My reasoning behind this is - this law does not only effect money grubbing, lazy whores, who sit around collecting welfare and poppin babies out to abuse the system.
This law effects smart women who planned a pregnancy, but something went horribly wrong. Maybe she can't carry full term, Maybe the child inside her is dying and she doesn't want the child to suffer and doesn't want to suffer herself. The loss of a child doesn't just break your heart, it messes with your hormones, it puts your body through a physical, hormonal stress that wreaks havoc on your emotions and energy and day to day life. I have a family member that had an abortion, her pregnancy was ectopic, had she chose to carry it could have killed her. She had 2 young daughters at home to raise. She chose her life and her daughters and soon after got pregnant for a 4th child and carried him a healthy full term. Had she been denied that abortion, because pro-life, there would have been two little girls with no mother struggling to make it, an etopic pregnancy that would have ended once the mothers life did, and one healthy little boy that would have never been given the chance to live.
This law effects people who were carefully planning when to have a child who's birth control failed them.
This law prevents women from making healthy, responsible choices at the advisory of a trusted family physician.
I know there's always giving it up for adoption, I've met kids who've lived in the system their whole life, it didn't fair well.
Tell a mother who wants the child that she is carrying that can not be safely born into this world because it would cost her life or maybe her child's. Tell her adoption is an option. Tell her she isn't allowed to abort. :|
Should a pro- life law go into effect this law will cause numerous well trained, trusted, safe places to go out of business... people will lose their jobs. It will cause smart healthy women to go to "back yard" clinics to get things done that they want done any way. We will lose lives of women and children, because of this. Children maybe born of a failed abortion with horrible defects or serious damage. This causes more problems than it solves.
I do understand not wanting your government taxes to pay for Sally Jo's 6th abortion, that's acceptable. However, it is not your right (god given or not) to tell Sally Jo that the choice should not be available to her irresponsible slutty ass, because that means that Nancy Jean- can't save her own life because an underdeveloped child is killing her. NO LIFE IS WORTH MORE THAN ANOTHER. An underdeveloped unborn child's life is not worth more than the mother carrying it. That mother is not insignificant, if her life is at risk because of her pregnancy. SHE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SHOULD BE GIVEN THE RIGHT TO CHOSE HER LIFE OR TO GIVE HER LIFE TO SAVE HER CHILDS LIFE. SHE AND HER FAMILY SHOULD BE GIVEN THE CHOICE!!!
Now, on to the point of this post... I'm an asshole.
A friend of mine posted a political meme to the effect of --hang on i'll just grab it for right here--
The conversation went as follows (I deleted names to respect privacy, even though this woman clearly wants the government all up in hers, so try & bare with me)
TW: The laws are not about vaginas, they are about a living human being that cannot speak for him/herself.
ME: The law will cause issues with a woman who is making a decision when her life and health are put on the line with her pregnancy, the law will prevent a parent from making a choice about their child having a life threatening will die after birth so prevent it from suffering defect, this law effects planned parenthood and not just abortion, this law prevents women from making a choice about HER medical issues. It doesn't just effect whores that can't keep their pants up.
Friend who Posted Photo: The point of the meme is that what woman does for her health and with her body should not be the business of the government.
TW : Once pregnant, it is not just about the woman's body. It is about another human life that cannot speak for itself. It's the risk you take when you get pregnant.
ME: Not everyone chose to be pregnant. Some people are raped, some had their birth control fail. And just because your against it doesn't mean that everyone else should have to live with your choice for you and your life.
TW: i respectfully disagree. God doesn't make mistakes. Every unborn child has a purpose.
ME: Well to each their own, I don't worship things I read about in story books either.
Friend: Everyone has their own opinion... I respectfully stress that it is not the government's place to dictate what I do with my body.
ME: What's gonna happen is they push this law, and women will become desperate to do what they chose anyway. They will end up in some back alley clinic, with an untrained person. And end up not only aborting but more than likely dying themselves or catching a disease from unsanitary conditions. Because regardless of law humans will do what they choose to do when they are desperate.
Friend: I agree Holly. Abortions will happen regardless and more lives will be lost unfortunately.
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