Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A moment from work for a thought from the author.

When I started this blog, it was because I was asked numerous times by numerous people to start a coven. I'm no priestess, but I started the Facebook page and added this blog for helpful information.All of my witches live in different locations across three counties or more and I felt this was my way to lead you as a group as best I could. I feel this blog hasn't been a total success. No one interacts or offers valid feedback.

I've gotten comments like "Your blog is awesome, from people who had no clue I what I was up to and have really no part in the Coven it was created for." or from one of the people that asked me to be more involved in this community "I'm so far behind on the blog, I've been to busy to look at it."

This is discouraging. This pisses me off. I put a lot of time and research into this. Feed back that I prefer goes like this:

"The blog looks great can you add something that focuses on Palmistry"
"I'd really like to read about Tea Reading"

Let me tell you something, if you are truly interested in something, you are NEVER to busy for it. Doing things that interest you, is part of your me time. YOU NEED ME TIME FOR A HEALTHY LIFE.

I don't have all the time in the world either. I work 6 days a week. When I am done with work, I head to a local friends garage and help clean, organize, and work on Jeeps. Eat, Sleep, Repeat. I do this blog on my lunch break most days. Like I said, when you're truly interested in something, you will MAKE time for it. So, during my chaos of a day, if I am home, I grab up 4- 9 maybe more books. I heat up something to eat, grab a bottled water, and I work on this blog. If I know, I'm not going to be home for lunch (like today), I do it when I first wake up. If I leave at 5 am and I'm not home for lunch, then, it gets done that night. If I'm just to tired to carry 9 books across my house and I leave at 5 and I'm not home for lunch and I just got back from the garage to late. I catch it all up the following day.

This blog was started as a way to give to my friends, because I suck at visiting people. I suck at sitting closed up in a house feeling like I have things to do that don't involve complaining about a job that just drains the spark of life right out of me. 

I can't seem to get anyone to interact with this blog at all. I see you reading my posts! COMMENT. 

Since, you wont interact with me or tell me what you're interested in, I can't get you information to start out on your journey.

As my own special form of punishment, now, I'm going to challenge you. 

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