Sunday, January 8, 2017

Take Your Chances! Mushroom!

Common Name: None

Latin Name (which I'll only include if the common is none): Crepidotus Versutus Peck

Width of cap: 1/2 - 1 inch
Cap: Fan to kidney-shaped, sometimes nearly circular, margin incurved; white to grayish; surface dry, downy to hairy; flesh thin, white, odor not distinctive
Gills: Radiating from the point of attachment, moderately well-spaced; white at first, becoming rusty brown in age
Stalk: Rudimentary or lacking.
Spore Print: Cinnamon Brown
Occurrence: Scattered in small groups or overlapping clusters on fallen branches, on the underside of logs, or other decaying wood of broad-leaved trees, infrequently reported on bare soil; saprobic; summer-fall; common
Edibility: UNKNOWN

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