Saturday, April 29, 2017

Of the Birthday April 29


Icicle Calcite

Whitish Yellow and Orange
Long, finger-like, opaque bi-color crystal
May need searching for
US, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania

Icicle Calcite is a spiritual and pragmatic guidance crystal that fires creativity at all levels. Spiritually, it is a powerful amplifier of energy with strongly purifying and cleansing properties that quickly remove stagnant energies wherever they are located. 

Can be used as a wand



Parts Used: Taproot, leaves, and seeds
Collection: The root is collected in the fall from two-year-old plants. THe leaves can be used anytime during the growing season. 

The fresh herb, so widely used in cookery, is one of our richest sources of vitamin. Medicinally, Parsley has three main areas of usage. Firstly, it is an effective diuretic, helping the body get rid of excess water and so may be used wherever such an effect is desired. Remember, however, that the cause of the problem must be sought and treated--don't just treat symptoms. The second area of use is as an emmenagogue stimulating the menstrual process. It is advisable not to use Parsley in medicinal dosage during pregnancy as there may be excessive stimulation of the womb. The third use is as a carminative, easing flatulence and the colic pains that may accompany it. 

CAUTION: Do not use during pregnancy in medicinal dosage.

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the leaves or root and let infuse for 5-10 minutes in a closed container. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

April 29

"I listen attentively to the wise voice of intuition."

The birthday of impeccable manners.

Your greatest challenge is learning to let your hair down.
On the Dark Side: Self-involved, proud, moody
At Your Best: Dignified, meticulous, dependable.


Lil' Witchy's Challenge




A rainbow


Divining Rods...

Mine are made from a copper rod we bought and cut at Lowes, You bend it to the handle length you'd like. I bought the wooden beads set at Walmart. We've made about 3 sets of these and it equals about 8 bucks each. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


The greatness of sandwiches




A Witch Board/ Pendulum Board

For mine (and my good friend Sunshine) we used some cheap wood scraps from Lowes that were cut in equal lengths and glued together into a nice rectangle (I've also seen these round with a compass rose in the center...beautiful), a wood burner, and some left over Wood Finish Stain from a house project. 

If you aren't handy with a wood burner, or your working with kids, I've seen them with fabric and embroidery. (I actually purchased a fabric one and based my board off it.) You can also use fabric and paint or even wood and paint. Just make sure you give the wood a good finishing clear coat. 

For your pendulum a pointy end on a string is really all you need! A favorite crystal necklace will work just fine, or you can find some nice ribbon and a favorite kind of (about the weight of a crystal) heavy charm. 

I found another lovely blogger to check out (and please dooooo!)

A Natural Witch Blog Home Page

A Natural Witch Craft post

Of the Birthday April 28


Hematoid Calcite

Reddish Yellow
Large squares or planes of opaque crystal
Fairly easily obtained
US, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania

Combining the stabilizing power of Hematite with the purifying energies of Calcite, Hematoid Calcite is an excellent stone for grounding and assimilating influxes of energy--hold it or place over the base chakra for five or ten minutes or until the energy stabilizes. 

Honey Phantom Calcite (Mariposa Calcite) gives a protective coating of purifying light to the biomagnetic sheath and imparts physical endurance to the body. 



Common Name: Heartsease.
Parts Used: Aerial parts
Collection: The herb can be collected throughout its growing season from March to August

Pansy is used commonly in three areas, the skin, lungs, and urinary system. It may be used in eczema and other skin problems where there is exudation (often called weeping) eczema. As an anti-inflammatory expectorant, it is used for whooping cough and acute bronchitis where it will soothe and help the body heal itself. For urinary problems, it will aid in the healing of cystitis and can be used to treat the symptoms of frequent and painful urination. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk 3 times a day. 


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

April 28

"Today and everyday I take time to find the quiet and stillness within me."

The Birthday of the conductor.

Your greatest challenge is learning to let go
On the Dark Side: Inflexible, over-protective, blunt
At Your Best: Radiant, focused, dependable.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Of the Birthdays April 26-27


Calcite Fairy Stone

Smooth, rounded and flattened discs

Looking rather like little aliens, insects or ancient earth goddesses, these Calcite Fairy figures are pseudo-morphs created when calcite settled into glacial clay. If a Calcite Fairy Stone adopts you, it acts as a 'little helper', taking care of details and providing a safe nurturing space in which to work both spiritually and practically. 


Vivid Pink
Small, transparent to opaque crystals
Easily obtained
Germany, US, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Brazil, Romania

Cobalto-calcite symbolizes unconditional love and forgiveness and is attuned to the pink flame of pure, compassionate love. A stone of self-discovery, it connects heart with mind. 


Oak Bark

Parts Used: Bark
Collection: The young bark is carefully pared from the trunk or branches that are not more than 4 inches thick. Take care to only take off patches never to take a whole ring around the trunk, which would kill the tree. The bark is collected in April or May. It must be smooth and free from blemishes. 

Oak Bark may be used wherever an effective astringent is called fro-- for example, diarrhea, dysentery, or hemorrhoids. As a gargle, the decoction can be used in tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. It can be used as an enema for the treatment of hemorrhoids and as a douche for leukorrhea. It is primarily indicated for use in acute diarrhea, taken in frequent small doses. 

Decoction: Put one teaspoonful of the bark in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes. This can be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Seeds and whole plant
Collection: The fruit and straw are gathered at harvest time, in August about four weeks after the rye harvest. The stalks are cut and bound together. Leave them upright to dry and then thresh out the fruit. The straw is just the crushed dry stalks. 

Oats is one of the best remedies for "feeding" the nervous system, especially when under stress. It is considered a specific in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion when associated with depression. It may be used with most of the other nervines, both relaxant and stimulatory, to strengthen the whole of the nervous system. It is also used in general debility. The high levels of silicic acid in the straw will explain its use as a remedy for skin conditions, especially in external applications. 

Oats may most conveniently be taken in the form of porridge or gruel. 
Fluid Extract: in liquid form it is most often given as a fluid extract. Take 3-5 milliliters three times a day.
Bath: A soothing bath for use in neuralgia and irritated skin conditions can be made: 1 pound of shredded straw is boiled in 4 pints of water for half an hour. The liquid is strained and added to the bath.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

April 26

"I am perfect in my imperfection and that is the way it should be."

The birthday of beautiful logic.

Your greatest challenge is learning there are no exact moral measurements
On the Dark Side: Isolated, stubborn, controlling
At Your Best: Rational, dependable, independent

April 27

"Love is the thread that joins everyone together."

The birthday of charming self-reliance

Your greatest challenge is not to isolate yourself.
On the Dark Side: Withdrawn, serious, shy
At Your Best: Independent, charming, dedicated 


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


You've just realized that you've lost something valuable in a nightclub ( a necklace, a wallet, a phone). What happens next?




This one is my special DIY. Off the top of my head I'm going to find you instructions and hopefully prices... you as always do not have to participate.. but I'm hoping to find you neat crafts that are inexpensive to help you along you Crafting ways. Some tools I've bought but also made. No book here, but I will try and find you a google link for how to's :) I have so many amazing crafts ... I'm gonna start with a simple one. 


When I made my wand, I did it with a piece of my favorite maple that fell off in a storm. I shaved off the bark until it gradually became a long point, with the exception of my handle. Then I whittled in a small vine on the bark-less piece and sealed it with my favorite melting wax (it smells like spring rain).

Here is a nice Wikihow - Make-a-Wand

Here's another nice Pinterest - Wand tutorial  I may try this one! 

And another favorite I found Heartfelt blog- Wands by kids :D. These are so damn cool. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Of the Birthday April 21 - 25



Gold with colored flashes
Opaque, Metallic, Tarnishes to iridescent (which is why in this pic you see no gold lol)
Easily Obtained
US, Canada, Morocco, Germany, Poland, England, Chile, Australia, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, France, Norway

Opening psychic abilities and enhancing inner knowing, Bornite teaches trust in the intuitive process. 


Transparent, slightly ribbed

Brazilianite has a zingy, high-energy vibration that empowers the spiritual will and assists manifestation.


Brown and Black
Mottled stone
Easily obtained
Germany, Finland, India, Sri Lanka, US

Bronzite facilitates simply 'being,' entering a dynamic state of non-action and non-doing. Spiritually, this is the perfect stone if you have difficulty stilling yourself, since it brings total serenity. 


Vitreous, opaque and patterned
Easily obtained but expensive
South Africa, Sweeden, Russia, Peru, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Britain, Brazil

Bustamite carries a powerful energy that brings about deep connection to the earth and facilitates earth healing, repairing and realigning the meridians of the earth's etheric body. 


Radiated, feathery inclusion
England, Sweden, France, Germany, Holland, US

Known as a stone of ascension, Cacoxenite heightens spiritual awareness. 



Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The ripe seed pods are collected in the late summer. Tap the seeds out and dry in a thin layer.

The well-known spice has its main use in medicine as a stimulating external application. The rubfacient action causes a mild irritation to the skin, stimulating the circulation to that area and relieving muscular and skeletal pain. Its stimulating, diaphoretic action can be utilized in the way that Cayenne and Ginger are. For feverishness, colds, and influenza, Mustard may be taken as a tea or ground and sprinkled into a bath. The stimulation of circulation will aid chilblains as well as the conditions already mentioned. An infusion or poultice of Mustard will aid in cases of bronchitis

Poultice: Mustard is most commonly used as a poultice, which can be made by mixing 4 ounces of freshly ground Mustard seeds with warm water to form a thick paste. This is spread on a piece of cloth the size of the body area that is to be covered. TO stop the paste from sticking to the skin, lay a dampened gauze on the skin. Apply the cloth and remove after one minute. The skin may be reddened by this treatment, which can be eased by applying olive oil afterwords. 
Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of Mustard flour and leave to infuse for five minutes. This may be drunk 3 times a day
Bath: Make an infusion using 1 tablespoon of bruised seeds to 2 pints of boiling water. 


Parts Used: Gum resin
Collection: The gum resin is collected from the bushes that secrete it in the arid regions of East Africa and Arabia

Myrrh is an effective antimicrobial agent that has been shown to work in two complementary ways. Primarily, it stimulates the production of white blood corpuscles (with their antipathogenic actions), and secondarily, it has a direct antimicrobial effect. Thus the herb will aid and support the natural process of defense, a vital activity, as so often today antibiotic drugs do this work for the body. Myrrh may be used in a wide range of conditions where an antimicrobial agent is needed. It finds specific use in the treatment of infections in the mouth such as mouth ulcers, gingivitis, pyorrhea, as well as the catarrhal problems of pharyngitis and sinusitis. It may also help with laryngitis and respiratory complaints. Systemically it is of value in the treatment of boils and similar conditions as well as glandular fever and brucellosis. It is often used as part of an approach to the treatment of the common cold. Externally, it will be healing and antiseptic for wounds and abrasions. 

Infusion: as the resin only dissolves in water with difficulty, it should be powdered well to make an infusion. Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the powder and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day


Parts Used: Aerial Parts
Collection: The leaves and flowers should be collected between July and October

Nasturtium is quite a powerful antimicrobial, especially when used as a local remedy for the treatment of bacterial infection. Internally, it can be used with benefit in any bacterial infection but it is especially indicated for respiratory infections such as bronchitis. It has been found to be beneficial in influenza and the common cold. Some herbalists report it to be indicated in infections of the female reproductive organs. 

Naturtium is most effective when fresh. Use it externally as a poultice or compress. To make an infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the fresh leaves and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Aerial parts
Collection: The herb should be collected when the flowers are in bloom

Nettles are one of the most widely applicable plants we have. They strengthen and support the whole body. They are beneficial in all the varieties of eczema. As an astringent, they may be used for nosebleeds or to relieve the symptoms wherever there is hemorrhage in the body--for example uterine hemorrhage. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Night-Blooming Cereus

Parts Used: Fresh Stem

This herb has an excellent reputation as a heart tonic, especially for problems related to nerves and debility. However, it is virtually unobtainable in Great Britain today, and in the United States, where it may be protected in the wild in certain desert areas, requiring a permit to collect it. 


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

April 21

"Today, I bless and wish others well, and they do the same for me." 

The birthday of graciousness.

Your greatest challenge is learning how to accept help from others
On the Dark Side: Pleasure-seeking, controlling, obsessive. 
At Your Best: Honest, regal, energetic

April 22

"Wonder and discovery are the keys to unlocking my spirit."

The birthday of quality

Your greatest challenge is to avoid becoming materialistic
On the Dark Side: Pleasure-seeking, controlling, opinionated
At Your Best: Ambitious, imposing, charismatic

April 23

"I am always moving forward in the direction of my goals"

The birthday of the elusive guide.

Your greatest challenge is not getting stuck in your ways
On the Dark Side: Detached, misleading, anxious
At Your Best: Insightful, innovative, popular

April 24

"I am in charge of my life. I reclaim my power."

The birthday of devotion

Your greatest challenge is resisting the need to respond to every request.
On the Dark Side: Indecisive, moody, smothering
At Your Best: Devoted, nurturing, creative

April 25

"I am protected by the spirit that flows through and inspires me."

The birthday of imposing vigor.

Your greatest challenge is learning to value life beyond the material
On the Dark Side: Overbearing, mundane, hasty
At Your Best: Energetic, imposing, steadfast. 


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


Pick a person, then ask yourself: What is the hardest choice this person has ever had to make?


A mirage

Thursday, April 20, 2017


These are some crafts links I found while digging up some crafts & such for the Beltane Fun blog bit.

cut a perfect paper star

make your own runes

Oh hell! have you ever seen this?  Pookapages

Beltane/May Day Fun stuffs

This stuff is somewhat for kids, but if your an adult and have cat kids....substitute that grass seed with a lil kitty nip or kitty grass seeds instead and viola craft you and your critter can love! 

If there's no instructions ... click ... there's a link! 

oo and this looks fun!

Flower garland for your hair from another Blogger :) passengersonalittlespaceship

May Day Pole <<<link 


  • paper towel roll or gift wrap roll,
  • crepe paper strips/ribbons,
  • a printer,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • something to color with,
  • paper.
  • optional:  little people (you can use store-bought toy people -- Kaitlyn made her little people from sculpy clay craft)


  • Print out the template of choice (if you use the gift wrap roll, you'll need a few templates to fully decorate).
  • Color the flowers as appropriate.
  • Cut the pieces out.   (Cutting may require adult assistance and can be pre-done).
  • Cover the roll with construction paper or some scraps of nice wrapping paper.
  • Glue or tape the flowers onto the outside of the roll.  You can also put some stickers on for added decoration.
  • Attach a few crepe paper or ribbon strips to the top of the "pole".  We used a paper towel roll and cut the crepe paper in half to make it thinner.
  • The pole stands up on its own if it's going to be decorative, but if you're going to play with it a lot, you might want to attach the pole to something.  Some ideas are
    • Place it in an empty margarine container with some playdough/clay in the bottom.
    • take it outside and put it in some dirt or the sandbox.
    • tape it to a flat piece of cardboard.
  • If you used the gift wrap roll idea, smaller children can actually dance around it (I don't think I'd let them hold the ribbons and such as the pole won't be TOO sturdy...  But they can play ring around the rosy or dance around it throwing petals, confetti or tissue paper flowers around all over the place.


  • Close the template window after printing to return to this screen.
  • Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP in most browsers).

Wheel of the Year--- Beltane Edition

As always with this blog, this is just parts of the book I find interesting. For full information and celebratory ideas (as well as a list of other books to read) you will most definitely need to purchase the sabbat book which you can using the link provided >> Beltane

Old Ways

As, you'll see, Beltane has been honored in many different ways each unique to its own time and place, yet common themes of growth, protection, abundance, fertility, light, love and sexuality can be fount throughout.
Beltane celebrations are most commonly held beginning at sundown on April 30 and ending at sundown on May 1. There are, however, other ways to time the festival. You might time it to fall exactly between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, in which case, if you're a Northern Hemisphere witch, you would hold your celebration when the ecliptic longitude of the sun reaches 45 degrees. In Celtic lands, the hawthorn trees were generally in their flowering stage when the proper time for the festival arrived; you might decide to celebrate Beltane when the hawthorns or other flowering thorn trees in your area burst into bloom.
You might like some Druids of the past and the present, determine the proper date by following the movement of the stars. You could time your celebration to coincide with the point where the sun is positioned at 15 degrees relative to Taurus.
Beltane has its roots in the ancient Roman festival of Floralia as well as in the early Pre-Christian Celtic festival of Beltaine and other European May Day celebrations. Out modern Beltane is a composite of many different traditions, a blending of cultures, beliefs, and customs reflecting a common urge to welcome the coming of May and the warmer temperatures and thriving vegetation that comes with it.
The festival was known as Bealtaine to the Irish and Bealltainn in Scottish Gaelic, both names derived from a common Celtic word meaning "bright fire."

Fire seems to have played a big role in Beltaine ceremonies. The earliest mention of the festival of Beltaine is found in an early medieval text from Ireland written by Cormac, bishop of Cashel and king of Munster. The text reports a festival held May 1 to mark the beginning of summer, and it describes a fire ritual performed at this time by the Druids. Two fires were made, and as incantations were spoken, cattle were forced to pass between the two torrents of raging flames. Another early mention of Beltaine comes from the seventeenth century historian Geoffrey Keating, who describes two huge bonfires, a stream of cattle passing between the flames, and a sacrifice to a god named Bel. These actions were believed to protect the cattle from disease and thus safeguard the supply of dairy products and meat that were important supplements to the Celt's diet.

Beltaine bonfires were kindled solely with friction. Called a needfire, such a fire was considered sacred. In Ireland, a wheel and spindle were used to create the needfire; the wheel being an emblem of the sun and thus a perfect emblem for kindling a Beltaine blaze. On the islands of Skye, Mull, and Tiree off the coast of Scotland, the friction was created with a square frame of greenwood featuring an axle down the middle. Such contraptions were sometimes operated by multiple people working in teams. If any one of the party was guilty of murder, theft, adultery, or other heinous crimes, the fire would not start or its properties would be altogether void or significantly diminished. Once sparks were successfully created, a species of highly combustible agaric that grows on birch trees was applied, causing an instant burst of flame from which the rest of the fire was kindled.

Fire wasn't the only element believed to be especially potent at Beltaine. Water was also thought to have supernatural power. It was widely believed that Beltaine morning dew was infused with magical powers, capable of preserving youth, clearing skin ailments, and enhancing beauty and sexual attractiveness. Druids would collect the dew in a hollowed-out stone prior to sunrise on May Day morning. Whoever was sprinkled with this sacred dew could expect health and happiness. Young women would often roll in the dew on Beltaine morning or simply anoint their faces with the heavenly dew. Sometimes the dew was collected in a jar and left in the sunlight. It was then filtered and kept for use throughout the year as a versatile potion for beauty, healing and more.

Flowers also played a prominent role in Beltaine celebrations. Up until the late nineteenth century, it was common practice throughout Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man to deck the halls and more with flowers come Beltaine. Primrose, hawthorn, rowan, marsh marigold, and gorse were frequently chosen for their colorful yellow blooms. Flowers were scattered on the threshold of the home as a means of ensuring magical protection. Cows were also gussied up with flower garlands, and even the equipment used in the butter- and milk-making process received the same treatment.

New Ways

There is a whole slew of different modern ways in this section. (Wiccan, Druid, Neopagan)  I'm only including the two practices which I relate to most. Seriously, though, buy the book Beltane

Traditional Witchcraft

Traditional Witchcraft is the religion of non-Wiccan witches who base their practices on pre-Christian animism, traditional folk magic, and an often polytheistic belief system. Traditional Witchcraft varies from place to place, and specific practices are based on the local culture and the environment in which one lives. Some Traditional Witches celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, and some celebrate cross-quarter days, but most do not celebrate both. Traditionally, either the solstices and equinoxes were honored, or the cross-quarter days were honored, according to local lifestyles and to the needs of the land. Traditions that were mostly agricultural tend to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, while more pastoral-based traditions with their roots in Celtic lands acknowledge the cross-quarter days such as Beltane. When Traditional Witches celebrate Beltane, they may do so just as their ancestors did, with bonfires, rituals, orgiastic revelry, reverence, and magic.

Eclectic Witchcraft 

Eclectic Witchcraft is a term defining practitioners of Witchcraft who may or may not choose to define themselves as Wiccan,  (I am not Wiccan, and do not call me Wiccan) and who draw practices and beliefs from a variety of traditions and from both crafted and indigenous magical and spiritual systems. Common aspects include an emphasis on natural energies and seasonal tides, with most eclectic witches working closely with the moon, the sun, the stars, the earth, and the elements. 

Beltane rituals often emphasize springtime energies, and fires may be lit in solidarity with the sun's rising strength. Common themes include abundance, growth, prosperity, fertility, love, and sexuality. Rituals are typically very joyful, and fresh vegetation such as leaves and flowers are frequently found donning the altar as well as the witches. Sometimes plants are all that is worn on the body, and of course, there are many eclectic witches who prefer to wear nothing at all. 

Many eclectic witches consider Beltane the perfect time to honor the union of energies that manifest the blossoming of Nature, and sex magic may be practiced solo, with a partner, or with multiple partners. Sex magic can have a strongly magical focus or a highly reverent tone with the ritual serving the sole purpose of communion with the divine, no particular magical goal at hand. It might take the form of one person receiving stimulation from the group, directing the energy raised toward a shared magical goal. It might take the form of one partner representing the lunar Triple Goddess and pone partner representing the solar Horned God who impregnates her. (This impregnation is understood in a magical and metaphorical sense; birth control and safe sex are wisely practiced.) Sex magic can take the form of a solitary witch self-stimulating while invoking the god of the spring. Practices vary, as eclectic witches are by definition diverse. 

Modern Beltane Gatherings and Festivals 

I'm only including the ones near this area of the US (near me), cause buy the book Beltane.

May Day Fairie Festival-- Spoutwood Farm outside of Glen Rock, PA (This was actually recommended to me by a lady in The Crystal Wand in Gettysburg PA. I hear its a grand time!)

Blue Ridge Beltane Festival-- Greenville, VA

The Beltane Gathering-- Darlington, MD

Review Your Defenses

Whether it's an extra charm placed over a perfectly sufficient deadbolt lock or a crystal placed in the soil of an already healthy and thriving plant, we like to do all we can to gain magical protection, and with its strong solar energies, Beltane offers a perfect opportunity for protective magical workings. 

Get Creative

Beltane has a very vibrant, creative, and fertile energy flow that can be utilized to help get your own creative projects off the ground. Just as the seeds of the earth begin to sprout and grow, so too can ideas originating in the heart and mind find their way into the world of manifested reality come Beltane. 

Enjoy Nature

As with all the sabbats, Beltane marks a point in the year when it's especially beneficial to renew and strengthen our connection to Nature. It's a good day to tent to the outdoors, perhaps weeding, pruning, watering, or fertilizing. Consider planting some flowers or some vegetable seeds; perhaps plant a tree. 

Get Spiffy (It totally says that in the book OK)

To the Celts, Beltane was a time of purification, when impurities and baneful influences were driven away from the people, their animals, their land, their possessions, and their homes. It's no coincidence that many modern Pagans see Beltane as a time of purification too. Ritual baths, fire rituals, house smudging, and other methods are commonly employed at Beltane as a means of banishing negative energies and baneful influences. 
For a purifying Beltane ritual bath, sea salt, lavender, or other purifying minerals and herbs might be placed in the bath water, as the practitioner visualizes any physical or spiritual impurities flowing out of the body and into the water. 

Go Crazy

Beltane is an excellent time for adventure, and rash, bold, spontaneous behavior is widely embraced. You might celebrate with an impromptu trip to an exotic locale, a short road trip to a neighboring town, or by finally mustering up the courage to hit on that special someone. 

Make Way to the Water

Wells, rivers, lakes, and other sacred water sources are often visited at Beltane as a way to honor the earth's fertility. Consider making a trip to a water source this Beltane, taking time to admire the beauty of the water, make a wish, and leave behind a gift or two. Just make sure the gift isn't a source of pollution; natural items like rocks, flowers, or small amounts of birdseed, fruit, or vegetables are all appropriate choices for Beltane offerings. 

I'm skipping the spells and divination ... because its mostly love spells... and those backfire... not to they love you or are they just under a spell altering their free will?... I don't like it so if that's what your into the book Beltane...LOL

Recipes and Crafts

Friendly Rainbow Pasta Salad

This easy Beltane side dish is designed to increase feelings of friendship and community. Make this ahead of time so that when your grilling is done, you can just pull it out of the refrigerator ready to serve. 

  • 1 pound Rainbow Rotini
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 2/3 cup ranch salad dressing
  • 1/2 cup black olives
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 Parmesan cheese
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, then add one pound of dried rainbow rotini and a pinch of salt. Notice the different colors of pasta, and think about how people of all ages and colors and dispositions come together to enjoy the May sunshine. Think of your friends and send your good feelings into the rotini as it cooks. Boil until the pasta is al dente, about 8 minutes. Drain the pasta and rinse it with cold water. Drizzle olive oil over the pasta, envisioning a loving, compassionate energy raining down upon the people of your community. Gently toss the pasta until the oil is evenly distributed. Allow the rotini to cool to room temperature, then place it in the refrigerator until it's thoroughly cold. Add the ranch salad dressing, chopped black olives, salt, and Parmesan cheese. When you add the olives, think again of love, friendship, and compassion. Mix thoroughly, then store cold until you're ready to eat.  

Come together Lemonade

This magical lemonade can help facilitate cooperation and feelings of togetherness and camaraderie. As a citrus fruit, lemons are associated with the sun, but their more subtle vibrations associate the fruit with the lunar goddess energies as well, making them an especially suitable choice for a Beltane beverage base symbolic of the union between the Goddess and the God. 

  • 9 lemons
  • 1 gallon cold water
  • 2 cups sugar
Cut lemons in half horizontally, then score the cut sides and squeeze out the juice. As you squeeze the juice from the lemons, contemplate the gifts that nature gives to us, the tremendous amount of energy poured into the earth by the Goddess and the God in order to make it bloom. Add the lemon juice to a gallon of cold water, then stir in sugar. Project your own feelings of love and gratitude into the lemonade as you stir in the sugar. Add a bit more sugar if it's not as sweet as you like. Serve over ice and enjoy. 

There's a really cool craft in here for a wand... I'm allergic to pine so... it can be found in Beltane

Beltane Maypole

Maypoles have their roots in the early Germanic Paganism practiced throughout parts of Europe during the Iron Age and medieval periods. Their symbolism has been linked to the World Tree and the World Axis, but most commonly, the Maypole with its phallic shape is considered a symbol of fertility. While the Maypole tradition may have evolved from older practices of simply decorating the living trees at Beltane, at the time the tradition really took root in Europe, it was common for Maypoles to be made from a tree that had been cut down especially for the purpose. Men would head into the woods to seek the tallest tree for the Maypole well ahead of the actual celebration. Sometimes, the Yule tree was saved and recycled as the next year's Maypole.

The Maypoles were erected in public areas where the whole community could see them. The pole was originally decorated with garlands and wreaths of flowers and leaves, and later, colorful ribbons were added. Villager, especially young maidens, would dance around the Maypole in hopes of bringing fertility and good fortune to the community. 

If you'd like to make your own Maypole this Beltane, go for it! 

Instructions are lengthy and can be found in Beltane

Or you can opt for 

Mini Maypole Centerpiece

This easy to make decoration will add a festive touch to a dining table or side table. All you'll need is a dish, some potpourri, a stick, some ribbon, a small hunk of modeling clay. To get started, find a smooth stick about seven to eight inches long. Wrap the stick with ribbon spiraling it around from top to bottom down the length of the stick and tying it at both ends to keep it in place. Next, tie several ribbons to the top of the stick so that you'll have a piece of ribbon trailing down each side. Put the base of the stick into a small hunk of modeling clay, then place this in the middle of the dish. Fill the dish with potpourri, arrange the ribbons around the sides, and your Beltane centerpiece is complete. 

Further Reading

Online :)

And one more time for more readings and more info out of the book I use for this blog Beltane

Of the Birthday April 20


Blue Moonstone

Blue on White (color enhanced)
Scintillating patches in clear crystal
Easily obtained but expensive

A refined, high-vibrational stone, color-infused Blue Moonstone is an activation stone par excellence, having a powerful effect on unawakened potential and creating a gateway to exceedingly high levels of consciousneess and multi-demensions. 

Rainbow Moonstone carries the vibration of cosmic light and offers spiritual healing for the whole of humanity. 



Parts Used: Dried leaves and flowers.
Collection: The leaves should be collected in the mid-summer before they turn brown. Dry them in the shade. The flowers should be gathered between July and September during dry weather. They should be dried in the shade or with artificial heat not higher than 100 F. The flowers turn brown in the presence of moisture and become ineffective. 

Mullein is a very beneficial respiratory remedy useful in most conditions that affect this vital system. It is an ideal remedy for toning the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation while stimulating fluid production and thus facilitating expectoration. It is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness. Its anti-inflammatory and demulcent properties indicate its use in inflammation of the trachea and associated conditions. Externally, and extract made in olive oil is excellent in soothing and healing any inflamed surface. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried leaves or flowers and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

April 20

"Today, and everyday, I will make a point of getting curious about one thing."

The birthday of the hypnotic personality

Your greatest challenge is dealing with negative feedback
On the Dark Side: Egotistical, isolated, stubborn
At Your Best: Sensual, charismatic, inspirational.


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


List five cultural events that impacted you greatly. Then write about one of them without mentioning yourself.


Costume Jewelry

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Spellwork--Shoon Lore

A Scottish charm for those special occasions when you require luck with money. 

In many parts of the world, "shoon" -- an old Scottish word for shoes--have special significance, partly because they are seen as a symbol of authority. The father of an Anglo-Saxon bride would give one of his daughter's shoes to her new husband, who would then touch her on the head with it, to symbolize the passing of authority over her from her father to her husband. From as far back as the ancient Hebrews, people have associated shoes with the soul. Shoes were also thrown after boats to convey luck. For this good-luck charm to work, the shoes must always be old.

You will need: 

  1. A gold coin
  2. An old pair of shoes


On a Monday morning, charge the gold coin with the power of the sun's rays by holding it up in front of you saying; 

"What I see, may it increase, so I may have financial peace."

Place the gold coin in the left shoe, then put both shoes on. Walk clockwise in a circle three times, then remove the shoes and place them in a T shape where they will not be disturbed. Do exactly the same for three consecutive days. On the third day, transfer the coin to your most regularly worn shoes. Tape the coin inside your shoe and wear it there as often as possible. Do not spend this coin and it will bring you luck.