Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Of the Birthday April 21 - 25



Gold with colored flashes
Opaque, Metallic, Tarnishes to iridescent (which is why in this pic you see no gold lol)
Easily Obtained
US, Canada, Morocco, Germany, Poland, England, Chile, Australia, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, France, Norway

Opening psychic abilities and enhancing inner knowing, Bornite teaches trust in the intuitive process. 


Transparent, slightly ribbed

Brazilianite has a zingy, high-energy vibration that empowers the spiritual will and assists manifestation.


Brown and Black
Mottled stone
Easily obtained
Germany, Finland, India, Sri Lanka, US

Bronzite facilitates simply 'being,' entering a dynamic state of non-action and non-doing. Spiritually, this is the perfect stone if you have difficulty stilling yourself, since it brings total serenity. 


Vitreous, opaque and patterned
Easily obtained but expensive
South Africa, Sweeden, Russia, Peru, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Britain, Brazil

Bustamite carries a powerful energy that brings about deep connection to the earth and facilitates earth healing, repairing and realigning the meridians of the earth's etheric body. 


Radiated, feathery inclusion
England, Sweden, France, Germany, Holland, US

Known as a stone of ascension, Cacoxenite heightens spiritual awareness. 



Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The ripe seed pods are collected in the late summer. Tap the seeds out and dry in a thin layer.

The well-known spice has its main use in medicine as a stimulating external application. The rubfacient action causes a mild irritation to the skin, stimulating the circulation to that area and relieving muscular and skeletal pain. Its stimulating, diaphoretic action can be utilized in the way that Cayenne and Ginger are. For feverishness, colds, and influenza, Mustard may be taken as a tea or ground and sprinkled into a bath. The stimulation of circulation will aid chilblains as well as the conditions already mentioned. An infusion or poultice of Mustard will aid in cases of bronchitis

Poultice: Mustard is most commonly used as a poultice, which can be made by mixing 4 ounces of freshly ground Mustard seeds with warm water to form a thick paste. This is spread on a piece of cloth the size of the body area that is to be covered. TO stop the paste from sticking to the skin, lay a dampened gauze on the skin. Apply the cloth and remove after one minute. The skin may be reddened by this treatment, which can be eased by applying olive oil afterwords. 
Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of Mustard flour and leave to infuse for five minutes. This may be drunk 3 times a day
Bath: Make an infusion using 1 tablespoon of bruised seeds to 2 pints of boiling water. 


Parts Used: Gum resin
Collection: The gum resin is collected from the bushes that secrete it in the arid regions of East Africa and Arabia

Myrrh is an effective antimicrobial agent that has been shown to work in two complementary ways. Primarily, it stimulates the production of white blood corpuscles (with their antipathogenic actions), and secondarily, it has a direct antimicrobial effect. Thus the herb will aid and support the natural process of defense, a vital activity, as so often today antibiotic drugs do this work for the body. Myrrh may be used in a wide range of conditions where an antimicrobial agent is needed. It finds specific use in the treatment of infections in the mouth such as mouth ulcers, gingivitis, pyorrhea, as well as the catarrhal problems of pharyngitis and sinusitis. It may also help with laryngitis and respiratory complaints. Systemically it is of value in the treatment of boils and similar conditions as well as glandular fever and brucellosis. It is often used as part of an approach to the treatment of the common cold. Externally, it will be healing and antiseptic for wounds and abrasions. 

Infusion: as the resin only dissolves in water with difficulty, it should be powdered well to make an infusion. Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the powder and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day


Parts Used: Aerial Parts
Collection: The leaves and flowers should be collected between July and October

Nasturtium is quite a powerful antimicrobial, especially when used as a local remedy for the treatment of bacterial infection. Internally, it can be used with benefit in any bacterial infection but it is especially indicated for respiratory infections such as bronchitis. It has been found to be beneficial in influenza and the common cold. Some herbalists report it to be indicated in infections of the female reproductive organs. 

Naturtium is most effective when fresh. Use it externally as a poultice or compress. To make an infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the fresh leaves and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Aerial parts
Collection: The herb should be collected when the flowers are in bloom

Nettles are one of the most widely applicable plants we have. They strengthen and support the whole body. They are beneficial in all the varieties of eczema. As an astringent, they may be used for nosebleeds or to relieve the symptoms wherever there is hemorrhage in the body--for example uterine hemorrhage. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Night-Blooming Cereus

Parts Used: Fresh Stem

This herb has an excellent reputation as a heart tonic, especially for problems related to nerves and debility. However, it is virtually unobtainable in Great Britain today, and in the United States, where it may be protected in the wild in certain desert areas, requiring a permit to collect it. 


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

April 21

"Today, I bless and wish others well, and they do the same for me." 

The birthday of graciousness.

Your greatest challenge is learning how to accept help from others
On the Dark Side: Pleasure-seeking, controlling, obsessive. 
At Your Best: Honest, regal, energetic

April 22

"Wonder and discovery are the keys to unlocking my spirit."

The birthday of quality

Your greatest challenge is to avoid becoming materialistic
On the Dark Side: Pleasure-seeking, controlling, opinionated
At Your Best: Ambitious, imposing, charismatic

April 23

"I am always moving forward in the direction of my goals"

The birthday of the elusive guide.

Your greatest challenge is not getting stuck in your ways
On the Dark Side: Detached, misleading, anxious
At Your Best: Insightful, innovative, popular

April 24

"I am in charge of my life. I reclaim my power."

The birthday of devotion

Your greatest challenge is resisting the need to respond to every request.
On the Dark Side: Indecisive, moody, smothering
At Your Best: Devoted, nurturing, creative

April 25

"I am protected by the spirit that flows through and inspires me."

The birthday of imposing vigor.

Your greatest challenge is learning to value life beyond the material
On the Dark Side: Overbearing, mundane, hasty
At Your Best: Energetic, imposing, steadfast. 


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