Monday, May 8, 2017

Magic Mail Time.... MAY!!

I didn't really read the card before I did the video this time. I rushed through it, because dark and my house lighting suck. The candle actually has a Rutilated Quartz gemstone in it as does the oil (they were in the bottom of the bottle if you didn't catch them) , I also didn't realize til I mentioned it in the video, but I need to let the company know my info cards are missing. Which may have been an accident. They sent out an email during the retrograde that stated their boxes were going to be late getting out, because their info cards hadn't been shipped to them on time. My box came 2 days later than usual. Which when you think about shipping- they use USPS and USPS is closed Sunday it was only a day late. Meaning my box could have been shipped by accident before the cards were received. Hopefully, I can get a hold of someone about that. 

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