Monday, January 30, 2017

Crystal Ball Gazing- Ways of Seeing

When doing this blog, I skipped through quite a bit of the book I was reading and using for it. It explains connecting with a ball and entering into a meditative state while doing that. Here's the thing.... a lot of that information is opinionated (though the author does a great job at remaining unbiased and informative on different ways and admitting there is no right and wrong way to do this) and I find that we all have our own forms of meditating. I also left it out, because in this section it picks up and is more informative on the "how to read" and still includes that you should be in a meditative/trance like state using your minds eye and not your actual eyes. 

There are also many ways to see into a crystal ball. In fact, the word "see" is misleading. Rather, what we perceive is more like having strong visual and non-visual impressions, or seeing pictures in your minds eye, even if those pictures seem to originate in the crystal ball. You may even hear sounds or have a sense of sounds. You may experience temperature changes.

Another way of seeing is to use the crystal ball as your doorway to an inner seeing, continuing to use the crystal energy to keep you focused. Here is this method: First, fix your focus in the crystal ball until your vision diffuses or grows indistinct. Then close your eyes (or they'll close naturally), and envision the crystal ball in your mind's eye, sitting in front of you on the table, just as it was when last you viewed it. Visualize that crystal ball getting larger and larger, until all you see before you is the ball. It continues to grow larger until all you see is a wall of crystal in front of you. There are no edges, it's so big. Then, as you look, imagine a door opening in front of you. In your mind's eye, walk through this doorway and close it behind you.
Now you are in total crystal environment. Look around and notice that parts of the crystal look like landscapes or other objects, or even clouds up in the sky. Visualize a crystal chair before you, and sit down in it. Let your self go into this infinite crystal space. You may feel like you're floating or flying. Or you may feel as if you're sitting comfortably at home in your chair, or on some other surface. You may find yourself in other worlds--that is, in worlds that seem unfamiliar to you.
Don't try to analyze what's happening at this point. Let yourself be, just as when you're outside, sitting in your chair at home, reading your crystal ball. Let yourself just be inside this world. Begin to record your impressions or what you're seeing and experiencing. Begin to ask your questions. If you are having trouble getting an answer for your questions, picture that a large crystal book opens in front of you, and turn the pages until you find your answer.

Another way to read a crystal ball is to work with the veils and inclusions in the crystal ball. Once you have attuned and aligned yourself with the crystal ball, look at the details formed by theses inclusions or veils. Once you find something that interests you, look at it in more detail. Look and see where it leads you. Once you're in the trance state, these details will begin to suggest things to you--faces, landscapes, outer space, or situations that answer your questions. If you see a landscape, find a pathway that you can follow inward as you look more closely. Follow this pathway through your landscape deeper and deeper into the ball until your vision diffuses and what you're seeing grows less distinct and you're seeing mainly with your mind's eye. Your eyes may or may not close.

It really doesn't matter which of the above methods you use. Over time, you will probably develop a style of your own.

One of the most valuable lessons- and one that you have to learn over and over again- is there is no right or wrong way to see. What matters most is that you enter the trance state. This is important, because you need to free your mind from linear thinking so that you can access other ways of knowing.

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