Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Of the Birthday May 19-24



Vitreous mass or translucent crystals often in Quartz
Easily obtained
US, Bulgaria, Austria, France, Russia, Norway, South Africa, Pakistan, Mozambique, Mexico

Epidote increases spiritual attunement and removes ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening. 

Erythrite AKA Cobalt Bloom

Purple, Violet, Magenta, Fuchsia Pink
Dense crystalline or radiating coating
Fairly easily obtained
Mexico, Morocco, Australia, Poland, Spain

Eythrite strengthens core energy at any level, whether it be of the spine, body, the light body, or the planet


Red, Green, and Black
Mottled, opaque to transparent stone
Becoming more easily obtainable
Greenland, Russia, Canada, Madagascar, US

Imbued with stong life-force connected to kundalini energy, Eudialyte opens the heart chakra, links it to the base and earth chakras and aligns chakra flow to connect spirit and mind with the emotional body, bringing about profound reorientation. 

Fiskenaesset Ruby-in-Matrix

Deep Red, Silver-Black
Translucent stone
Very Rare

A high-energy stone, Fiskenaesset Ruby is one of the oldest forms of this gem on the planet. Spiritually, by assisting communication with the spirit world and inducing trance, Fiskenaesset Ruby facilitates entering a deep, altered state of consciousness with ease.


Black, White, Blue, Gray, Brown,Yellow, Orange
Dense and glassy, often coated with white
Readily available

Sacred since time began, Flint is a powerful stabilizer and cleanser and draws the help of the gods to an enterprise. Originally black, it weathers to different colors. Used for eons to accompany the dead to the next world, Flint calls guides and power allies. 

Black or Brown Flint assists in understanding the deeper causes of depression and accepting the shadow side of your nature, finding the gift within
Orange Flint gives inner strength during difficult times, lifting obsessive tendencies
Blue Flint lifts you above the mundane into higher spiritual understanding of dis-ease. 


Ribbed and opalescent

A form of Fuchsite mica, Frondellite is a powerful cleanser for psychic infections especially those lodged in the third eye, removing negative energy, implants and power struggles that cross the psychic airways from a different time and space and dissolving thoughts and ill-wishing from the present day. 



Parts Used: Chips or raspings of stem wood, free of bark.
Collection: Raspings of the wood are collected after felling the tree

Quassia is an excellent remedy in dyspeptic conditions due to lack of tone. As with all bitters, it stimulates the production of saliva and digestive juices and so increases the appetite. It may be safely used in all cases of lack of appetite such as anorexia nervosa and digestive sluggishness. It is used in the expulsion of threadworms both as an enema and an infusion. Externally, as a lotion it bay be used against lice infestations. 

Cold infusion: 1/2 - 1 teaspoonful of the wood is put in a cup of cold water and left to steep overnight. This should be drank three times a day
Enema: make a cold infusion with one part Quassia to 20 parts water. 

Queen's Delight

Parts Used: Root
Collection: The root is unearthed after flowering has finished in July

This North American herb finds use in the treatment of chronic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The treatment must be spread over a long period of time however. These skin conditions can be due to a whole range of contributing factors. Queen's Delight is most useful where there is lymphatic involvement. Another area of application is in bronchitis and laryngitis, especially where it is accompanied by loss of voice. As an astringent it may be used in a number of conditions, but especially for hemorrhoids. 

Decoction: put 1/2 - 1 teaspoonful of the dried root in a cup of water, bring to boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The seeds are taken out of the Quince fruit, which is collected in the fall

Quince seeds can act as an effective and gentle laxative in cases of constipation, as well as a soothing astringent in conditions such as gastritis and enteritis. As a mouth wash they will ease soreness and inflammation in the mouth. They can also be used with good effect in dry, irritating coughs where an expectorant is called for. Externally, they may be applied to minor burns. 

Infusion: the seeds should be soaked in water for 3-5 hours to get a solution of the slime from the outer coats of the seeds. This should be drunk as needed or three times a day. 


Parts Used: Aerial parts
Collection: This common plant is collected when in flower between June and September 

Ragwort is potentially poisonous tot he liver and must on no occasion be taken internally. As a liniment, it provides a stimulating and warming preparation used externally on rheumatic muscles.


This herb may be made into a poultice. 


Parts Used: Leaves and fruit
Collection:  The leaves may be collected throughout the growing season. Dry slowly in a well-ventilated area to insure proper preservation of properties.

Raspberry leaves have a long tradition of use in pregnancy to strengthen and tone the tissue of the womb, assisting contractions and checking any hemorrhage during labor. This action will occur if the herb is drunk regularly throughout pregnancy and also taken during labor. As an astringent, it may be used in a wide range of cases, including diarrhea, leukorrhea, and other loose conditions. It is valuable in the easing of mouth problems such as mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, and inflammations. As a gargle, it will help sore throats. 

Infusion; pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This may be drunk freely. 

Red Clover

Parts Used: Flower heads
Collection: The flower heads are gathered between May and September

Red Clover is one of the most useful remedies for children with skin problems. It may be used with complete safety in any case of childhood eczema. It may also be of value in other chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis. While being most useful with children, it can also be of value for adults. The expectorant and antispasmodic action gives this remedy a role in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis, but especially in whooping cough. As an alterative it is indicated in a wide range of problems when approached in a holistic sense. There is some evidence to suggest an anti-neoplastic action in animals. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

May 19

"I am grateful and happy to be alive."

The birthday of the convincing candidate.

Your greatest challenge is becoming less materialistic in your values.
On the Dark Side: Manipulative, frustrated, dishonest
At Your Best: Persuasive, fair, energetic

May 20

"The answers I am seeking can only be found within me."

The birthday of continuous momentum.

Your greatest challenge is learning to pace yourself.
On the Dark Side: Undisciplined, verbose, superficial
At Your Best: Innovative, expressive, communicative.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Mercury, the messenger
Symbol: The Twins
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable colors: Orange, yellow, white
Key phrase: Variety is the spice of life.
Love Matches: Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius

May 21

"To understand others I must understand myself first."

The birthday of the can-do attitude.

Your greatest challenge is learning balance giving and receiving
On the Dark Side: Egoistic, defensive, frustrated
At Your Best: Bold, capable, confident

May 22

"I have control over my mind and the power to think wonderful things."

The birthday of the inventor.

Your greatest challenge is avoiding obsessive or controlling behavior.
On the Dark Side: Obsessive, touchy, manipulative
At Your Best: Inventive, productive, tenacious

May 23

"What I desire from others I already possess."

The birthday of seductive solution

Your greatest challenge is learning to say no. 
On the Dark Side: Unaware, passive, self-effacing
At Your Best: Sensual, ingenious, convincing 

May 24

"My intuition shows me the way forward."

The birthday of the incisive commentator

Your greatest challenge is not being a gossip
On the Dark Side: Caustic, detached, egotistical
At Your Best: Caring, observant, expressive. 


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


The president's personal to-do list


The Empire State Building 


Witch's Ladder

This is a pretty handy craft as you can use it for any spell. For example, a wedding shower gift- to wish the bride a happy marriage, a baby shower gift- to bless the baby with a healthy life, The first charm bracelet for your 13 year old who seems very keen on witchcraft but hasn't figured it out yet- as a protection while figuring it out

Here are a few takes on the Witch's Ladder

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


Go out to dinner with a friend, and as soon as you get home, write in that person's voice. Begin with something the person said. 


A Tiffany lamp



I have numerous different types of runes. I have them on wood, stones, and glass "half marbles"

I have normal runes and witch runes. 

Heres a list of  Runes :D

 And a list of Witch Runes

And here's a few How- To's for which ever set you choose to make. Most of these will be for the first list of Runes, but you can adapt the ideas and make the second set with them instead. :D

Youtube - Wooden Runes

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


Write a scene in which a person is leaving a restaurant with her husband and bumps into a former lover. What words are exchanged or not exchanged? What do her body positions say?


A picket fence


An idea brought to you by Witchy Words

A Protection Sachet

Of the Birthday May 18


Eilat Stone

Green, Blue, and Turquoise
Mottled, opaque stone
Easily obtained
Israel, Jordan

Spiritually joining the higher heart, heart and throat chakras, Eilat Stone instills a sense of wonder at the beauty of the earth. This stone balances yin and yang and brings about a lightness of being. 



Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The seeds are removed from the pulp inside the pumpkin, which should be harvested in the late summer. 

The seeds of this valuable vegetable have long been used as a remedy for worms and tapeworms. The effect appears to be a mechanical one. The seeds should be used when ripe and fresh. 

Mrs. Grieve gives the following recipe: "A mixture is made by beating 2 ounces of the seeds with as much sugar and milk, or water, added to make a pint, and this mixture is taken fasting. In three doses, one every two hours, castor oil being taken a few hours after the last dose."


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

May 18

"I can easily adapt to all that life throws at me."

The birthday of the brave stance.

Your greatest challenge is knowing when to back down
On the Dark Side: Driven, stern, self-sacrificing
At Your Best: Progressive, energetic, principled


Of the Birthday May 12-17 (Wow I'm easily distracted)

I'm going to save and publish this after I finish each section. So, If you're watching, you can read it as I go :D 


Dalmation Stone

White with Black and Brown Spots
Spotted Stone
Easily Obtained

Opening the base, sacral and earth chakras, Dalmation Stone imparts a sense of physicality to the soul and reminds that you are a spiritual being on a human journey. 

(I've read that this stone is a form of Jasper

Golden Danburite

Yellow or Golden Yellow
Translucent or transparent, striated crystal
Becoming widely available
Madagascar, Myanmar, Afghanistan

Attuned to the golden flame of the illumined mind, Golden Danburite works on the highest frequency of the heart and higher heart energy, linking to the universal mind and angelic realms. 

Aqua Aura Danburite is enhanced with gold to provide high-vibration link to All That Is. Connecting the spiritual and physical hearts and activating compassion and forgiveness for the past, this stone opens its arms and welcomes soul fragments home. 

Drusy Danburite is coated in fine Quarts points, amplifying heart energy to a finer vibration and drawing in archangels and higher powers, promoting an inflow of Buddha energy and universal love.


Yellow or Green
Transparent to opaque, vitreous crystal or mass
Mexico, US, South Africa, Tanzania, Scotland, Russia, Germany, Norway, Canada

Datolite has a strong connection to the Akashic Record and, placed on the third eye or past-life chakras, provides a download of karmic and historic information that may take time to process and integrate but ultimately shows the overall soul plan for all your lives. 

Dendritic Chalcedony

Black and White
Fern Markings in opaque stone
Easily obtained as a tumbled stone

Dendritic Chalcedony encourages living in the present moment and offers support when facing unpleasant matters.


Green, Black, White
Long crystals often on a matrix or cluster
Easily Obtained
US, Sweden, Canada, Germany, India, Russia, China

A stone of service, Green Diopside increases compassion, opening your heart to the suffering of others and encouraging you to be of service to the planet through a profound sense of connection with the earth. 


Blue or Blue-Gray
Dense, dusty, mottled opaque stone with iridescent flashes, blue inclusion, or crystalline
Easily Ovtained
US, Brazil, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Canada, France, Poland

Dumortierite makes you more receptive when in contact with angelic or spirit guides. Spiritually, it shows your archetypal eternal self, reconnecting to innate wisdom. 


Pine, Scots

Parts Used: Needles and young buds
Collection: The needles and young buds are best collected with twigs in the spring as young shoots.

The Scots Pine may be used in cases of bronchitis, sinusitis, or upper respiratory catarrh, both as an inhalant and internally. It may also be helpful in asthma. The stimulating action gives the herb a role in the internal treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. There is a tradition of adding a preparation of the twigs to bathwater to ease fatigue, nervous debility, and sleeplessness, as well as aiding the healing of cuts and soothing skin irritations. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2 teaspoonful of the twigs and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 
Inhalant: bring 2-3 handfuls of the twigs to the boil in 4 pints or 2 liters of water, simmer for five minutes, and then use as an inhalant by covering the head with a towel and inhaling the steam for 15 minutes. Repeat often.
Bath: leave 3 handfuls of twigs to stand in 1.5 pints of water for half an hour, then bring to the boil, simmer for 10 minutes, strain, and add to the hot bath. 

Plantain, Greater

Parts Used: Leaves or aerial parts
Collection: Gather during flowering throughout the summer. Dry as fast as possible, as the leaves will discolor if dried improperly.

Both the Greater Plantain and its close relative Ribwort Plantain have valuable healing properties. It acts as a gentle expectorant while also soothing inflamed and sore membranes, making it ideal for coughs and mild bronchitis. Its astringency aids in diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and also in cystitis where there is bleeding. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Pleurisy Root

Parts Used: Rhizome
Collection: The rhizome should be unearthed in March or April. Clean well and split  up. Dry in shade or sun

Pleurisy Root is effective against respiratory infections where it reduces inflammations and assists expectoration. It can be used in the treatment of bronchitis and other chest conditions. The addition of diaphoretic and antispasmodic powers will show why it is so highly valued in the treatment of pleurisy and pneumonia. It can be used in influenza. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2- 1 teaspoonful of the herb and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 

Pokeweed Root ( AKA Poke Root)

Part Used: Root
Collection: The root should be unearthed in the late fall or spring. Clean it and split is lengthwise before drying. 

Pokeweed Root has a wide range of uses and is a valuable addition to many holistic treatments. It may be seen primarily as a remedy for use in infections of the upper respiratory tract, removing catarrh and aiding the cleansing of the lymphatic glands. It may be used for catarrh, tonsillitis, laryngitis, swollen glands, mumps, etc. It will be found of value in lymphatic problems elsewhere in the body and especially for mastitis, where it can be used internally and as a poultice. Pokeweed Root also has a use in rheumatism, especially where it is long standing. Care must be taken with this herb as in large dosage it is powerfully emetic and purgative. Externally as lotion or ointment it may be used to rid the skin of scabies and other pests. 

Caution: In large dosage, Pokeweed Root is a powerful emetic and purgative

Decoction: only small amounts of this herb should be used. Put 1/4-1/2 teaspoonful of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes, This should be drunk three times a day.


Parts Used: Bark

Various parts of the Pomegranate can be used in medicine; however, the bark has marked anti-tapeworm activity. It can be rather strong and traumatic, associated as it often is with nausea and vomiting, since the treatment for tapeworm includes a regime of strict fasting followed by purging or enemas. 

Decoction: Mrs. Grieve gives a dosage of 4 ounces of bark to 20 fluid ounces of water made into a decoction. Of this, 0.5 fluid ounce is taken. 

Prickly Ash

Parts Used: Bark and berries
Collection: The berries are collected in the late summer, and the bark is stripped from the stems of this shrub in the spring. 

Prickly Ash may be used in a way that is similar to Cayenne, although it is slower in action. It is used in many chronic problems such as rheumatism and skin diseases. Any sign of poor circulation calls for the use of this herb, such as chilblains, cramp in the legs, varicose veins, and varicose ulcers. Externally, it may be used as a stimulation liniment for rheumatism and fibrositis. Due to its stimulating effect upon the lymphatic system, circulation and mucous membranes, it will have a role in the holistic treatment of many specific conditions. 

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the bark and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. 


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

May 12

"Today I will make compassion the heart of my life."

The birthday of lucidity

Your greatest challenge is to be tactful when expressing your opinions.
On the Dark Side: Sarcastic, difficult, distant
At Your Best: Observant, ironic, analytical

May 13

"I can choose how I will respond to every situation in my life."

The birthday of the wild child.

Your greatest challenge is learning to control your impulses
On the Dark Side: Wild, flighty, superficial
At Your Best: Impulsive, natural, energetic

May 14

"Today I live in the moment"

The birthday of the progressive outlook.

Your greatest challenge is being kind to yourself
On the Dark Side; Perfectionist, difficult, stressed
At Your Best: Innovative, articulate, energetic

May 15

"I choose to love my life"

The Birthday of delightful introspection

Your greatest challenge is overcoming a tendency toward shyness.
On the Dark Side: Passive, unfulfilled, detached
At Your Best: Imaginative, intelligent, charming

May 16 

"Today I will be cool, calm, and collected."

The birthday of bright color.

Your greatest challenge is adopting a more considered approach to yourself and others
On the Dark Side: Moody, unstable, volatile
At Your Best: Expressive, colorful, sensual

May 17

"I will always ask for whatever I need."

The birthday of profound simplicity.

Your greatest challenge is asking for help.
On the Dark Side: Tactless, judgmental, stressed
At Your Best: Dedicated, honorable, insightful


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Of the Birthday May 11



Small, needle-like crystals or long striated wand
Tasmania, Russia, California (US)

A highly energized, vital and fertile stone, Crocoite provides impetus for a breakthrough at any level. 


Pill-Bearing Spurge

Parts Used: Aerial parts
Collection: Gather the aerial parts while Pill-Bearing Spurge is in flower

Pill-Bearing Spurge has a relaxing effect upon the smooth muscles of the lungs and acts with great benefit in conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. It will also relive spasms in the larynx, helping nervous coughs. It will help relieve upper respiratory catarrh. This herb has a specific action of destroying the organisms that cause amoebic infections in the intestines. 

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2-1 teaspoonful of the dried leaves and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

May 11

"I am respected by everyone because I respect myself."

The birthday of distinctive flair.

Your greatest challenge is working well in a team
On the Dark Side: Unrealistic, eccentric, detached
At Your Best: Creative, distinctive, fun-loving


Lil' Witchy's Challenge


Write a scene that begins: "It was the first time I killed a man."


A Pencil



I know your like intrigued and confused, right? Oh Holly, I think you've went a little too high on your hiking adventures crystals aren't something people make!

HA! but you so can MAKE a crystal.

Here is an excellent DIY for Borax Crystals :P

Hometalk -- Borax Crystals

Wiki How- Salt Crystals

There were so many options to make crystals I struggled to pick just one!

Happy growing!

This crafty girl on Tumblr

thecraftywitch @ tumblr

So, follow that link. Lots of crafts, lots of information, lots of reading, and I totally love how she's all DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT WICCA. 

Listen this is my opinion, take it or leave it. I say the same thing. While I can find you information on Wicca, I do not practice Wicca. I'm no where near accurate on my Wicca knowledge. Do not call me Wicca. I'm simply not. 

Every witch is different and that's OK

I dare you to call a Catholic person- a Baptist. 
Or call a Jew person - a Methodist or Protestant.

The point here is while we all use the same guidelines, we all practice and interpret differently. Don't insult us, just because you don't comprehend the differences. If someone tells you they are not Wiccan, ask what reference they prefer. 

You wouldn't want to insult a Catholic by calling them a Jew. So, don't insult us either. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lil' Witchy's Challenge


An estranged mother and son who haven't seen or spoken to each other in more than twenty years meet in line at the post office in December, arms full of packages to be mailed. What do they say to each other?


A turkey leg


A witch bottle

This Link for Thought Co- Make a witch bottle has the history and the how-to for the makings of a great bottle. 
Once you get the idea of it. You can switch it up and add your own little ideas!