triradius on the Mount of Luna and beneath each finger, and most will also have two other Whorls or Loops elsewhere on the hand. Patterns can also be found on the second and third phalanges of each finger.
The Whorl
The Whorl can be a Spiral, a Bulls-eye, or a Double Loop. Whorls are points of intensification, and should be noted whenever they appear.
The Arch
This pattern can appear as a Flat Arch, or a Tented Arch. Pay special attention to any Arch which rises very high.
The Loop
Loops can rise towards the fingertips, or fall towards the wrist. The Common Loop moves towards the thumb, while the Radial Loop (Reverse Loop) moves towards the percussion side of the hand.
The Triradius
The Triradius (also called the "Delta")can be used to pinpoint the exact center of each mount. The Mounts can then be seen as Centered, Leaning, or Displaced.
The three types of Whorls are the Spiral, the Bulls-eye, and the Double Loop. The Spiral and Bulls-eye prints are quite similar in their interpretations, the latter giving slightly more focus. Anywhere on the hand the Whorls highlight and emphasize that particular region, making it an area of focus in the subject's life.
Common Loop
The most common type of fingerprint is the Common Loop. This print reveals the ability to draw on ideas from many sources, and blend them into a unique style.
The Loop reveals a natural "Follower". The desire to lead others is often present, but NOT the ability. Apply the meaning of the Loop to whatever region in which it is found.
Radial Loop
A looped print entering and leaving from the thumb side of the hand is called the Radial Loop (sometimes called the Reverse Loop, or Inventor's Loop). While the Common Loop shows the blending of other styles, the Radial Loop reveals the ability to create an entirely new style or system. These people have keen visual memories, able to recall not only images, but also the actions and emotions which accompanied these images. As with all other markings, the Radial Loop applies to whatever area or finger on which it is found.
The Double Loop is perhaps the most misunderstood of all Dermatoglyphic markings. In general, interpret the Double Loop as you would the other Whorls, with one major difference: Until the personality is developed there will be a strong tendency towards exaggeration, manipulation, and subversive actions in the area of life indicated. For example, a person with the Double Loop on both thumbs is likely in early life to use deceit to help assert their will over others. Owners of this print gravitate towards dramatic careers, and with daily effort can easily attain great renoun.
Whorls on the Fingerprints
Index Finger - "Gift of Perception". Individuals with this print are virtually impossible to deceive or lie to. As a result, they generally lead very unhappy childhoods. They see only too clearly the deceptions and facades put on by others, including their own parents.
Middle Finger - "Gift of Organization". Owners of this print will see categories and relationships which escape most others. They will categorize people and events as specific "types". They are very curious, and enjoy uncovering or investigating "secrets".
Ring Finger - "Gift of Discernment". This is the ability to spot flaws in any plan, design, concept, or person. A strong tendency towards perfectionism, especially in their own work. These are the people who cannot tolerate a picture hanging slightly crooked.
Baby Finger - "Gift of Communication". Although usually self-conscious and reserved, these subjects have the gift of eloquence with the written and spoken word. Natural orators, they have the ability to move and inspire others with the power of their voice. An interesting charateristic of this placement is the subject's spiritual views. They will NEVER follow the dogma of any religion, but have their own unique philosophy in which they are extremely confident.
Thumb Print - "Gift of Willpower". This print reveals a natural leader with a strong ability to command others. They will dominate any situation with their inherent mesmerizing ability. There is a strong tendency towards dictatorial or totalitarian views, especially with their children.
Radial Loop on the Fingerprints
Index Finger - Someone who will express their Ego in a unique way. This single print on the dominant hand reveals that self-employment is the only route to personal fulfillment.
Middle Finger - One who uses their mind in a way uniquely their own. These are the great inventors, and are highly creative, also having the ability to control their own autonomic systems (heartbeat, digestion, etc.) with their mind.
Ring Finger - A person who creates their own emotions and emotional responses. Others can never truly understand these individuals, since one cannot understand emotions or responses that will never be experienced. As a result of this, these people never feel that they "fit in" with society, but their lives are governed by the constant attempt. Fear and loneliness issues must be overcome to attain fulfillment.
Baby Finger - Extremely rare. This print indicates someone who creates their own religious and spiritual views. This would not be a blend of other philosophies, which is most common, but would be a religion based on entirely new concepts.
The Arched Print
The Arched Print denotes traditional values and high morals. In almost every case, the moral values are due to some "past" which the subject is ashamed of. People with this print find it difficult to view their own negative traits, and to understand that the "past" which they look upon with distain or shame was merely an experience needed for the personality to develop fully. The Flat Arch follows tradition with little independent thought, while the Tented Arch reveals a depth of intellect.
Arches on the Fingerprints
Index Finger - One who has traditional views regarding their own ambitions, career, and leadership. They believe they must work hard to make money, save this money, and invest in their future. These people's "pasts" are in areas such as promiscuity and low self-esteem (suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, and other forms of self-abuse).
Middle Finger - Traditional values regarding the mind. For these people, education is the only way to success. Their "pasts" are in areas such as drug abuse and the manipulation of others.
Ring Finger - Traditional values pertaining to the emotions (men don't cry, etc.). Their "past" is their previous lack of emotional stability.
Baby Finger - Traditional values regarding communication, religion, and sex. These are the only people who will truly follow the dogma of any specific religion, without modifying it to their own standards. Their "past" is their promiscuity or lack of spirituality, but only because of the perceived "staining" of the soul.
Thumb - Traditional values in regards to the passions and willpower. Even after the personality has developed, there is still a strong tendency towards domineering attitudes. The "past" for these people is when they fell prey to their passions and desires, with little thought to the future repercussions.
When the arched print is found on both the index and middle fingers, there is great depth of intellect. While sometimes appearing slow to grasp concepts, this is due to the subject desiring a complete understanding, instead of just a superficial grasp of the knowledge.
Our fingernails reflect the defenses we maintain against the outside world. When a nail breaks (or is filed down, bitten, cut, or torn off by a rampaging gazelle - it doesn't matter which) it indicates a breaking down of some of these protections. The area of life is affected is shown by which nail breaks, while the severity of the break identifies how serious the issue actually is.
Remember that the stationary hand shows long-term issues (often relating to family), while the moving hand indicates current situations.
The index finger reflects the ambitions, Ego, leadership, and power. A broken fingernail here is a sure sign of problems at work. On the moving hand it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.
If your own index fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and harmed your ego. Identify the cause. This is crucial in order to prevent future reoccurrences.
Once you know the source, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. You have contributed to your own misfortune, and only you can correct it. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively negating the harm which has been done to your ego.
The middle finger reflects the powers of the mind, and the Super-Ego. A broken fingernail here is a sure sign of some guilt or mental stress, usually caused by monetary problems. On the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.
If your own middle fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and harmed your Super-Ego. Identify the cause. What has affected your feelings of self-worth?.
Once you know the source, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively negating the harm which has been done to your sense of Self-Worth.
The ring finger reflects the emotions, and the Personna (the "mask" we wear). A broken fingernail here is a sure sign of emotional distress, and is caused by fear of failure, loneliness, or self-doubt. On the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.
If your own ring fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and harmed you emotionally. Identify the cause. What has caused your feelings of loneliness, isolation, and fear?.
Once you know the source, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively negating the emotional trauma you have just experienced.
The baby finger reflects the communications, spirituality, and the Id (or Libido). A broken fingernail here tells of an inability to communicate on some level. (This can be verbal, non-verbal, or even sexual communications.) On the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.
If your own baby fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and hampered your ability to communicate with others. Identify the cause. What did you need to say that you couldn't? Who did you need to say it to?
Once you know the cause, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation by not speaking your mind, and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively breaking through the communication barriers.
The thumb reflects our willpower and control. A broken thumbnail reveals that the individual's will is being dominated by another. Remember that on the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.
If your own thumbnail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and is breaking your will, and is also causing you to doubt your own abilities to control the situation. Identify the cause. What (or who) is causing you to "give up" and sacrifice your own desires? You will know by the helpless or hopeless feelings associated with it.
Once you know the cause, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation with your self-doubts, and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, and you will find the inner strength to once again stand up for yourself.
When making decisions, it is common to think one course of action is correct, while feeling that another would be more appropriate. This battle between the head and heart goes on within each of us. Fortunately it is easy to tell which one is more likely to develop a "blind spot" - we merely look to the thumb.
The tip section of the thumb governs the intuition or "Gut Instinct". The second phalanx (middle section) shows the development of the logical mind. Compare the two sections to see which is crossed by deep horizontal lines, or "Blocks". In most cases, one phalanx will have two or three distinct blocks, while the other remains relatively clear.
The phalanx which contains these blocks reflects the aspect in which one is likely to develop a blind spot, missing some important detail.
If the middle section on your thumb has several horizontal lines, your logic often cannot be trusted. Whenever there is a conflict between what you think and what you feel, your intuition is the more accurate. If the first phalanx shows these blocks, the reverse is true - trust your logic.
You can also look to see if several vertical lines cross one of the phalanges, which indicates that the "blind spot" has been overcome.
Some individuals will succumb to the temptation of petty theft quite easily. Given the opportunity, they will quickly pilfer unattended money or products. Further, they are able to justify their actions to themselves and become convinced that they have done nothing wrong. In most other respects they are decent citizens or employees, with good records and prospects. Their cunning often allows them to continue the thefts for many years. This is the most common type of embezzler.
Two conditions are present on the hands of this kind of thief:
The baby finger has a strong bend towards the ring finger.
This reveals that the temptation for quick emotional gratification is felt frequently. The emotions are poorly developed yet a mask of stability is shown.
The thumb is either poorly developed or shows a broken will.
A well developed thumb will counteract any negative characteristics found on the hands. The thumb must be poorly developed or otherwise affected before an individual will knowingly act upon any negative aspect in their personality.
If both traits are present, all that is needed to create the embezzler is opportunity.
If your own baby finger and thumb show these traits, here's your perspective:
Everyone is very quick to judge you and blame you for their problems.
You are misunderstood, and no one really knows you.
Nobody notices all your positive traits.
You have been betrayed many times in the past.
You know your life would improve if everyone else would just quit causing so many problems.
You try hide it, but your life is an emotional roller-coaster.
The traits revealed by the bent baby finger (and the bent finger itself) can be corrected with proper massage techniques performed on the hands.
Many personality traits are revealed by the spacing between the fingers. Look at the spread between someone's middle and ring fingers. This distance can be up to an inch and a half at the fingertips, or the fingers can be held so tightly together that they overlap.
The wider this space is, the more generous the person, and the more willing they are to part with their money. A narrow space shows a more frugal person who knows the value of the dollar. When the fingers touch, their attitude is almost miserly.
In Hand Analysis, one hand is seen as stationary, and one is the moving hand. In most cases, the dominant hand will move frequently while the other remains at rest.
First look to the spacing on the stationary hand. This is your reference to the individual's basic attitudes towards money. Now look to the moving hand and compare the two. See which hand has a larger spread between the middle and ring fingers.
Since the moving hand reflects the current situation, a wider space here would show that the subject is presently feeling more generous, and is more willing to part with their money. When the space is narrower on the moving hand, they are not likely to spend on anything except necessities.
The second knuckle of the thumb reveals how the subject uses or suppresses their anger and temper. This knuckle can have a very pronounced enlargement, or can be completely smooth without any noticeable "bump". The larger the size of the knuckle, the more volitile the temper.
When the knuckle runs smooth without any noticeable enlargement, this reveals that the anger does a "slow burn". Slow to build, this type of temper pattern will grow gradually over a period of years before finally exploding. Once the anger is released, it is quite venomous and non-physical. The subject will resort to whatever they feel is necessary to "even the score", using non-direct methods such as poison or vehicular assault to obtain their revenge.
If the knuckle is very enlarged, the opposite is indicated. The temper is physical, direct, quick to build, quick to blow, and just as quickly the anger is released. Due to the potential for extreme violence, these subjects have learned how to suppress their strong anger, and turn it inwards upon themselves. The result of withholding this rage is their common feelings of depression and isolation.
 If either of these conditions is shown on your hands, you need to learn how to express your negative emotions before they become a problem. Learn how to speak up when something begins to bother you, instead of holding back in an attempt to preserve the status quo (which will be disrupted anyway). Your long-term happiness depends upon your ability to begin expressing your anger, frustration, and rage in a more productive way. There are many support groups and counselling services which can help you with this - find the one that is right for you.

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