Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Like Poop? Mushrooms!

Common Name: Bear Lentinus

Width of cap: 1-4 inches
Cap: Convex to flat, fan to kidney-shaped, or semicircular, margin often lobed, incurved at first; reddish brown, paler toward the margin; surface more or less covered with dark brown hairs that are especially dense at the point of attachment to the substrate, margin sometimes nearly glabrous
Gills: Radiating from the point of attachment to the substrate; close; whitish to pinkish brown or tan; edges coarsely serrated. 
Stalk: Lacking
Spore Print: white
Occurrence: Solitary or more typically in groups, often overlaping clusters on decaying wood of broadleaf trees, less often on conifer wood; saprobic; summer-fall; occasional
Edibility: NOT EDIBLE

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