Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Of the Birthday May 18


Eilat Stone

Green, Blue, and Turquoise
Mottled, opaque stone
Easily obtained
Israel, Jordan

Spiritually joining the higher heart, heart and throat chakras, Eilat Stone instills a sense of wonder at the beauty of the earth. This stone balances yin and yang and brings about a lightness of being. 



Parts Used: Seeds
Collection: The seeds are removed from the pulp inside the pumpkin, which should be harvested in the late summer. 

The seeds of this valuable vegetable have long been used as a remedy for worms and tapeworms. The effect appears to be a mechanical one. The seeds should be used when ripe and fresh. 

Mrs. Grieve gives the following recipe: "A mixture is made by beating 2 ounces of the seeds with as much sugar and milk, or water, added to make a pint, and this mixture is taken fasting. In three doses, one every two hours, castor oil being taken a few hours after the last dose."


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planets: Venus, the lover
Symbol: The Bull
Tarot card: The Heirophant (determination)
Favorable colors: Green, Pink, Pale Blue
Key phrase: I have what I need.
Love Matches: Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn

May 18

"I can easily adapt to all that life throws at me."

The birthday of the brave stance.

Your greatest challenge is knowing when to back down
On the Dark Side: Driven, stern, self-sacrificing
At Your Best: Progressive, energetic, principled


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