Monday, January 2, 2017

Of the Birthday Jan 2


Chrysanthemum Stone

Brown, Gray with White
Resembles the flower of a chrysanthemum
Readily available
China, Japan, Canada, US

Facilitates time travel. It exudes calm confidence and enhances any environment with its gentle presence. 



Parts Used: Dried leaves
Collection: The leaves should be gathered when the plant is coming into flower in the early summer. Strip each leaf off singly and reject any taht are marked in any way. Do not collect when wet or dew

Borage acts as a restorative agent on the adrenal cortex, which means that it will revive and renew the adrenal glands after a medical treatment with coritsone or steroids. 

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk 3 times a day. 



Gifu is the rune of partnerships in all realms. It contains teh power to integrate the energies of two or more people in order to produce a force that is greater than the sum total of their individual parts. It is the primary rune of sex magic.


  1. Love and sex magic.
  2. Increase in magical powers.
  3. Anything to do with partnerships.
  4. Mental and physical equilibrium.


    Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

January 2

"I deserve the best in life''

The birthday of the intuitive leader.

Your greatest challenge is overcoming feelings of isolation and loneliness.
On the Dark Side: Moody, antisocial, indecisive
At Your best: Sensitive, spiritual, intuitive. 


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