Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Of the Birthday March 7



Red, Green, Brown-Red, Brown-Yellow, Black-Green, White
Mottled, dual appearance, can be waterworn
Easily obtained from specialist stores
Britain (Cornwall), Norway, Russia, Zimbabwe, Italy, US

Serpentine is an earthing stone that aids meditation and spiritual exploration. Clearing the chakras and stimulating the crown chakra, it opens psychic abilities and helps you to understand the spiritual basis of life. 

Infinite Stone (Light-Green Serpentine) is a gentle, tender-natured stone that brings you into contact with angelic guidance. It accesses and integrates the past, present and future and is excellent for past-life exploration, as it promotes compassion and forgiveness for yourself and what you went through. 


Golden Seal

Parts Used: Root and rhizome
Collection: Unearth the root and rhizome from three-year-old plants in teh fall, after the ripening of the seeds. Clean carefully and dry slowly in the air.

Golden Seal is one of the most useful herbs available to us. It owes most of its specific uses to the powerful tonic qualities shown toward the mucous membranes of the body. It is thus of service in all digestive problems-- for example, in gastritis, septic ulceration, and colitis. Its bitter stimulation gives it a role in loss of appetite. All catarrhal states benefit from Golden Seal, especially upper respiratory tract catarrh. The tonic and astringency contribute to its use in uterine conditions such as menorrhagia (excessive menstruation) and hemorrhage. With the additional stimulation of involuntary muscles, it is an excellent aid during childbirth, but for this reason it should be avoided during pregnancy. Externally, it is used for the treatment of eczema, ringworm, pruritis (itching), earache, and conjunctivitis. 

CAUTION: As Golden Seal stimulates the involuntary muscles of the uterus, it should be avoided during pregnancy. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2 - 1 teaspoonful of the powdered herb and leave to infuse for 10 - 15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Pisces ( February 19 - March 20)

Element: Water
Ruling Planets: Jupiter, the philosopher and Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Tarot card: The Moon (intuition)
Number: 7
Favorable colors: Green, Silver, violet
Key phrase: I uncover hidden depths. 
Love Matches: Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

March 7

"Today I will ask for what I desire"

The birthday of extraordinary vision

Your greatest challenge is learning to assert yourself
On the Dark Side: Detached, isolated, secretive
At Your Best: Thoughtful, generous, intelligent


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