Monday, October 24, 2016


"Geomancy" is derived from the Latin "geomantia," which in turn is derived from the Greek roots geo, referring to the earth, and mantikos, meaning "of a soothsayer" or prophetic." The Arabic name for geomancy, "'ilm al-raml," means "the science of the sand.".  The term "Geomancy" is also applied to the Chinese practice of feng-shui (wind and water), and was employed by 19th century writers to translate feng-shui.
It is defined as a system of divination that employs the scattering of pebbles, grains of sand, or seeds on the earth and then the interpretation of their shape and position. From the dots or points and lines, the geomancer draws a series of figures which are arranged into the geomantic tableau. There are sixteen possible figures consisting of single or pairs of points. Each figure has a name, associations with the elements, planets, etc., and good or bad qualities.
Interpretation depends on the meanings of the figures in particular locations in the tableau, and owes a great deal to the practice of medieval astrology. Unlike astrology, however, geomancy requires no instruments or complex calculations. Modern geomancers only need to generate 16 even and odd numbers, be that with marks on a paper with a pencil, flip a coin, cast a die or dice, or drawing cards from a deck.

 The exact origins of astrological geomancy are unknown. It is similar to the casting of lots referred to in the Latin and Greek classics and may have been practiced by ancient desert nomads who made marks in the sand which they then interpreted to answer questions of personal concern. Medieval European writers agreed that it was also acceptable to draw the dots on a piece of parchment or paper. In keeping with the Arabic origin of geomancy, most writers recommend making the dots from right to left, the direction in which Arabic is written.
A system of geomancy linking astrological symbols with figures formed from holes poked in the earth became popular during the Renaissance. It's most famous spokesperson was Henry Cornelius Agrippa, born in 1486, and author of several texts in Latin on occult philosophy. He developed a method of making marks on the earth with a stick, (currently the method is also used by making marks on paper with a pencil or pen) and then interpreting them in combination with a horoscope wheel depicting the twelve astrological houses.Many different systems existed, most of which were intimately related to the sciences of alchemy and especially astrology.
A particular use of Geomancy is now incorporated into a wider system that promote the harmonious relationship between humans and the landscape, especially that which influences building, town planning, and, in particular, the construction and placement of ancient monuments, such as ancient stone circles, pyramids, etc. This meaning arises from a contemporary movement which has seen a revival of earlier occult arts, and a synthesis of these with other New Age concepts. Texts dealing with this subject maintain the notion that the ancients possessed a now-lost knowledge of harmony with the earth.
 The same philosophical principle -- cosmic sympathy -- underlies both geomantic divination and horary astrology. The idea is that at the time a question becomes imperative to the inquirer, the conditions of the cosmos, whether in macrocosm or microcosm, will reverberate with the inquirer's mind. Systems of divination are really sets of rules explaining how to decipher the message of the cosmos. Modern diviners often cite Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, to explain the workings of their craft. Regardless of whether or how it works, geomancy is worthwhile to study simply for the beauty of its sixteen archetypal symbols, another Jungian idea. The sixteen geomantic archetypes bear a close relationship to the archetypal symbols of planets and signs used in astrology.

There are two charts associated with geomancy. The first, known as the Shield chart, derives additional figures from the four generated by drawing the lines. The second, known as the House chart, uses houses similar to those in astrology and is filled in by the figures from the first chart.
The first step is usually called "casting" or "sowing" the points. The casting of the points is the critical process in geomancy; if the geomancer does not cast the points correctly, the tableau will be invalid. The traditional method is to take a stick and make marks in the dirt or sand. A geomancer would likely have made a small tray to hold sand so that his work could be done indoors. In this step, the "querent" (inquirer) or the geomancer draws sixteen lines of points, from right to left, while concentrating on the question he or she wants answered. Each row of holes is poked from right to left and the next row begins beneath it.
Modern geomancers tend not to use the earth in their back yards or their children's sandboxes. Instead, they make marks on paper with a pencil, toss a coin, cast a die or dice, or draw cards from a deck -- any system that will generate a series of sixteen random odd and even numbers. You can also paint four wooden coins, color-coded by element to determine the line, with one dot on one side and two dots on the other.
The sixteen lines of points are grouped in fours, and the points are then counted off two by two, from the right to the left, and connected in pairs, so that each line of points ends either with a pair or with a single point. These single or odd and paired or even points will be grouped to to generate the first four geomantic figures, known as the four mothers. Each figure contains four rows, each of one or two dots. If a line contained an odd number of marks, the geomantic figure would contain a single dot for that line. If the line contained an even number of marks, the figure would contain two dots for that line. The remaining eight geomantic figures used in divination are derived from these four mothers.

  These first four figures of the geomantic tableau are called the "mothers" or matres and are drawn horizontally from right to left.
Ex : Using a dice
I take a single die from a pair of dice and cast it sixteen times to generate a set of sixteen rows. Next to each row I entered the total number of dots. Then next to each number I created a line of a geomantic figure, using two "o's" for even numbers and one "o" for odd numbers. I totaled the number of dots at the bottom for future reference to calculate an "index." Each set of four rows generates a "mother" figure consisting of a head, neck, body and feet.
          OF MARKS      
       *   1             Head:   o       Mother One:
           **   2             Neck:  o o
           **   2             Body:  o o      Laetitia   (M1)
      ****   4             Feet:  o o
                   *   1                   o       Mother Two:
           ****   4                  o o
            ****   4                  o o      Laetitia    (M2)
              **   2                  o o
     ******   6                  o o      Mother Three:
                  *   1                   o
      *****   5                   o       Conjunctio   (M3)
  ******   6                  o o
            **   2                  o o      Mother Four:
           ***   3                   o
           ***   3                   o       Conjunctio    (M4)
  ******   6                  o o                            
  Total:  52

 The next four figures, called the "daughters" or filiae, are created by adding the points of the mothers sideways from right to left. Each daughter consists of the sequence of dots taken from the same row or level of the four mothers. Thus, the first daughter consists of four rows of dots (the "heads" of the mothers) from the top level of each of the mothers in order from the first (M1) to the fourth (M4). The second daughter is made up of all the second rows or "necks" of the mothers, taken in order from one to four. All the third rows or "bodies" of mothers combine to make the third daughter. Combining all the "feet" of the mothers in order produces the fourth daughter.
                        Mothers            Daughters
                          M1  M2  M3  M4     D1  D2  D3
HEADS:   a   e   i   m       a   b   c   d
NECKS:    b   f   j   n       e   f   g   h
BODIES:   c   g   k   o       i   j   k  
FEET:     d   h   l   p       m   n   o   p
  In the above example, the derived daughters are as follows:
 Mother One:               o          Daughter One:    o
                                           o o                                           o
 Laetitia   (M1)          o o          Fortuna        o o
                                           o o          Minor (D1)     o o
  Mother Two:               o          Daughter Two:   o o
                                           o o                         o o
Laetitia    (M2)         o o           Fortuna        o
                                           o o     Major (D2)     o
  Mother Three:            o o    Daughter Three: o o
                                             o                          o o
   Conjunctio   (M3)         o           Fortuna         o
                                            o o          Major (D3)      o
  Mother Four:             o o         Daughter Four:  o o
                                              o                                            o o
 Conjunctio    (M4)        o            Populus (D4)  o o
                                                  o o                                        o o
The next four figures, sometimes called the "Nephews" or neptes are created by combining the Mother and Daughter figures in pairs. Two figures whose lines produce an even number of marks create two dots in the new figure, and an odd number of marks creates a single dot in the new figure.
Many geomancers, like Regardie in The Golden Dawn or Schwei and Pestka in The Complete Book of Astrological Geomancy  use the "common" form of geomancy that was in vogue before Agrippa developed his system. In common geomancy, the 1st and 2nd Mothers create the 1st Niece, the 3rd and 4th Mothers create the 2nd Niece, the 1st and 2nd Daughters create the 3rd Niece and the 3rd and 4th Daughters create the 4th Niece.
In Agrippa's system: each nephew is formed by combining adjacent rows of particular mothers and daughters, the points of which are added at each of the four levels to give an odd or an even sum. One combines the 1st Mother and the 4th Daughter to form the 1st Niece, the 2nd Mother and the 1st Daughter to form the 2nd Niece; …..; the 4th Mother and the 3rd Daughter to form the 4th Niece.
          Nephew 1 = Mother 1 + Daughter 4
            Nephew 2 = Mother 2 + Daughter 1
            Nephew 3 = Mother 3 + Daughter 2
            Nephew 4 = Mother 4 + Daughter 3
Now let's calculate the nephews, Agrippa style:
                    M1    o      +       D4  o o                              =   N1    o
                                o o                       o o                                           o o  Laetitia
                                  o o                    o o                                             o o
                                  o o                     o o                                             o o
                   M2    o       +       D1   o                               =   N2   o o
                             o o                          o                                                   o   Rubeus
                             o o                         o o                                              o o
                             o o                          o o                                              o o
                  M3   o o     +       D2  o o                                =   N3   o o
                                  o                       o o                                                o   Acquisitio
                                    o                          o                                              o o
                                  o o                          o                                             o
                 M4   o o     +       D3  o o                               =   N4   o o
                                o                            o o                                              o   Acquisitio
                                 o                             o                                            o o
                               o o                             o                                              o            

Each of the sixteen geomantic figures corresponds to an astrological sign and to a planet or node of the Moon. The planetary assignments are invariant across systems, but because there are at least six ways to assign the signs to houses in the geomantic chart, geomancers may use different systems for assignment of planets to geomantic figures and placing of figures in the houses.
The twelve geomantic houses are borrowed from medieval astrological practice. An understanding of the houses is fundamental to interpreting the geomantic tableau. Any possible question can be assigned to one of the houses. For example, questions about marriage are assigned to the 7th house; a question about whether a ship will return safely from a voyage belongs to the 9th house; a question about whether a sick person will recover belongs to the 6th house. Most geomantic treatises include long lists of the types of questions appropropriate to each house, and some compress this information into tabular form.
For example, in Martin of Spain's De geomancia, questions assigned to the 10th house, the house of kings, include:
Whether a man shall get honor or kingdom. Whether a king shall be honored in his kingdom. Whether a king shall be deposed from his kingdom. Whether he that is deposed shall enter again. Whether a foreign king shall subdue a king.
 Life, health, querent,
 Money, property, personal worth.
 Brothers, sisters, news, short journeys,
 Father, landed property, inheritance. The grave, the end of matter.
 Children, pleasure, feasts, speculation.
 Health, servants, uncles and aunts, small animals.
 Love, marriage, husband or wife. Partnerships and associations, public enemies, law suits.
 Deaths, wills, legacies; pain, anxiety. Estate of deceased.
 Long journeys, voyages. Science, religion, art, visions, and divinations.
 Kings. Mother. Rank and honour, trade or profession, authority, employment, and worldly position generally
 Good Fortune, friends, hopes and wishes.
 Sorrows, fears, punishments, secret enemies, hospitals or prisons, unseen dangers, restrictions.
 The Twelve figures of the Geomantic scheme as previously calculated are to be attributed to a map of the 12 houses of heaven to be placed therein thus:
The first figure goes in the 10th house.
The second figure goes in the 1st house.
The third figure goes in the 4th house.
The fourth figure goes in the 7th house.
The fifth figures goes in the 11th house.
The sixth figure goes in the 2nd house.
The seventh figure goes in the 5th house.
The eighth figure goes in the 8th house.
The ninth figure goes in the 12th house.
The tenth figure goes in the 3rd house.
The eleventh figure goes in the 6th house.
The twelfth figure goes in the 9th house.
According to Agrippa’s System, after placing his figures in the houses, he assigned the first house to the astrological sign associated with the first mother in the first house. In our example, mother one is Laetitia which Agrippa associates with Jupiter and Sagittarius. Agrippa then followed the zodiac sequence to locate all twelve signs around the wheel. Sagittarius is in the first house, Capricorn in the second, Aquarius in the third, Pisces in the fourth, Aries in the fifth, Taurus in the sixth, and so on around the wheel. Having linked each house with a different zodiac sign, Agrippa next entered the planet associated with each geomantic symbol in the same house as its symbol.
Agrippa derived these formulae from the idea the each nephew is the sum of the mother and daughter that are in trine aspect around the horoscope wheel. In this system it is possible for the same planet to occupy several houses. Agrippa then interpreted the chart using a combination of astrology and geomancy. Because no degrees in the signs are specified, Agrippa used mundane aspects, that is, planets are considered to bear the same aspect with one another as the houses they occupy. For example, planets in houses one and seven are in opposition, and planets in houses three and seven are in trine.
Here is a table showing Agrippa's distribution of geomantic figures in the horoscope:
 Angular Houses:      Succedent Houses:      Cadent Houses:
  1st  -  M1             2nd  -  D1             9th  -  N1 =  M1 + D4
  10th -  M2            11th  -  D2             6th  -  N2 =  M2 + D1
  7th  -  M3             8th  -  D3             3rd  -  N3 =  M3 + D2
  4th  -  M4             5th  -  D4            12th  -  N4 =  M4 + D3


4th Mother
--> 4th House
(Genitor - Father)

3rd Mother
--> 3rd House
(Fratres - Brothers)

2nd Mother
--> 2nd House
(Lucrum - Riches)

1st Mother
--> 1st House
(Vita - Life)

4th Daughter
--> 8th House
(Mors - Death)

3rd Daughter
--> 7th House
(Uxor - Wife)

2nd Daughter
--> 6th House
(Valetudo - Health)


1st Daughter
--> 5th House
(Nati - Sons)
4th Nephew
--> 12th House
(Carcer - Prison)

3rd Nephew
--> 11th House
(Benefacta - Good Fortune)

2nd Nephew
--> 10th House
(Regnum - Kings)

1st Nephew
--> 9th House
(Itineris - Journeys)

2nd Witness
1st Witness


The medieval texts describe several methods for interpretating the completed tableau. Some methods are purely mechanical, while the more complex methods owe a great deal to medieval astrological practices. All the methods depend on interpreting the meaning of particular geomantic figures in particular locations in the tableau; as in astrology, the more sophisticated techniques also take into consideration the relationships of the figures to one another. The astrological method (which is briefly described in Turner's Of Geomancy) involves drawing up a horoscope in which the positions of the planets and signs in the houses are determined by the geomantic tableau rather than by calculations based on astronomical tables or the use of an astrolabe.
The simplest method of interpreting the geomantic tableau is to determine which house governs the subject of the question, consider the qualities and properties of the figure in that house, and judge the question accordingly. However, most geomantic treatises advise the geomancer to consider a number of other factors before giving judgement. These include, among others:
the nature of the figure in the first house, which signifies the querant
locus: is the figure in a favorable or unfavorable house?
aspectus: are the figures in favorable or unfavorable aspect to one another? (The geomantic aspects, similar to the aspects of astrology, are association, trine, square, sextile, opposition, translation, occupation, conjunction, mutation, and prohibition.)
motus: how to the figures pass from one house to another?
paternitas: which figures generated the figure in question?
the nature of the witnesses, the judge, and the super-judge
various numerical procedures, e.g., is the total number of points in the tableau odd or even?
the via puncti or way of the point
The Geomantic figures, being attributed to the planets and Signs, are dignified according to the rules of Astrology. Dignity means  the strength of a Figure when found in a particular House. A figure is, therefore, strongest when in its house, very strong when in its exaltation, strong in its Triplicity, very weak in its Fall; weakest of all in its Detriment. A figure is in its Fall when in a House opposite to that of its Exaltation, and in its Detriment when opposite to its own house. Thus, the Ascendant or First House answers to Aries, the Second House to Taurus, the Third House to Gemini, and so on to the Twelfth answering to Pisces. Therefore the figures of Mars will be strong in the First House, but weak in the Seventh House, and so forth.

There are sixteen possible figures in the geomantic tableau. Each figure has a name and a set of attributes or qualities. The figures and their names are:
Each figure is good or evil in some degree. Each is associated with a planet, a zodiac sign, and either day or night, which is crucial to the more astrological methods of interpretation. Each also is associated with an element (earth, air, fire, water); a humor (sanguine, choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic); a gender; a measure of time (hours, days, weeks, months, years).
Figures pointing downwards are said to be entering and stable; figures pointing upwards are said to be exiting or passing forth and movable (the four symmetical figures are either, depending on the nature of the figures from which they were generated). The sixteen figures can be grouped into eight complementary pairs which are like negative images or polar opposites of one another. Where one member of a complementary pair has a single dot, its complement will have two dots, and vice versa

Name: Way
Element: Water
Sign: Cancer
Medieval : Waning Moon / Capricorn
Agrippa: Moon / Cancer
Planet : Waning Moon
Humor: Phlegmatic
Gender :Feminine
Time: Months
Day: nocturnal
Valence: Good
Numbers: 8notaz
Via means "road, path, way" and often refers to the need to find one's direction or way in the matter. It may indicate a journey or the capacity to move forward slowly, gradually towards the resolution of a problem. There is an element of loneliness connected with this figure as well as a sense of slowness or delay. Its connection with the Moon gives Via the connotation of fluctuation or change. The sign Cancer suggests one's home, security, or foundations are at issue. This figure is generally unfavorable unless the question is about travel or progress.
Ascendant - Evil except for prison.
Second House - Indifferent.
Third House - Very good in all.
Fourth House - Good in all save love.
Fifth House - Voyages good.
Sixth House - Evil.
Seventh House - Rather good, especially for voyages.
Eighth House - Evil..
Ninth House - Indifferent. Good for journeys.
Tenth House - Good.
Eleventh House - Very good.
Twelfth House - Excellent.
If you obtain Via as an answer to a relationship question, you can expect this relationship to be at a slow start, and feel a bit lonely at first. Maybe you are just going through the beginnings of a love affair which must find its rhythm to progress further. In any case, Via expresses a definite monotony and slowness. Beware not to find yourself embarked in a poor relationship, offering limited prospects with a selfish/cold fish partner.
If you obtain Via as an answer to a professional question, rely on your patience et prepare yourself to hard, grinding work if you want to get results. Via indicates also you might have to move and travel to achieve your goals. You may be felled by a lack of confidence, or by having to deal with people lacking in scope and mental sophistication. Take the situation in hand and accept its sometimes repetitious progression along with the--somewhat skimpy--potential for growth it offers.
If you obtain Via as an answer to a spiritual question, you have a tendency to shut yourself off and dwell on your problems. This isolation is not the best approach to walk the spiritual path, which might become stifled and elude you as a result. Remember, you are part of the cosmos and, as such, your destiny is to communicate with it, to enter a dynamic exchange with life which is the only way for you to grow. Open up, even --and specially-- if it means you have to pray...

Name: People, multitude
Element: Water
Sign: Capricorn
Medieval: Waxing Moon/Capricorn
Agrippa: Moon/Cancer
Planet : Waning Moon
Humor: Phlegmatic
Gender :Feminine
Time: Months
Day: nocturnal
Valence: Good
Numbers: 2notu
Stability: both
Direction: both
This figure denotes family, friends, a gathering of people and generally indicates that the outcome depends on others. It can also mean messages and news as well as the environment around us. A neutral figure, favorable with favorable figures, unfavorable with unfavorable figures.
Ascendant - Good for marriage.
Second House - Medium good.
Third House - Rather good than bad.
Fourth House - Good in all but love.
Fifth House - Good in most things.
Sixth House - Good.
Seventh House - In war good; else medium.
Eighth House - Evil.
Ninth House - Look for letters.
Tenth House - Good.
Eleventh House - Good in all.
Twelfth House - Very evil.
If you obtain Populus as an answer to a relationship question: maybe you are living through a number of lackluster, passionless love affairs. Are you sure you are not just a number in a serie for the person who is your love interest? Losing yourself in this love will drain your life forces, like one drowns in the sea. Try to understand why you prefer a mediocre relationship to a rich solitude. The physical/spiritual chemistry thing is probably missing here anyway, so why bother? Your wanting love at any cost could turn out to be detrimental to you.
If you obtain Populus as an answer to a professional question: you are probably in the midst of an exciting period in your professional activity, meeting new people, making useful encounters. Or perhaps you are part of a big group, company, organization or bureaucracy, and therefore have to work in a team. However it may be, do not accept to become just a bee in a beehive and put off your own goals and desires to promote somebody else's. Move freely and assert yourself: dare to be an individual! If your question is to find out whether a project will be well received and gain support, Populus is an excellent omen: the message will come through, and it will be pleasing to the masses.
If you obtain Populus as an answer to a spiritual question: a gregarious instinct will take you over, and it will make you join churches, forums and religious gatherings. A longing for simplicity --or a nostalgia for the tried and true-- will take you back to the major religious texts of established monotheistic religions. Who knows: you might even sing in a choir or walk in a procession. In any case, it is by letting others people guide you that you will find your own spiritual path.

Laetitia is a positive symbol meaning "joy" and is associated with health and happiness. Favourable for creative endeavours. This figure is favorable in almost all questions
Name: Joy
Element: Air
Sign: Taurus
Medieval: Jupiter (R)/Taurus
Agrippa: Jupiter, Sagittarius          
Planet : Jupiter
Humor: Sanguine
Gender : Masculine
Time: Years
Day: Diurnal
Valence: Good
Numbers: 50 a d
Stability: Mobile
Direction: Exiting
Ascendant - Good, except in war.
Second House - Sickly.
Third House - III.
Fourth House - Mainly good.
Fifth House - Excellent.
Sixth House - Evil generally.
Seventh House - Indifferent.
Eighth House - Evil generally.
Ninth House - Very good.
Tenth House - Good, rather in war than in peace.
Eleventh House - Good in all.
Twelfth House - Evil generally.
If you obtain Laetitia as an answer to a relationship question: Laetitia announces a pleasant, Epicurean feeling with little pain or difficulty. You will live a sincere and clear feeling which will satisfy all your senses: heart and body will come alive, and your daily life will be full of delights big and small. It will be more of a joyous idyll than a tragic, irresistible passion, but in any case, happiness will be at your door. Let unbounded joy come through and let your zest for life take over. Do not hesitate to express your feelings and declare your flame. Laetitia is favorable to the birth of tender feelings, flowers and butterflies. Life can be beautiful, and this is the time!
If you obtain Laetitia as an answer to a professional question: expect business negotiations will go your way and be fruitful: your partners are reliable and honest, even friendly. You might also find a job where public relations are important and lead you to high social circles. If luxury, champagne and high fashion are areas which have always attracted you, this is the time to make your move and prospect. The vibe is right for doing excellent business. You might also receive a welcome sum of money, but be careful not to squander it away. If you work in a team, good mood and friendly atmosphere will prevail.
If you obtain Laetitia as an answer to a spiritual question: your energy and love of life will elevate you. Share your table and your prayers, light a fire in the fireplace and invite friends to discuss spiritual matters. With Laetitia, spirituality is based on sharing and collective emulation. Dance, sing, laugh and celebrate the cosmos by understanding the fundamental principle of renewal and hope. Celebrate the solstices, seasons, or saints. The world can be a feast, so do not miss it.

Name : Head of the Dragon
Planet : Jupiter
Sign : Virgo
Medieval: North Node/Virgo
Agrippa: North Node/Capricorn
Valence: Very good
Time: Years
Day: Nocturnal
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Melancholy
Numbers: 13 g t
Stability : Fixed
Direction : Entering
Caput Draconis often suggests entering or beginning something new and positive. This highly positive figure brings the easy realization of you projects and their successful completion. Favorable for new business or profit. Otherwise, favorable with favorable figures, unfavorable with unfavorable figures.
 Ascendant - Good in all things.
Second House - Good.
Third House - Very good.
Fourth House - Good save in war.
Fifth House - Very good.
Sixth House - Good for immorality only.
Seventh House - Good especially for peace.
Eighth House - Good.
Ninth House - Very good.
Tenth House - Good in all.
Eleventh House - Good for the church and ecclesiastical gain.
Twelfth House - Not very good.
If you obtain Caput Draconis as an answer to a relationship question: rejoice! Your projects will take shape, or new and favorable encounters will bring the unexpected in your life. You will be able to invest yourself without hesitation in a happy love story which could lead to marriage and family. Your partner and yourself could be inspired by the same high spiritual ideal. You will have great moments of marital joy and harmony. Thanks to the beautiful love story you will experience, you will open yourself to the world and you will experiment the glorious satisfaction to be both actor and witness in the beautiful chain that could unite all human beings of good will if they wanted to join hands.
If you obtain Caput Draconis as an answer to a professional question: new possibilities will appear in your life and you soon will be very successful in an new job, which will be very motivating and tailored to your professional profile and aspirations. If you are now going through difficulties and litigation, those will be solved to your advantage. People in power will help you. Your reputation will grow with you success. You might get a welcome pay raise, thus giving you the possibility to realize postponed projects. The associations you might enter into will be highly beneficial.
If you obtain Caput Draconis as an answer to a spiritual question: no need to look further, you are, and will be, truly inspired. You might soon be initiated, in direct contact with the divine, receiving spiritual guidance through dreams and visions and you will be able to feel the presence of your guardian angel. You will experience moments of grace and joy because you have been able to tune in intuitively with planes of higher consciousness and accept to sacrifice doubt and distrust, the major stumbling blocks in the way of the spiritual seeker.

Name : Red
Planet : Mars
Sign : Scorpio
Medieval: Mars(D)/Gemini
Agrippa: Mars/Scorpio
Valence: Very bad
Time: Months
Day: Diurnal
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Choleric
Numbers: 12 a c s
Stability : Mobile
Direction : Exiting
Rubeus means "red," the color of Mars and of blood spilled in violence. Rubeus is a negative symbol, the dark side of Scorpio and Mars, associated with danger, lust, addiction, passion, fire, aggression, and destruction. It is generally unfortunate, except where a show of force or eroticism is needed. This is a warning for caution and a need for retreat. Good in all that is evil and evil in all that is good. Watch out if Rubeus is in the 1st House !.
Ascendant - Destroy the figure if it falls here! It makes the judgment worthless.
Second House - Evil in all demands.
Third House - Evil except to let blood.
Fourth House - Evil except in War and Fire.
Fifth House - Evil save for love, and sowing seed.
Sixth House - Evil except for blood-letting.
Seventh House - Evil except for war and fire.
Eighth House - Evil.
Ninth House - Very evil.
Tenth House - Dissolute. Love, fire.
Eleventh House - Evil, except to let blood.
Twelfth House - Evil in all things.
 If you obtain Rubeus as an answer to a relationship question, it will take you in a vicious circle of endless quarrels, crisis, struggle to retain control, and despair. It might warn you of serious marital problems, or violent and exhausting situations, unless it is about a violent, physical passion which will consume you body and soul and sweep you in a wave of volcanic, liberating desire. Let this anger or desire clean your soul and use it to get rid of all the tensions and mental blocks within you. However, be cautious of entering a liaison with an angry, temperamental person whose volatile, unchecked energy could be dangerous. Use Rubeus' energy to bring forth the changes awaiting inside you, but don't be manipulated by it.
If you obtain Rubeus as an answer to a professional question: massive restructuring is on the way in your company/organization which could affect you negatively. Maybe your enterprise will launch into structural reforms, followed by a period of unsteadiness and difficult adjustment. Get ready to deflect possible arguments with an associate, supervisor or employer. Do not let yourself be caught off guard by the rapid deterioration of a situation, and postpone important negotiations. These can start up a chain reaction you might be unable to stop, and regret quickly, as it will bring only unforeseen, negative consequences.
If you obtain Rubeus as an answer to a spiritual question: the period of revolt against the order of things you will soon enter presents a major advantage: there is no way without thorns or doubts so if they sting you, it means you are on the way. So you might experience a major crisis of faith. Rage, if you feel like it, but remember it is only after you have cried your heart out that your guide will come to you. By expressing your revolt, you will be a step closer to peace.

Name : Girl
Planet : Venus
Sign : Gemini
Medieval: Venus(D)/Gemini
Agrippa: Venus/Taurus
Valence: Good
Time: Months
Day: Nocturnal
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Humor: Phlegmatic
Numbers: 1 j c e
Stability : Fixed
Puella is a variable or mildly adverse symbol suggesting the fickle, indecisive and superficial side of Venus. Puella is connected with physical attractiveness, music and the arts, gaining cooperation, and women.
Ascendant - Good except in war.
Second House - Very good.
Third House - Good.
Fourth House - Indifferent.
Fifth House - Very good, but notice the aspects.
Sixth House - Good, but especially so for debauchery.
Seventh House - Good except for war.
Eighth House - Good.
Ninth House - Good for music. Otherwise only medium.
Tenth House - Good for peace.
Eleventh House - Good, and love of ladies.
Twelfth House - Good in all.
 If you obtain Puella as an answer to a relationship question, your will soon live a love story that will take you back to the joyous spontaneity of your adolescence. Laughter, a light playful sensuality will soon light up your life. Your relationship will be harmonious and fluid, free of the weight of daily life's burdens. Try to protect this wonderful state of grace however, because Puella could also warn you against a flash in-the-pan type of feelings: refreshing, but devoid of lasting power and likely to finish all of a sudden, like a dance where the two partners turn their back and walk away when the music ends.
If you obtain Puella as an answer to a professional question, it tells you now is a very good time to start anything that could take you into artistic, creative circles, or the world of beauty and aesthetics. You could also be helped by a lady of refinement and manners. If you are looking for a job, things will go smoothly, as they will take place in a general climate of trust and open and sincere dialogue. Puella indicates also that it would be to your advantage to be specially careful of how you look, and to learn how to dress for success. Creating goodwill around you in your job would also work in your favor.
If you obtain Puella as an answer to a spiritual question: it brings pure joy in your spiritual quest. Your sacred path is not to be found in ordeals and asceticism. Be a sensuous mystic, decorate your house with flowers, burn incense and candles, take a walk in the forest and bring back foliage and sacred mistletoe. Revel in the splendor of the divine creation and celebrate it by songs and rituals.

Name : Lesser Fortune
Planet : Sun
Sign : Taurus
Medieval: Sun (R)/Taurus
Agrippa: Sun/Leo
Time: Months
Day: Diurnal
Element: Earth
Gender: Feminine
Humor: Choleric
Numbers: 1 8 e
Stability : Mobile
Direction : Exiting
Fortuna Minor shows only moderate success and often denotes some kind of external protection like insurance coverage. While Fortuna Major usually shows significant good fortune, Fortuna Minor conveys either a preservation of the status quo or a definite but modest gain. Favorable for anything that is to be done quickly. A figure of change and instability
Ascendant - Speed in victory and in love, but choleric.
Second House - Very good.
Third House - Good, but wrathful.
Fourth House - Haste; rather evil except for peace.
Fifth House - Good in all things.
Sixth House - Medium in all.
Seventh House - Evil except for war or love.
Eighth House - Evil generally.
Ninth House - Good, but choleric.
Tenth House - Good, except for peace.
Eleventh House - Good, especially for love.
Twelfth House - Good, except for alteration, or for suing another.
 If you obtain Fortuna Minor as an answer to a relationship question, you will soon enjoy several short-lived liaisons based on superficial attraction and bearing little consequence. They might cross your path to make you feel alive again and revive lost erotic desire. There is hardly any potential for commitment here. Accept to open your life to the ephemeral, it might prepare you for something more permanent.
If you obtain Fortuna Minor as an answer to a professional question, the times coming your way will be good for business, temporary contracts, profitable short-term assignments. It also favorable to the organization of meetings, conferences, shows and fairs. Do not hesitate to multiply contacts, step up networking, and don't overlook seasonal activities. But beware: Fortuna Minor is not for keep, so prepare the future.
If you obtain Fortuna Minor as an answer to a spiritual question: sometimes serene, sometimes disheartened, your spiritual path will be all ups and downs, your soul will be riding a roller coaster, and you wont be able to control it. Acting on spurts of spiritual bulimia, you might sign for too many personal development courses, but at least you will attend them fairly regularly.

 Name : Greater Fortune
Planet : Sun
Sign : Aquarius
Medieval: Sun (D)/Aquarius
Agrippa: Sun/Leo
Valence: Very good
Time: Years
Day: Nocturnal
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Melancholy
Numbers: 12 ff
Stability : Fixed
Direction : Entering
Success, good luck, great fortune, celebration, property and possessions. Honour and respect. A figure of power and success, favorable in any conflict or contest.
Ascendant - Good save in secrecy.
Second House - Good except in sad things.
Third House - Good in all.
Fourth House - Good in all, but melancholy.
Fifth House - Very good in all things.
Sixth House - Very good except for debauchery.
Seventh House - Good in all.
Eighth House - Moderately good.
Ninth House - Very good.
Tenth House - Exceedingly good. Go to superiors.
Eleventh House - Very good.
Twelfth House - Good in all.
If you obtain Fortuna Major as an answer to a relationship question, this figure heralds a very beneficial meeting or relationship which will fulfill and magnify your whole being. Your deepest aspirations will be satisfied in a relationship allowing you to open up to your partner in complete confidence, as he/she is sincere and totally committed to you. Your union will be solid and built on true love.
If you obtain Fortuna Major as an answer to a professional question: your patient efforts, your perfect record will finally pay off, and you should soon reap your reward. Promotion is looming, as well as access to greater responsibilities. Or negotiations in progress will lead to profitable contracts/agreements and/or solid common projects shrewdly planned. You will benefit from the protection of wise, influential and benevolent people, who will facilitate your dealings and push your case. Fortuna Major indicates also big money coming in, allowing you to balance your finances in a most satisfactory manner.
If you obtain Fortuna Major as an answer to a spiritual question: with patience and persistence, you have built up your faith without losing courage. Fortuna Major indicates spiritual realization based on in-depth religious or occult knowledge. Spirituality will be experienced as joy and wisdom. Let other people partake in this knowledge and grace

Name : White
Planet : Mercury
Sign : Cancer
Medieval: Mercury(D)/Cancer
Agrippa: Mercury/Gemini
Valence: Very good
Time: Years
Day: Nocturnal
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Humor: Phlegmatic
Numbers: 12 a d e
Stability : Fixed
Direction : Entering
 Peace, wisdom, purity, news, and communication.. A positive and favorable figure, but weak. Good results in business through moderation and careful decisions. Patience, thoughtfulness and the ability to balance all areas of life.
 Ascendant - Good for marriage. Mercurial. Peace.
Second House - Good in all.
Third House - Very good.
Fourth House - Very good except in War.
Fifth House - Good.
Sixth House - Good in all things.
Seventh House - Good except for War.
Eighth House - Good.
Ninth House - A messenger brings a letter.
Tenth House - Excellent in all.
Eleventh House - Very good.
Twelfth House - Marvellously good.
 If you obtain Albus as an answer to a relationship question, it announces a lofty kind of love, uniting partners sharing the same philosophical an ethical ideal, a relationship grounded in common values, and going beyond the mere comfort of married daily life. Your partner will be a deeply spiritual person of great personal integrity who will feel for you a deep, idealistic kind of love. This love story will make the light of your soul shine brighter. One reservation though: Albus usually goes with physical chastity, even a complete sublimation of sensuality into mystical or religious energy.
 If you obtain Albus as an answer to a professional question: people will listen to you with interest and appreciate your ideas. Your partners will be mature, disinterested people emphasizing ethics in the realization of your common projects. If you are job hunting, look into humanitarian or intellectual/theoretical activities where money making is not paramount. Be frank and open in negotiations; your partners are basically honest and merit your trust.
If you obtain Albus as an answer to spiritual question, you will soon attain great moral and philosophical understanding, and your quest will lead to inner peace. Noble concerns and meditation will be on your mind. No need to exert your willpower to reach this goal: an inner process is at work, which is taking you naturally towards the light..

Name :Boy
Planet : Mars
Sign : Libra
Medieval: Mars (D)/Libra
Agrippa: Mars/Aries
Valence: Very bad
Time: Months
Day: Diurnal
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Sanguine
Numbers: 9 j k
Stability : Mobile
Direction : Exiting
Puer, the impetuous youth of Mars and Aries, can be rash and inconsiderate, but also energetic, enthusiastic and competitive. Traditionally good for love and war, but negative or other matters. Great energy that needs to be harnessed. Intiative and leadership. Impulsive behaviour.
Ascendant - Indifferent. Best in War.
Second House - Good, but with trouble.
Third House - Good fortune.
Fourth House - Evil, except in War and Love.
Fifth House - Medium good.
Sixth House - Medium.
Seventh House - Evil, save in War.
Eighth House - Evil, save for Love.
Ninth House - Evil except for War.
Tenth House - Rather evil. But good for Love and War.
Eleventh House - Most other things medium.
Twelfth House - Medium; good favour. Very good in all.
If you obtain Puer as an answer to a relationship question: quarrels and arguments are in the air, misunderstandings might lead to displays of temper. You may be swept by rapturous passion, ruled by possessiveness and intense carnal attraction, living a relationship full of fury and emotional excesses. Beware of being taken over by the tidal wave surging between you and your partner: it could turn out to be fragile and destructive on the long run. Recognize your partner's fundamental independence, and be utterly diplomatic in conveying the expression of your desires, in particular if they can be perceived as an attempt to control him/her and might go against his plans.
If you obtain Puer as an answer to a professional question: you want to act and fight. Why not? Provided you exercise caution, because strong-arm-type negotiations, run-ins with colleagues and supervisors, heated discussions with a stubborn argumentative person could ensue. Control your desires and your thirst for independence, as it might be painful for people around you and dangerous to yourself. Are you sure your motivations are checked by common sense and not dictated by mindless compulsions or reactions? Be patient and draw another figure to find out how to use your drive to change your reality without starting a war.
If you obtain Puer as an answer to a spiritual question: you might consider training in martial arts. But stop and think, for you could find a more general meaning in this figure: it could tell you cant change your life with rage. Accept your anger, let it run through you, don't feel guilty about it, but do not dwell on it either, as it exposes you to unnecessary risks. Learn to use the desire to conquer that possesses you to identify and change what you don't like in yourself. If you want so much to win, first identify your enemy: it might be yourself.

 Name : Loss
Planet : Venus
Sign : Scorpio
Medieval: Venus (R)/Scorpio
Agrippa: Venus/Libra
Valence: Very bad
Time: Days
Day: Diurnal
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Choleric
Numbers: 15 j t s
Stability : Mobile
Direction : Exiting
Amissio means "loss" and is part of the flip side of Venus. Loss of money, sometimes loss of love, things lost or taken away, illness, theft, financial problems. It often represents something outside one's grasp. Negative outcome. However, if the goal is loss, as in the loss of weight or getting out of a bad relationship, then Amissio signifies the desired loss can be achieved.
Ascendant - III in all things but for prisoners.
Second House - Very ill for money, but good for love.
Third House - Ill end, except for quarrels.
Fourth House - Ill in all.
Fifth House - Evil except for agriculture.
Sixth House - Rather evil for love.
Seventh House - Very good for love, otherwise evil.
Eighth House - Excellent in all questions.
Ninth House - Evil in all things.
Tenth House - Evil except for favour with women.
Eleventh House - Good for love, otherwise bad.
Twelfth House - Evil in all things.
If you obtain Amissio as an answer to a relationship question: there will be soon major risks of break-ups, or the gradual ending of a relationship endangered by the inability of one partner, or both, to build up on the initial (affective or erotic) sparkle ignited at the beginning of the love affair. You are at risk of destroying it, by your pessimism or unacceptable behavior. Or you could be the victim of an uncaring partner's lack of concern who will eventually desert you. Unless it is mere lack of desire, worn off because you lost interest in seducing your partner and got too caught up in the grind of daily chores and routine. Amissio is the figure of love stories ending up in the air because somebody never gave them a chance.
If you obtain Amissio as an answer to a professional question, it spells dispersion, wavering intentions, lack of follow-up, ships never coming in. You will go to job interviews and receive no offers, your plans will fail for lack of financing or support. Amissio is more about a progressive shrinking of resources and opportunities rather than spectacular ruin, except if the problem is financial. Draw another figure for advice.
If you obtain Amissio as an answer to a spiritual question: you might be dispirited for a while, ridden with doubt and depression, or you might be wasting your energy in pointless enterprises, possibly endangering your physical/mental balance. It is like your soul's light has been dwindling like a lamp running out of oil. Do not let this light die and ask for help from others. Draw another figure for advice.

Name : Gain
Planet : Jupiter
Sign : Aries
Medieval: Jupiter (D)/Aries
Agrippa: Jupiter/Pisces
Valence: Good
Time: Years
Day: Diurnal
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Sanguine
Numbers: 31 h m
Stability : Fixed
Direction : Entering
This Jupiter-based symbol is quite fortunate and shows success, money, promotion, benefit, good luck, gains from business or extension of existing property. Your difficulties are now behind you. Favorable in all financial matters.
Ascendant - Happy, success in all things.
Second House - Very prosperous.
Third House - Favour and riches.
Fourth House - Good fortune and success.
Fifth House - Good success,
Sixth House - Good, especially if it agrees with the 5th.
Seventh House - Reasonably good.
Eighth House - Rather good, but not very. The sick shall die.
Ninth House - Good in all demands.
Tenth House - Good in suits. Very prosperous.
Eleventh House - Good in all.
Twelfth House - Evil, pain and loss
If you obtain Acquisitio as an answer to a relationship question, it might announce a meeting with a person who will make you grow, personally or professionally. However, make sure this relationship is built on solid ground and not on mutual interest alone; it would be dangerous to base a bond on such flimsy foundations, which is no substitute for the sharing of an ideal. This figure means that your next relationship will beneficial to you in the sense of consolidation, increased inner and outer power.
If you obtain Acquisitio as an answer to a professional question: this figure is excellent and opens an era of prosperity and harvest resulting of your past activities. You will enjoy tangible forms of satisfaction: finally getting this coveted job, extending your competencies, learning new skills, increasing your shares in a business. Acquisitio means also the purchase of real estate or companies, possibly the creation of a new branch, in short growth. Do not forget however that possession is granted for you to improve what you own; if you don't, you might lose it.
If you obtain Acquisitio as an answer to a spiritual question, your quest will soon bring you many rewards. You will discover new ideas, or you will meet with a wise and erudite master who can impart some of his knowledge and answer some of your questions. Nevertheless, do not rely totally on somebody else for your progress, as this is mostly your own daily business. Share your spiritual knowledge with others to keep it alive, and remember spirituality goes way beyond mere religious/philosophical erudition

Name : Union
Planet : Mercury
Sign : Virgo
Medieval: Mercury (R)/Virgo
Agrippa: Mercury/Virgo
Valence: Moderately good
Time: Hours
Day: Diurnal
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Humor: Sanguine
Numbers: 13 17 h j c d
Stability : Both
Direction : Both
 This figure denotes the coming together of people or things: love, marriage, riendship, sexual attraction, contracts, agreements and partnerships. It also indicates the recovery of lost objects. A neutral figure, depending on the circumstances.
Ascendant - Good with good, evil with evil.
Second House - Commonly good.
Third House - Good fortune.
Fourth House - Good save for health; see the 8th.
Fifth House - Medium.
Sixth House - Good for immorality only.
Seventh House - Rather good.
Eighth House - Evil; death.
Ninth House - Medium good.
Tenth House - For love; good. For sickness, evil.
Eleventh House - Good in all.
Twelfth House - Medium. Bad for prisoners.
If you obtain Conjunctio as an answer to a relationship question: you will soon realize a union of sacred character, magical and deeply transforming. Conjunctio announces the marriage of cosmic soulmates, so deep and essential it will be almost symbiotic. Your love life could reach a summit if you have the courage to let go and abandon yourself to the strength of your own feelings and stop resisting this irresistible attraction. It is not about mad, illusory passion, rather an almost mystical complementarity consecrated by marriage, this social stamp of approval being the least important aspect of the relationship.
If you obtain Conjunctio as an answer to a professional question: it tells you it is a good time to establish complementary partnerships, original associations, mergers or working in pairs. Do not hesitate to enter into a joint project, or to boost your activities by bringing in new blood or new ideas. You could also receive help from different people, or be placed at a strategic crossroads position between different fields.
If you obtain Conjunctio as an answer to a spiritual question: it will lead you towards a divine love story. You will be united with cosmic planes, God or nature. You will fell connected to the cosmos beyond the boundaries of space-time and the trials and tribulations of the ego. You will be nourished by the stars and feel realized and complete. Conjunctio announces moments of grace, so let it touch you.

Name : Prison
Planet : Saturn
Sign : Pisces
Medieval: Saturn (D)/Pisces
Agrippa: Saturn/Capricorn
Valence: Moderately bad
Time: Years
Day: Nocturnal
Element: Earth
Gender: Feminine
Humor: Melancholy
Numbers: 10 o p q r s
Stability : Both
Direction : Both
Carcer means "prison, bondage" and suggests delays, restrictions, or confinement. Carcer's connection with Saturn implies that the querent with be confronted by reality and the laws of the external world. Carcer often shows a learning experience. Generally unfavorable but favorable for questions involving stability or security. Good for contracts and mortgages …. As a Judge, Saturn-ruled Carcer means something will be made real ("real-ized") or made manifest on the physical plane; the querent will get just what he or she has earned.
Ascendant - Evil except to fortify a place.
Second House - Good in Saturnine questions; else evil.
Third House - Evil.
Fourth House - Good only for melancholy.
Fifth House - Receive a letter within three days. Evil.
Sixth House - Very evil.
Seventh House - Evil.
Eighth House - Very evil.
Ninth House - Evil in all.
Tenth House - Evil save for hidden treasure.
Eleventh House - Much anxiety.
Twelfth House - Rather good.
If you obtain Carcer as an answer to a relationship question: loneliness might be visiting your life for some time, or a relationship might be stuck in first gear due to obstacles, difficulty to communicate or psychological inability to relate. You might be experiencing mental block, inhibition, feeling excluded like you don't belong anywhere. If you already have a partner, you might be plagued by this bitter "together-but-alone" feeling, living with a man who is unable or refuses to communicate. Do not feed this pessimism; let it run through you, but do not grant it too much importance. And try to bond with someone: an animal, a child, an elderly person, somebody who might need you a little--or a lot. This will be a step towards reestablishing normal communication between you and the world.
 If you obtain Carcer as an answer to a professional question, it announces a period of professional tedium and gnawing demotivation: maybe you are stuck in a thankless job, without appreciation or promotion. You may doubt your usefulness, feel frustrated for not using your skills and letting your creative juices rot. Or you might have to put up with a dictatorial, rigid boss who stifles you and denies you initiative; or be caught in the giant red tape web of a mammoth bureaucracy. In any case, you still can use this difficult time for introspection and putting yourself into question professionally. Draw another figure for advice.
If you obtain Carcer as an answer to a spiritual question: constraints and obstacles can help you understand the nature of what keeps you from realizing your full potential. Pressure builds strength, and lava would not have such an eruptive power without the rocks blocking its way. If you work at redefining yourself during this crossing of the desert, you will find in yourself news powers you did not know you had .

Name : Tail of the Dragon
Planet : Cauda Draconis
Sign : Sagitarius
Medieval: Moon’s South Node/Sagittarius
Agrippa: Moon’s South Node/Scorpio
Valence: Very bad
Time: Weeks
Day: Diurnal
Element: Earth
Gender: Feminine
Humor: Choleric
Numbers: 12 14 h j c d
Stability : Mobile
Direction : Exiting
Cauda Draconis, the Moon's South Node or Dragon's Tail, is associated with the negative sides of Saturn and Scorpio. It can show misfortune and the need to pay for past debts. Cauda Draconis favors the termination of something. When Cauda falls in the first house, many geomancers destroy the figure.
Ascendant - Destroy figure if it falls here! Makes judgment worthless.
Second House - Very evil.
Third House - Evil in all.
Fourth House - Good especially for conclusion of the matter.
Fifth House - Very evil.
Sixth House - Rather good.
Seventh House - Evil, war, and fire.
Eighth House - No good, except for magic.
Ninth House - Good for science only. Bad for journeys. Robbery.
Tenth House - Evil save in works of fire.
Eleventh House - Evil save for favours.
Twelfth House - Rather good.
If you obtain Cauda Draconis as an answer to a relationship question: you might be in danger of being victimized by a manipulative partner. Be ever watchful and try to go to the bottom of the matter (discreetly of course) as he/she might be hiding something from you, or cheating on you. Cauda Draconis may also warn you against a bad attitude ( yours or his/hers), letting defiance and duplicity dictate your actions much more than love. Serious risks of lies and betrayal are in the cards and must not be ignored. Draw another figure to get more details and advice to chose a course of action
If you obtain Cauda Draconis as an answer to a professional question: if I was in your shoes, I would not take another step without getting a lot more guarantees. You might be exposed to a swindle, or fall into a trap. The morality of your collaborators/colleagues/employer should be thoroughly scrutinized, as Cauda Draconis alerts you to a possibility of manipulation or vicious rumors. Full light must be made: do not be afraid to turn the stone over, even if underneath you find it crawling with creepies: truth might wound, but lies can kill. Draw another figure for more details, and advice on a course of action .
If you obtain Cauda Draconis as an answer to a spiritual question: stop and think. You might be influenced and pushed in a dangerous, harmful direction, harmful and destructive for you as well as for others. Analyze your deeper motives and try to understand your real intentions when it comes to spirituality, or should we say magic? Are you sure your quest is not motivated by the desire to dominate other human beings without paying the price of true initiation which always involve reaching down to the depths of yourself? But maybe you are not the problem: take a critical look at the person you have chosen as your spiritual guide and examine his motivations. Do not lose hope however, and remember the one who said: seek, and you will find... Trust your intuition, it can change everything.

 Name : Sorrow
Planet : Saturn
Sign : Scorpio
Medieval: Saturn(R)/Scorpio
Agrippa: Saturn/Aquarius
Valence: Very bad
Time: Years
Day: Nocturnal
Element: Earth
Gender: Feminine
Humor: Melancholy
Numbers: 12 b d n
Stability : Fixed
Direction : Entering
Tristitia means "sorrow, sadness" and suggests depression, humiliation, loneliness unhappiness, or grief. Loss and destruction of something that has been carefully built up.The querent may suffer problems or feel negatively about the matters governed by the house where Tristitia lies. Sometimes Tristitia shows the need for professional counseling to deal with emotional stress or pain. Unfavorable except in questions dealing with building and the Earth.
Ascendant - Medium, but good for treasure and fortifying.
Second House - Medium, but good to fortify.
Third House - Evil in all.
Fourth House - Evil in all.
Fifth House - Very evil.
Sixth House - Evil, except for debauchery.
Seventh House - Evil for inheritance and magic only.
Eighth House - Evil, but in secrecy good.
Ninth House - Evil except for magic.
Tenth House - Evil except for fortifications.
Eleventh House - Evil in all.
Twelfth House - Evil. But good for magic and treasure.
If you obtain Tristitia as an answer to a relationship question: you might be going through a period of loneliness and fatigue. Maybe you are at the end of a love affair having already lost its color and sparkle. Or your partner might be shutting you off because he/she is becoming unable to deal with his/her many personal problems. Do not make matters worse by giving up too soon, and try not to isolate yourself. Draw another figure for advice.
If you obtain Tristitia as an answer to a professional question: things are moving too slow, success might elude you, and painful professional disappointment will ensue. Business is hard, profits are low, you feel your efforts are poorly rewarded, or you may be forced to stay in an ungrateful/thankless business partnership. If you are looking for a job, or in the process of closing a deal, you might have to wait... Try to analyze methodically the situation and start considering a partial/complete change of activities. Your professional life may be sad because you cant let go of the past and you are clinging to old shells that no longer suit you. Draw another figure for advice and finding a way out.
If you obtain Tristitia as an answer to a spiritual question: maybe you can't get high enough to disentangle yourself from trivial matters and to reach this state of detachment you were seeking as a solution to your problems. Do not despair, because Tristitia, by forcing you to reach deep within yourself, will bring you surprises and long term rewards. If you could let a little light burn in the night of your sadness, like an oil lamp in a cave, heaven might reflect it back to you hundred times brighter in a rainfall of stars. Pray and keep the faith.

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