Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Of the Birthday March 28 & 29



Colorless, White, Blue, Peach
Varied, all sizes, often as a cluster
Available from specialist stores
Britain, Australia, India, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy, US

Zeolite is the generic name for a group of crystals that are often found together on a matrix. They include Apophyllite, Okenite, Pectolite, Prehnite, and Stillbite. The combination stone is very beautiful and can be used as a decorative feature to enhance the environment. Zeolite absorbs toxins and odors.


Red, Orange-Yellow, Green, Colorless
Grainy mass, although some striking transparent crystals are available from Poland that formed as part of the smelting process at a mine. 
Available from specialist stores
Poland, Italy, US

Zincite is a powerful stone that synthesizes physical energy and personal power with creativity. This fiery stone can aid the manifestation process and re-energize depleted energy systems.  



Parts Used: Flowers and unripe fruit

Kousso is an effective treatment for tapeworm. Its action is due to a potent natural chemical that has led to its inclusion of the poisons list in Britain.

The dosage level given for this herb by Mrs. Grieve are 0.5 ounce of the herb to 1 pint of boiling water. This should be taken in 4 fluid ounce doses, repeated at two-hourly intervals.

Lady's Mantle

Parts Used: Leaves and flowering shoots.
Collection: The leaves and stems are collected between July and August

This and other species of Alchemilla have been widely used in folk medicine throughout Europe. Lady's Mantle will help reduce pains associated with periods as well as ameliorating excessive bleeding. It also has a role to play in easing the changes of menopause. As an emmenagogue, it stimulates the proper menstrual flow if there is any resistance. Its astringency provides a role in the treatment of diarrhea and as a mouthwash for sores and ulcers and as a gargle for laryngitis. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. To help diarrhea and as a mouthwash or lotion, a stronger dosage is made by boiling the herb for a few minutes to extract all the tannins. 


Aries ( March 21 - April 19)

Element: Fire
Ruling Planets: Mars, the warrior
Symbol: The Ram
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Number: 9
Favorable colors: Red and White
Key phrase: I am born to lead 
Love Matches: Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius

March 28

"I am winning in the race of life."

The birthday of magnificent remoteness

Your greatest challenge is to stop doubting yourself.
On the Dark Side: Unaware, vacillating, unrealistic
At Your Best: Independent, optimistic, focused

March 29

"I deserve and expect only the very best."

The birthday of the discerning presence.

Your greatest challenge is asserting yourself.
On the Dark Side: Lacking in focus, aloof, cautious
At Your Best: Creative, genuine, perceptive. 


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


The menu for your last meal


An anatomy chart

Monday, March 27, 2017

Of the Birthday 24 - 27



Easily obtained
US, South Africa

Ukanite is a stone of vision. It balances emotions with spirituality


Orange-Brown, Red-Brown, Yellow-Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow
Very small, bright transparent crystals on a matrix
Obtainable from specialist stores

Vanadinite is an excellent stone for people who have problems accepting their physicality. 


Green, Grey, and White
Opaque , sometimes veined, may appear as a large mass or small encrustations on a matrix
Obtainable from specialist stores
US, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Bolivia

Variscite is a stone of encouragement. Bringing hope and courage, it is extremely useful for illness and invalids. 


Yellow, Golden, Orange, Green, Gray, Yellow-Gray, Brown, White, Colorless
Small crystals or blades on a matrix, or large transparent, squarish crystal
Available from specialist stores
US, Mexico

Wulfenite is an extremely useful stone, but toxic: handle with caution and do not place on skin. It assists in accepting the less positive aspects of life and prevents despondency or inertia setting in when you're faced with negative situations or feelings. 


Jamaican Dogwood

Parts Used: Stem Bark
Collection: The bark is collected in vertical strips from trees growing in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Texas. 

Jamaican Dogwood is a powerful sedative, used in its West Indian homeland as a fish poison. While not being poisonous to humans, the given dosage level should not be exceeded. It is a powerful remedy for the treatment of painful conditions such as neuralgia and migraine. It can also be used in the relief of ovarian and uterine pain. Its main use is perhaps in insomnia where this is due to nervous tension or pain.

Decoction: put 1- 2 teaspoonful s of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk when needed. 


Parts Used: Dried fruit
Collection: The fruit of this tree, which grows from India to Australia, is collected in the late summer

Jambul may be used in diarrhea or in any condition where a mild and effective astringent is called for. Its carminative properties, due to the volatile oil, make it ideal for conditions where diarrhea is associated with griping pain. Jambul has been used in medicine for the treatment of diabetes. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the seeds and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Juniper Berries

Parts Used: Dried ripe berries
Collection: The ripe, unshriveled berries should be collected in the fall and dried slowly in hte shade, to avoid losing the oil present. 

Juniper Berries make an excellent antiseptic in conditions such as cystitis. The essential oil present is quite stimulating to the kidney nephrons, and so this herb should be avoided in kidney disease. The bitter action aids digestion and eases flatulent colic. It is used in rheumatism and arthritis. Externally, it eases pain in the joints or muscles. 

CAUTION: Due to its action on the kidneys, Juniper Berries should be avoided in any kidney disease. 

CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of lightly crushed berries and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. A cup should be drunk night and morning. For the treatment of chronic rheumatism, this treatment should be continued for four to six weeks in the spring and fall. 

Kola Nut

Parts Used: Seed kernel
Collection: The kola tree grows in tropical Africa and is cultivated in South America. The seeds are collected when ripe and are initially white, turning the characteristic red upon drying. 

Kola Nut has marked stimulating effect on the human consciousness. It can be used wherever there is a need for direct stimulation, which is less often than is usually thought. Through regaining proper health and therefore right functioning , the nervous system does not need such help. In the short term, it may be used in nervous debility, in states of atony and weakness. It can act as a specific in nervous diarrhea. It will aid in states of depression and may in some people.give rise to euphoric states. In some varieties of migraine, it can help greatly. Through the stimulation it will be a valuable part of the treatment of anorexia. It can be viewed as specific in cases of depression associated with weakness and debility. 

Decoction: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the powdered nuts in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk when needed. 


Aries ( March 21 - April 19)

Element: Fire
Ruling Planets: Mars, the warrior
Symbol: The Ram
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Number: 9
Favorable colors: Red and White
Key phrase: I am born to lead 
Love Matches: Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius

March 24

"I am positive in my outlook and life brings me good things in response."

The birthday of stormy tranquility.

Your greatest challenge is dealing with your anger.
On the Dark Side: Dreamy, vulnerable, unrealistic.
At Your Best: Warm, trusting, direct

March 25

"I can only direct what is happening within me not around me."

The birthday of electric energy.

Your greatest challenge is learning to keep a lid on your temper.
On the Dark Side: Moody, critical, childish
At Your Best: Dynamic, individual, compassionate.

March 26

Happy Birthday J.L. Emerson.

"I love my life. It is wonderful to be alive."

The Birthday of honesty.

Your greatest challenge is to speak your mind when the situation demands it.
On the Dark Side: Inflexible, passive, insecure
At Your Best: Bold, mature, effortless.

March 27

"Every day is filled with chances to feel happier and more fulfilled."

The birthday of the individual. 

Your greatest challenge is not letting work rule your life.
On the Dark Side: Aloof, tense, difficult
At Your Best: Dynamic, stylish, imaginative.


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


Your favorite moment in film


A leopard

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


What a character wearing something red is thinking.


A sensitive cowboy

Of the Birthday March 22-23



Turquoise, Green or Blue
Opaque, often veined 
Easily obtained
US, Egypt (on the list 2ce in this book, must really be in Egypt!), Mexico, China, Iran, Peru, Poland, Russia, France, Tibet, Afghanistan, Arabia

Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. It is a protecive stone and has been used for amulets since time immemorial. 


Clear, silky, squarish crystal, sometimes lightly striated, magnifies
Easily obtained

Ulexite is best known for its ability to magnify anything placed under it. It is an extremely clear stone and brings things into focus on the inner and spiritual levels, lending much-needed objectivity and clarity. 



Parts Used: Root and rhizome.
Collection: The root of this small South American shrub is gathered throughout the year, although the native South Americans collect it when it is in flower during January and February. 

Ipecacuanha is mainly used as an expectorant in bronchitis and conditions such as whooping cough. At higher doses it is a powerful emetic and as such is used in the treatment of poisoning. Care must be taken in use of this herb. After an effective emetic dose has been given large amounts of water should be taken as well. In the same way that Ipecacuanha helps expectoration through stimulation of mucous secretion and then its removal, it stimulates the production of saliva. It has been found effective in the treatment of amebic dysentry. 

Infusion: as this is a very powerful herb, only a small amount should be used. Only 10-25 milligrams of the herb should be used for an infusion. Pour a cup of boiling water onto a small amount of the herb (equaling the size of a pea) and leave to infuse for five minutes. This can be drunk three times a day. If you need to use it as a powerful emetic, 1-2 grams should be used, which equals 1/4- 1/2 teaspoonful when used for an infusion. 

Irish Moss

Common Name: Carragheen 
Parts Used: The dried thallus. It is a seaweed
Collection: It is collected from the rocky coastlines of northwestern Europe, especially Ireland, all year round at low tide.

The mucilage present in this plant is used in large quantities by the food industry to make jellies or aspic and to be used as a smooth binder. This very property is the basis of its use in digestive conditions where a demulcent is called for, such as gastritis and ulcers. However, its main use is in respiratory problems such as bronchitis. It finds a use in cosmetics as a skin softener. 

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1- 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Aries ( March 21 - April 19)

Element: Fire
Ruling Planets: Mars, the warrior
Symbol: The Ram
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Number: 9
Favorable colors: Red and White
Key phrase: I am born to lead 
Love Matches: Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius

March 22

"Today, I will say 'I want to' not 'I should'''

The birthday of frankness.

Your greatest challenge is learning to show tact
On the Dark Side: Overbearing, unaware, proud
At Your Best: Reliable, confident, curious

March 23

"The love in my heart refreshes and restores me"

The birthday of the eternal student.

Your greatest challenge is to pay attention to your emotional needs.
On the Dark Side: Skeptical, uninvolved, insecure
At Your Best: Progressive, insightful, flexible.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


A man giving a speech to a crowd of thousands is suddenly caught in a bald-faced lie.


David Bowie

Of the Birthday March 21



Black, Brown, Green, Pink, Red, Yellow, Blue, Watermelon, Blue-Green
Shiny, opaque or transparent, long striated or hexagonal structure
Easily obtained from specialist stores
Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa, US, Western Australia, Afghanistan, Italy

Tourmaline cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration.

Black Tourmaline (Schorl) protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells and ill-wishing, and negative energies of all kinds.
Blue Tourmoline (Indicolite) activates the throat and third eye chakra and stimulates the urge for spiritual freedom and clarity of slef-expression.
Colorless Tourmaline (Achroite) synthesizes all other colors and opens the crown chakra
Green Tourmaline (Verdelite) is an excellent healer and is helpful for visualization.
Multicolored Gem Tourmaline (Elbaite) contains all colors and, as a result, it brings the mind, body, spirit and soul into wholeness
Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual world.
Purple-Violet Tourmaline stimulates healing of the heart and produces loving consciousness.
Red Tourmaline (Rubellite) strengthens the ability to understand love, promotes tactfulness and flexibility, sociability and extroversion, balancing to much aggression or over-passivity.
Watermelon Tourmaline (pink enfolded in green) is the "super-activator" of the heart chakra, linking it to the higher self and fostering love, tenderness, and friendship.
Yellow Tourmaline stimulates the solar plexus and enhances personal power.

Black Tourmaline with Mica returns ill-wishing to its source so the perpetrator learns from it.
Black Toumaline Rod in Quartz is excellent for neutralizing psychic or actual attack, strengthening the person on the recieving end and enhancing their well-being.
Tourmaline with Lepidolite on a matrix is excellent for giving up addictions of all kinds, for understanding the reasons behind addiction, and for accepting that denial has been present.


Iceland Moss

Parts Used: The entire plant. It is a lichen.
Collection: The lichen may be gathered throughout the year, though between May and September is perhaps best. It should be freed from attached impurities and dried in the sun or the shade.

As a soothing demulcent with its high mucilage content, Iceland Moss finds use in the treatment of gastritis, vomiting, and dyspepsia. It is often used in respiratory catarrh and bronchitis. It generally soothes the mucous membranes. In addition, its nourishing qualities contribute to the treatment of cachexia, a state of malnourishment and debility. 

Decoction: put 1 teaspoon of the shredded moss in a cup of cold water, boil for three minutes, and let stand for 10 minutes. A cup should be drunk morning and evening


Aries ( March 21 - April 19)

Element: Fire
Ruling Planets: Mars, the warrior
Symbol: The Ram
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Number: 9
Favorable colors: Red and White
Key phrase: I am born to lead 
Love Matches: Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius

March 21

"I can be a good example to others"

The birthday of clear sightedness

Your greatest challenge is learning to be more tactful.
On the Dark Side: Passive, inflexible, unsociable
At Your Best: Perceptive, honest, powerful


Monday, March 20, 2017

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


A woman thinks she might be living next door to her grandson.


A seagull

Of the Birthday March 20



Golden-Yellow, Brown, Blue, Clear, Red-Pink, Green
Transparent, pointed crystals
Easily obtained from specialist stores, red-pink is rare
US, Mexico, India, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan

Topaz is a mellow, empathetic stone that directs energy to where it is needed most. 

Blue Topaz is an excellent color for meditation and attuning to the higher self, assisting in living according your own aspirations and views. 
Clear Topaz aids in becoming aware of thoughts and deeds, and the karmic effect that these have. 
Golden Topaz (Imperial Topaz) acts like a battery and recharges spiritually and physically, strengthening faith and optimism. 
Pink Topaz is a stone of hope
Rutilated Topaz is rare but is extremely effective for visualization and manifestation. 



Parts Used: Dried aerial parts
Collection: The flowering tops of Hyssop should be collected in August and dried in the sun. 

Hyssop has an interesting range of uses that are largely attributable to the antispasmodic action of the volatile oil. It is used in coughs, bronchitis, and chronic catarrh. Its diaphoretic properties explain its use in the common cold. As a nervine, it may be used in anxiety states, hysteria, and petit mal (a form of epilepsy).

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1- 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 - 15 minutes. This should be drank three times a day 


Pisces ( February 19 - March 20)

Element: Water
Ruling Planets: Jupiter, the philosopher and Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Tarot card: The Moon (intuition)
Number: 7
Favorable colors: Green, Silver, violet
Key phrase: I uncover hidden depths. 
Love Matches: Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

March 20

"I extend my love and compassion to everyone, including myself."

The birthday of the insightful wanderer

Your greatest challenge is putting your needs first.
On the Dark Side: Indecisive, unsure, oversensitive
At Your Best: Optimistic, compassionate, versatile.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Of the Birthday March 17-19



Black or Dark Brown, Green (Moldavite)
Glassy, densely translucent
Because Tektite is a meteorite, it is quite rare but available from specialists shops
Middle and Far East, Philippines, Polynesia, can occur worldwide.

Because of its extraterrestrial origin, Tektite is believed to enhance communication with other worlds and to encourage spiritual growth through absorption and retention of higher knowledge. 


Pink, Rose, White, Red, Grey
Granulated mass
Obtained from specialist stores

A dramatic stone with a powerful link to the life force, stimulating healing and regeneration, Thulite is helpful wherever there is resistance to overcome. 

Tiger's Eye

Brown-Yellow, Pink, Blue, Red
Banded, slightly shiny
Easily obtained
US, Mexico, India, Australia, South Africa

Tiger's Eye combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded , drawing the spiritual energies to earth.

Blue Tiger's Eye is calming and releases stress
Gold Tiger's Eye aids in paying attention to detail, warning against complacency. 
Red Tiger's Eye is a stimulating stone that overcomes lethargy and provides motivation. 
Hawk's EyeA banded "Hawk-like" form of Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye is an excellent stone for healing the earth's energy and for grounding energy. 



Part Used: Taproot.
Collection: The roots are collected in the winter and stored in sand. 

Horseradish is an old household remedy useful wherever a stimulating herb is called for. It can be used in influenza and fevers as a rough equivalent to Cayenne. It stimulates the digestive process while easing wind and griping pains. It has been used in cases of urinary infection. Externally it has a stimulating action similar to Mustard Seed. It can be used for rheumatism and as a poultice in bronchitis. 

The fresh root is often used as a vegetable

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the powdered or chopped root. Leave to infuse for five minutes. This should be drunk three times a day should be drunk three times a day or more often when being used to treat influenza or fevers. 


Parts Used: Dried aerial stems.
Collections: Collect in the early summer. Cut the plant just above the ground, hang in bundles, and dry in an airy place. 

Horsetail is an excellent astringent for the genitourinary system, reducing hemorrhage and healing wounds, thanks to the high silica content. While it acts as a mild diuretic, its toning and stringent actions make it invaluable in the treatment of incontinence and bed-wetting in children. It is considered a specific in cases of inflammation or benign enlargement of the prostate gland. Externally, it is a vulnerary (healing wounds). In some cases, it has been found to ease the pain of rheumatism and stimulate the healing of chilblains. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried plant and let infuse for 15- 20 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Bath: a useful bath can be made to help in rheumatic pain and chilblains. Allow 3.5 ounces of the herb to steep in hot water for an hour. Add this to bath. 


Parts Used: Dried roots and rhizome. 
Collection: The roots should be unearthed in the fall. Clean and slice while still fresh, as they become very hard on drying. 

Hydrangea's greatest use is in the treatment of inflamed or enlarged prostate glands. It may also be used for urinary stones or gravel associated with infections such as cystitis. 

Decoction: put 2 teaspoonfuls of the root in a cup of water, bring to boil, and simmer for 10- 15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Pisces ( February 19 - March 20)

Element: Water
Ruling Planets: Jupiter, the philosopher and Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Tarot card: The Moon (intuition)
Number: 7
Favorable colors: Green, Silver, violet
Key phrase: I uncover hidden depths. 
Love Matches: Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

March 17

"Today I will confront my fears with boldness"

The Birthday of magical sparkle

Your greatest challenge is to make a commitment and stick to it
On the Dark Side: Self-effacing, irresponsible, flighty
At Your Best: Inspired, hardworking, adaptable

March 18

"Today I will seek out opportunities to be kind"

The birthday of spiritual strength.

Your greatest challenge is spending enough time with loved ones
On the Dark Side: Obsessive, needy, ruthless
At Your Best: Powerful, resilient, courageous

March 19

"I am ready to open up my world to something new"

The birthday of true grit

Your greatest challenge is learning to listen to the viewpoints of others
On the Dark Side: Inflexible, depressed, materialistic
At Your Best: Determined, charming, thorough


Itty Bitty Tid Bit from my Datebook

Spring has arrived and Ostara's blessings can be seen everywhere. The buds are beginning to swell on the trees, perennials are beginning to poke through the warming earth, and the Sun is beginning its upward climb. Since eggs are a prominent feature of this holiday, try this take on a breakfast burrito.

Inside-Out Breakfast Burrito

2 large eggs beaten
2 burrito-sized tortilla
3 Tablespoons salsa
3/4 cup precooked breakfast sausage
3/4 cup sharp cheddar

Filling variations

Sausage, sauerkraut, spicy mustard chorizo, jalapeno, pepper jack cheese, chicken, pesto, and mozzarella corned beef, sauerkraut, Russian dressing

In large nonstick skillet over medium low heat, pour eggs and distribute evenly. Place tortilla on top.  On one half of your tortilla, layer salsa, sausage, and cheese. Pull pan slightly off burner, cooking the half of the burrito that is clear of ingredients until eggs are cooked (3-5 minutes). Flip the cooked side over the filling (like a taco) and continue cooking until eggs are done and filling has heated through.

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


Write a short story that is set in Detroit in 1956, in which a car floor mat plays a crucial role


A Penguin