Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Crystal Ball Gazing- Dedicating Yourself

At the point when you have your physical environment set up, it is time to prepare  yourself. Seek guidance from the Higher Spirit that you may always be in the service of truth, honor, and wisdom. Ask that you not be led astray by your own desires or ego but be truly guided by the highest purpose.

Some people do this as a prayer, others hold these intentions in their minds, and some like to charge their ball with an invocation.

An example invocation the author of Crystal Ball Gazing -included in this book is
"I dedicate this crystal ball to the service of my higher self.
I dedicate myself to the Higher Spirit.
I dedicate this reading to the higher good.
May nothing but goodness, insight and healing flow from this ready and may no harm come from it.
May the words that flow from my mouth be only those reflecting Your wisdom and not my own desires.
May the Truth be served.

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