Thursday, March 2, 2017

Of the Birthday Feb 28 and March 1-2

Just a note here, if I can find a Birthstone that isn't the commonly sold birthstone jewelry at Zale's or any other jewelry store, that is the birthstone I'm going to use for my blog. A few month's have more than one stone. I want to use the least commonly known. I want you to learn something here not just have a bit of fun reading it.

Also, the power went out on me yesterday as I was doing this blog. :( So, I had to add to it today!



Pink or Red
Mottled, often flecked with black
Easily obtained
Spain, Russia, Sweden, Germany, Mexico, Brazil

Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It has the ability to show both sides of an issue. 


White, Green, Light Gray, Red
Banded or spotted with crystal inclusions
Available from specialist stores
Austrailia, Mexico, US

Rhyolite ignites the potential and creativity of the soul. It facilitates change with out enforcing it, assists in fulfilling quests and facilitates knowing from a soul level.


Bright, transparent when polished, opaque when not
Uncut Ruby is readily available, polished gemstone is expensive
India, Madagascar, Russia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Kenya, Mexico

Ruby is an excellent stone for energy. Imparting vigor to life, it energizes and balances but may sometimes overstimulate in delicate or irritable people.


Gentian Root

Parts Used: Dried rhizome and root.
Collection: The underground parts are dug up in the fall, sliced, and dried slowly. It is during the drying process that the odor, color, and taste develop.

Gentian is an excellent bitter that, as do all bitters, stimulates the appetite and digestion via a general stimulation of the digestive juices. Thus it promotes the production of saliva, gasttic juices, and bile. It also accelerates the emptying of the stomach. It is indicated wherever there is a lack of appetite and sluggishness of the digestive system. It may thus be used where teh symptoms of sluggish digestion appear, these being dyspepsia and flatulence. Through the stimulation of the digestion it has a generally fortifying effect. 

Decoction: Put 1/2 a teaspoonful of the shredded root in a cup of water and boil for five minutes. This should be drunk warm about 15-30 minutes before meals or at any time when acute stomach pains result from a feeling of fullness.

Geranium (AKA American Cranesbill)

Parts Used: Rhizome
Collection: The rhizome is unearthed in September and October, cut into pieces and Dried.

Geranium is an effective astringent used in diarrhea, dysentery, and hemorrhoids. When bleeding accompanies duodenal or gastric ulceration, this remedy is used in combination with other relevant herbs. Where blood is lost in the feces, this herb will help, though careful diagnosis is vital. It may be used where excessive blood loss during menstruation (menorrhagia) or a uterine hemorrhage (metrorrhagia) occur. As a douche, it can be used in leukorrhea. 

Decocion: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the rhizome in a cup of cold water and bring to the boil. Let simmer for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.


Parts Used: Rootstock
Collection: The rootstock is dug up when the leaves are dried. The remains of the stem and root fibers should be removed. Wash thoroughly and dry in the sun. 

Ginger may be used as a stimulant of the peripheral circulation in cases of bad circulation, chilblains, and cramps. In feverish conditions, Ginger acts as a useful diaphoretic, promoting perspiration. As a carminative, it promotes gastric secretion and is used dyspepsia, flatulence, and colic. As a gargle, it may be effective in teh relief of sore throats. Externally, it is the base of many fibrositis and muscle sprain treatments. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the fresh root and let it infuse for five minutes. Drink whenever needed. 

Decoction: if you are using the dried root in powdered or finely chopped form, make a decoction by putting 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls to a cup of water. Bring it to boil and simmer for 5- 10 minutes. This can be drunk whenever needed 


Pisces ( February 19 - March 20)

Element: Water
Ruling Planets: Jupiter, the philosopher and Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Tarot card: The Moon (intuition)
Number: 7
Favorable colors: Green, Silver, violet
Key phrase: I uncover hidden depths. 
Love Matches: Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

February 28

"I celebrate what I have, and I meet new challenges with open arms"

The birthday of the original charmer

Your greatest challenge is learning to rein in your impulses
On the Dark Side: Thoughtless, melodramatic, reckless
At Your Best: Charming, original vibrant

February 29 

"I am perfect just as I am"

The birthday of wistful vivacity

Your greatest challenge is to believe in yourself
On the Dark Side: Immature, unfocused, moody
At Your Best: Youthful, intuitive, offbeat.


March 1

"It is myself rather than my worry which will change things"

The birthday of the practical visionary 

Your greatest challenge is learning to cope with feelings of worry and anxiety
On the Dark Side: Controlling, selfish, impatient
At Your Best: Refined, artistic, ambitious

March 2

"I will always ask for the help that I need"

The birthday of personal vision

Your greatest challenge is dealing with confrontation
On the Dark Side: Inflexible, escapist, needy
At Your Best: Loyal, trusting, purposeful


I have both stones here, but this will be the only March blog with both ;) 

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