Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Of the Birthday April 12 - 18

Yes, I'm slacking like a high school senior with weeks left of school. All 2 of you who read this blog thank you for reading it. (I see the # of views). To those of you who fail to keep up, well I guess 5 minutes out of once a week, you can catch up with me. When my views pick back up. I'll start toting around my laptop and books. Hopefully, it'll allow me to get online with out too much grief. Until then.... don't judge me, I'm having fun doing outside things like: washing my Jeep, taking my Jeep on nature rides, driving my Jeep to the park for a walk, just driving my Jeep. I think I might really like my Jeep!

I love my format, but sometimes you gotta switch things up a bit.

Aries ( March 21 - April 19)

Element: Fire
Ruling Planets: Mars, the warrior
Symbol: The Ram
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Number: 9
Favorable colors: Red and White
Key phrase: I am born to lead 
Love Matches: Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius


April 12



Metallic or pearly blades

Spiritually, astrophyllite highlights your unlimited potential, heightens your perception and makes you sensitive to unspoken needs. 



Parts Used: Root and leaf
Collection: The leaves should be collected in the summer after flowering and the root is unearthed, in the late fall. It is cleaned of root fibers and cork and should be dried immediately

The high mucilage content of Marshmallow makes it an excellent demulcent that can be used wherever such properties are called for. While having broadly similar effects, the root is used primarily for digestive problems and on the skin, while the leaf is used for the lungs and the urinary system. In all inflammations of the digestive tract, such as inflammations of the mouth, gastritis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, and colitis, the root is strongly advised. For bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, and irritating coughs, Marshmallow should be considered. In urethritis and urinary gravel, Marshmallow Leaf is very soothing. In fact, this herb is very soothing for any mucous membrane irritations anywhere. Externally, the root is indicated in varicose veins and ulcers, as well as abscesses and boils.

Decoction: the rood should be made into a decoction by putting 1 teaspoonful of the chopped herb into a cup of water and boiling it gently for 10 - 15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.
Infusion: for an infusion of the leaf, pour boiling water onto 1 - 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried leaf and let infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day also.


"It is safe to believe in and trust myself"

The birthday of the enigmatic interviewer

Your greatest challenge is to get to know our depths.
On the Dark Side: Elusive, opinionated, frustrated.
At Your Best: Interested, articulate, perceptive

April 13



Green and Lilac
Opaque combination of two clearly defined colors
Becoming More easily available
Australia, South Africa, Canada
A combination of green Serpentine and purple Stichtite, Atlantasite accesses past lives in Atlantic, reconnecting to your ancient wisdom and encouraging you to complete projects set in motion at that time. 

Picrolite was highly prized in prehistoric times. A form of green Serpentine, tis is a protective stone that clears and balances the chakra systems and promotes stamina.



Parts Used: Aerial parts.
Collection: The fully opened flowers and leaves are picked at the time of flowering, which is between June and August. They should be dried gently at a temperature not exceeding 100 F

Meadowsweet is one of the best digestive remedies available and as such will be indicated in most conditions, if they are approached holistically. It acts to protect and sooth the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, reducing excess acidity and easing nausea. It is used in the treatment of heartburn, byperacidity, gastritis, and peptic ulceration. Its gentle astringency is useful in treating diarrhea in children. The presence of aspirin-like chemicals explains Meadowsweet's action in reducing fever and relieving the pain of rheumatism in muscles and joints. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teasponfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10- 15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day or as needed. 


"Today, I will feel the fear and do it anyway"

The birthday of the reformer

Your greatest challenge is learning not to lose faith in yourself.
On the Dark Side: Reclusive, misunderstood, anxious
At Your Best: Innovative, bold, eclectic

April 14



Tiny crystals, almost velvety, often within a geode
US, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland, England, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Morocco

Avalonite enhances visualization and journeying, opening psychic awareness and telepathy  between soul partners.


Milk Thistle

This plant is on the "Bad weeds" list in a book I saw at Seneca Rocks this past weekend. I swear to all that is perfect, there is no such fucking thing as a bad weed. ... OK I'll give you Poison Ivy. ... but even it has a purpose...Like making your annoying brother itchy... No, I do not recommend using Poison Ivy as revenge on your brother. (You have to touch it to get it on him ..Karma...FYI)

Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The mature achenes (seed heads) are cut and stored in a warm place. After a few days, tap the heads and collect the seeds. 

As the name of this herb shows, it is an excellent promoter of milk secretion and is perfectly safe to be used by all breast-feeding mothers. Milk Thistle can also be used to increase the secretion and flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder, and as such it may be used in all problems associated with the gallbladder. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the dried leaves and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


"I step joyously from the past into my exciting future."

The birthday of respect.

Your greatest challenge is not getting bogged down in details
On the Dark Side: Fussy, anxious, autocratic
At Your Best: Respectful, ambitious, disciplined

April 15



White, Orange, Greenish
Vitreous clear crystal, bladed or fibrous mass
Easily obtained
US, Britain, Germany

This stone facilitates communicating intuitive vision



Parts Used: Dried leafy twigs.
Collection: The young leafy twigs should be collected in the spring.


Mistletoe is an excellent relaxing nervine indicated in many cases. It will quiet, soothe, and tone the nervous system. This remedy acts directly on the vagus nerve to reduce heart rate while strengthening the wall of the peripheral capillaries. It will thus act to reduce blood pressure and ease arteriosclerosis. Where there is nervous quickening of the heart (nervous tachycardia), it may be very helpful. Headache due to high blood pressure is relieved by it. It has been shown by current cancer research to have some anti-tumor activity. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


"Today, my happiness will inspire my creativity."

The birthday of intellectual incisiveness.

Your greatest challenge is explaining your vision to others.
On the Dark Side: Judgmental, frantic, overly serious
At Your Best: Observant, intelligent, powerful

April 16



White to Pale Yellow
Delicate translucent crystal
Brazil, US, Afghanistan

Spriitually opening metaphysical gifts and containing crystallized light with an exceedingly high vibration, Beryllonite connects to the original blueprint to create quintessential well-being. 



Parts Used: Areal parts
Collection: The stalks should be gathered at the time of flowering, which is between June and September.

The names of this plant show its range of uses. "Motherwort" shows its relevance to menstrual and uterine conditions, while cardiaca indicates its use in heart and circulation treatments. It is valuable in the stimulation of delayed or suppressed menstruation, especially where there is anxiety or tension involved. It is useful relaxing tonic for aiding in menopausal changes. It may be used to ease false labor pains. It is an excellent tonic for the heart, strengthening without straining. It is a specific for overly rapid heartbeat where it is brought about by anxiety and other such causes. It may be used in all heart conditions that are associated with anxiety and tension.

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.


"Today, I will remember that I already am what I seek."

The birthday of the truth seeker

Your greatest challenge is not being exploited
On the Dark Side: Dreamy, extreme, permissive
At Your Best: Entertaining, kind, generous

April 17



Bright Red
Translucent or transparent crystal
Extremely rare
US (may be lab-graown with somewhat lesser properties)

A creative and powerful stone, promoting courage, passion and willpower with out egotism, Bixbite encourages respect for others. 


Mountain Grape

Common Name: Oregon Mountain Grape
Pares used: Rhizome and root
Collection: The underground parts are collected in the fall, carefully cleaned, cut into slices and dried. 

Mountain Grape is similar in action to both Golden Seal and Barberry. It finds its main use in the treatment of chronic and scaly skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. As skin problems of this sort are due to systemic causes within the body, the tonic activity of Mountain Grape on the liver and gallbladder may explain its potency. It can be used in stomach and gallbladder conditions, especially where there is associated nausea and vomiting. As a laxative, it may safely be used in chronic constipation. 

Decoction: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


"Today, I am prepared to look at myself and the world differently."

The birthday of will-power.

Your greatest challenge is telling others how you really feel. 
On the Dark Side: Moody, judgmental, harsh
At Your Best: Purposeful, opportunistic, resilient

April 18


Blood of Isis

Transparent crystal with 'smoke' effect
Rare and expensive
Red Sea, Egypt

Blood of Isis is gem-quality Carnelian, which was popular for protective amulets and offerings to the gods not only in Egypt but also in Europe, Myanmar and Japan. 



Common Name: Hawkweed
Parts Used: Aerial parts
Collection: Mouse-Ear should be collected when in flower between May and June

Mouse-Ear, named after the shape of the leaf, is one of the ancient traditional herbs of England and Wales. It is used for respiratory problems where there is a lot of mucus being formed with soreness and possibly even the coughing of blood. It is considered a specific in cases of whooping cough. It may also be found beneficial in bronchitis or bronchitic asthma. Externally, it may be used as a poultice to aid wound healing or specifically to treat hernias and fractures. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dreid herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


"I can change my life by changing how I think about it."

The birthday of dignity.

Your greatest challenge is learning to let down your guard
On the Dark Side: Proud, unrealistic, uncontrolled
At Your Best: Loyal, dignified, influential

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