Monday, May 1, 2017

Mushrooms!- Taste if you dare.

Latin Name: Pholiota Veris A.H. Sm. & Hesler (No Common Name)

Width of cap: 3/4- 2 inches
Cap: Convex to flat; yellowish brown to pale cinnamon, or pale straw colored when fresh, hygrophanous, drying to nearly white from the center outward; surface somewhat viscid, margin translucent striate;  Flesh thin, pale cinnamon
Gills: Adnate, close; whitish to pale tan at first, becoming pale cinnamon with age
Stalk: Equal; colored like the cap or paler; surface nearly glabrous; partial veil leaving a thin membranous ring on the upper stalk.
Spore Print:Brown
Occurrence: In small groups or clusters on decaying wood, wood mulch, or buried wood of broad-leaved trees; saprobic; early spring-summer; common. 
Edibility: UNKNOWN

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