Friday, January 20, 2017

Of the Birthday Jan 20


Iron Pyrite

Gold or Brownish
Metallic, may be cubic
Readily available
Britain, North America, Chile, Peru

Iron Pyrite is an excellent energy shield. It blocks out negative energy and pollutants at all levels including infectious diseases. 



Parts Used: Fruit
Collection: The fruit should be harvested when fully ripe and dried in the shade. 

Cayenne is the most useful of the systemic stimulants. It regulates the blood flow, equalizing and strengthening the heart, arteries, capillaries, and nerves. It is a general tonic and is specific for the circulatory and digestive system. It may be used in flatulent dyspepsia and colic. If there is insufficient peripheral circulation, leading to cold hands and feet and possibly chilblains, Cayenne may be used. It is used for treating debility and for warding off colds. Externally, it is used as a rubefacient in problems like lumbago and rheumatic pains. As an ointment, it helps unbroken chilblains, as long as it is used in moderation! As a gargle in laryngitis, it combines well with Myrrh. This combination is also a good antiseptic wash. 

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2 -1 teaspoonful of Cayenne and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. A tablespoon of this infusion should be mixed with hot water and drunk when needed. 


Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Saturn, The teacher and Uranus, The Visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Tarot Card: The Star (Hope)
Number: 4
Favorable colors: Blue, Turquoise, Yellow
Key phrase: I express my original ideas
Love matches: Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius

January 20

"I am good enough"

The birthday of the ad-libber.

Your greatest challenge is overcoming your lack of self-confidence.
On the Dark Side: Insecure, suspicious, dreamy
At Your Best: Agreeable, intuitive, focused. 


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