Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Of the Birthday February 7 & 8



Brown, Black, Blue, Green, Rainbow, Red-Black, Silver, Gold-sheen
Shiny, opaque, glass-like
Some colors are readily available, others are rare and some blue-green colors are manufactured glass
Mexico and worldwide (Dear Judy Hull author of The Crystal Bible, is Mexico not part of world wide?)

Obsidian is molten lava that cooled so quickly it had no time to crystallize. Obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations. It works extremely fast and with great power. Its truth-enhancing, reflective qualities are merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses, and blockages. Nothing can be hidden from Obsidian. 
Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will and making it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. 
Blue Obsidian aids astral travel, facilitates divination, and enhances telepathy. 
Blue-Green Obsidian opens the heart and throat chakras, facilitates speaking one's truth and understanding from the heart. 
Electric Blue Obsidian is an intuitive stone. It facilitates divination, trance states, shamanic journeying, psychic communication, and past life regression. 
Gold-Sheen Obsidian is particularly effective for scrying. It takes you into the future and the past and deep into the core of a problem.
Green Obsidian opens and purifies the heart and throat chakras. It removes hooks and ties from other people and protects against repetition 
Mahogany Obsidian has a gentler energy than black. Resonating with the earth, it grounds and protects, gives strength in times of need, vitalizes purpose, eliminates energy blockages, and stimulates growth on all levels.
Rainbow Obsidian is one of the gentler obsidian but with a strong protective properties. It teaches you about your spiritual nature.
Red-Black Obsidian raises kundalini energy. It promotes vitality, virility, and brotherhood. 
Silver-Sheen Obsidian enhances meditation and is the perfect crystal for crystal gazing. As with all Obsidian, it provides a mirror of inner being. 

Apache Tear

Small, often smooth and water-worn. Translucent when held to the light

Apache Tear is a form of Black Obsidian but it is much gentler in its effect. It still brings up negativity but does so slowly so that it can be transmuted. 



Parts Used: Dried aerial parts
Collection: The plant is collected in August when in flower and should be dried in the shade. 

Cudweed may be used in all cases of upper respiratory catarrh or inflammatory conditions, such as laryngitis, tonsillitis, or quinsy. For these last conditions, it may also be used as a gargle. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Fresh or dried flower head
Collection: The flowers may be picked between March and October

Daisy, one of our most common plants, is useful for coughs and catarrh. For all conditions that manifest in these forms, Daisy may be used freely and safely. It has a reputation of value in arthritis and rheumatism, as well as in liver and kidney problems. Due to its astringency, it is also useful for diarrhea. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three or four times a day. 


Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Element: Air

Ruling Planets: Saturn, The teacher and Uranus, The Visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Tarot Card: The Star (Hope)
Number: 4
Favorable colors: Blue, Turquoise, Yellow
Key phrase: I express my original ideas
Love matches: Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius

February 7

"I can instruct but I can't enforce."

The birthday of the prophet

Your greatest challenge is to get others to take you seriously.
On the Dark Side: Critical, unrealistic, dissatisfied
At Your Best: Visionary, fair, spontaneous

February 8

"The universe runs through me, giving me direction"

The birthday of the hypnotist

Your greatest challenge is avoiding the seedier, self- destructive side of life.
On the Dark Side: Unassertive, overly serious, uncertain
At Your Best: Driven, charming, sensitive


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