Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mushroom! Could cause the runs....

Scaly Pholiota

Width of cap: 1 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches
Cap: Broadly conical to convex, becoming nearly flat with age, with or without a broad umbo, margin incurved when young; ground color whitish to pale ochraceous, sometimes developing olivaceous tones with age, especially when wet; surface covered with cnoical, tawny scales taht are more concentrated toward the center, cuticle viscid beneath teh scales when wet, sticky when dry; Flesh thick, whitish, odor mild to somewhat fragrant
Gills: adnate to adnexed, close to crowded; whitish at first, becoming rusty cinnamon as the spores mature
Stalk: More or less equal; colored like the cap, surface covered with recurved, tawny scales from teh base upward, ending and merging with a somewhat flaring, cottony, evanescent ring near the apex, white and smooth above the ring. 
Spore Print: Cinnamon Brown
Occurrence: Usually in caespitose clusters on decaying logs and stumps, or sometimes on trunks of living broad-leaved trees, especially birch, beech, and maple; parasitic and saprobic; summer-fall; common
Edibility: Not recommended; edible for some people, but gastrointestinal disturbance from eating this species has been reported

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