Sunday, January 15, 2017

Oh My Orange- Mushroom!

Common Name: Orange Mock Oyster

Width of cap: 1 - 3 inches
Cap: Convex to flat with an inrolled margin at first, fan-shaped to shell-shaped in outline; orange to yellow-orange, or sometimes mostly yellow when young, hygrophanous, becoming paler on drying; surface densely covered with short, stiff hairs; flesh orangish, tough, typically with a strong odor of spoiled cabbage, but occasionally odorless
Gills: Radiating from the point of attachment, moderately close; orange to yellow-orange or paler. 
Stalk: Lacking, although the caps bay narrow to a stalk like base. 
Spore Print: Pale pink.
Occurrence: Solitary or more often in overlapping clusters on decaying wood of broad-leaved trees, also reported to occur on conifer wood; saprobic; summer-fall; occasional
Edibility: NOT EDIBLE

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