Monday, January 30, 2017

Woah! Dude. Mushrooms

Common Name: Yellow Gymnopilus

Width of cap: 2-4 inches
Cap: Convex with an incurved margin at first; buff-yellow to yellow-orange or chraceous orange; surface dry, smooth, silky or downy, at times slightly scaly at center Flesh pale yellow, odor sweet and spicy
Gills: Adnexed to sinuate, close; pale yellow, becoming rusty red
Stalk: Equal or enlarged downward; colored like the cap, staining rusy yllow when handled; partial vail leaving a thin, firillose to membranous ring on the upper stalk that with age may  be reduced to a narrow but prominent annular zone.
Spore Print: Rusty Brown
Occurrence: Scattered or in clusters on decaying logs, stumps, and standing trunks of trees; saprobic; summer-fall; occasional
Edibility: Not Edible, Hallucinogenic

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