Saturday, December 31, 2016

Of the Birthday December 30 & 31



Mottled, swirled, and ceined
Becoming more easily obtainable

Stone of transformation. Soul stone that overcomes fear, stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight and ainds in coping with enormouse change at a spiritual level. 
Reenergizes the body when exhausted, heals and integrates dualities, and regulates blood pressure. 


Also known as Cross Stone or Andalusite

Brown-gray, Rose, Gray, Reddish-brown, Olive Green
Distinctive cross in center of stone
Easily obtained
Chile, Russia, Spain

Protective stone. In ancient times it was used to ward off ill wishing and curses. transmutes dissension into harmony. 

Green Andalusite is a heart cleanser and balancing stone. It realeases emotional and chakra blockages caused by pent-up anger and old emotional trauma. 


Blue Flag

Parts Used: Rhizome
Collection: The rhizome is best collected in the fall

This useful remedy has a wisde application in the treatment of skin diseases, aiding the skin by working through the liver. It may be used in skin eruptions, such as, eczema, pinples, and blemishs. 

Combines well with Echinacea, Burdock, and Yellow Dock

Decoction: Put 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful of the dried herb into a cup of water and bring to boil. Let it simmer 10-15 minutes. Should be drunk 3 times a day. 


Parts Used: Dried leaves
Collection. Gather the evergreen leaves at anytimes. Dry them carefully in the shade not over 100 degree F 

Boldo is a specific for gallbladder problems like stones or inflammations. It is also used when there is visceral pain due to other problems in liver or gallbladder. 

When treating gallbladder or liver problems, it combines well with Fringe Tree Bark and Mountain Grape

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the dried leaves and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk 3 times a day. 



Ansuz is the rune of communications. It rules over song, poetry, examinations, interviews and magickal incantations. It is good to use wherever communication is the issue. 


  1. Convincing and magnetic speech.
  2. To gain wisdom.
  3. Confidence and luck with exams.
  4. Increase of active magickal energies.


Raidho is not only a rune of travel but also rules over teh cosmic laws of Right and Order. Therefore, like JERA, it is useful for legal matters, especially when you have been unjustly accused and need to bring those forces of Right to bear on the issue. 


  1. Obtaining justice according to Right.
  2. Safe and comfortable travel.


  Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 30

"I am rich in inner wisdom and can express my inspirations clearly and eloquently."

The birthday of the choreographer

Your greatest challenge is expressing yourself
On the Dark Side: Misunderstood, negative, stressed
At Your Best: Perceptive, capable, authoritative

December 31

Happy Birthday Mogge!!

"Every day there are beautiful things happening in my life"

The birthday of the connoisseur

Your greatest challenge is accepting that you are not always right. 
On the Dark Side: Opinionated, materialistic, superficial
At Your Best: Tasteful, well groomed, charismatic.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Of the Birthday December 29 ( I ran out of Tarot)



White, Pink, Blue, Red, Grayish
Transparent or opaque, sometimes banded, often seen as geode
US, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland, Mexico, Vritain, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, Russia, Crazil, Morocco.

Nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will and enhances group stability. 

Blue Chalcedony is a creative stone, that opens the mind to assimilate new ideas and helps acceptance of new situations
Dendritic Chalcedony promotes clear and precise thought. 
Pink Chalcedony encourages kindness and all good qualities
Red Chalcedony bestows strength and persistence in reaching goals. 

Note: Chalcedony geodes are often sold painted various colors. The paint runs when wet to reveal a white or gray Chalcedony underneath. The attributes are as generic Chalcedony. 


Blue Cohosh

Parts Used : Rhizome and Root
Collection: The roots and rhizome are collected in the fall, as at the end of the growing season they are richest in natural chemicals.

An excellent uterine tonic that may be used in any situation where there is a weakness or loss of tone. May be used at anytime during pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage. Can be used as an antispasmodic in false labor pain. When labor does ensue, use right before birth will help ensure an easy delivery. Can be used to bring on a delayed or suppressed menstruation, while ensuring that the pain that sometimes accompanies it is relieved. 

Decoction: put 1 teaspoonfull of dried root in a cup of water, bring to boil, simmer 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day. 



Thurisaz is the directed cosmic power of defense. It symbolizes Mjollnir, the Hammer of Thor. It is pure will untempered by self-consciousness. It is a projectable form of applied power. This rune is especially useful in conjunction with Fehu, Kenaz, Sigel, Uraz, Wunjo, and Beorc- the force of Thurisaz is able to direct their energies in an effective fashion. Use it when a "little something extra" is required to get things off the ground. 

  1. New beginings
  2. Use when you need luck or when circumstances are beyond your control. 
  3. Protection or defense.
  4. Neutralization of enemies or opposition
  5. To push the issue in love magic


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 29

"My possibilities are endless"

The birthday of the laid-back commander.

Your greatest challenge is living up to your potential.
On the Dark Side: Unfulfilled, negative, unrealistic
At Your Best: Supportive, entertaining, commanding.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Spellwork- love

I did this spell when I was a teenager. It was in a magazine I found or I found it online, I don't really remember. I do remember writing it down. I, also, remember coming across the sealed envelope in a move and burning it. Any way if you're looking to attract a love here you are.

Red Lips Love Spell

  • small mirror
  • red lipstick
  • your favorite perfume
  • a piece of paper
  • a pen w/ red ink
  • an envelope
  • red or pink flower petals

Cast this spell on a Friday night, preferably during the waxing moon. Take the sheet of paper and pen, and write down qualities you'd like in a boyfriend, like blue eyes or a great smile. After you make your list, sign your name and spray the paper with perfume. Apply red lipstick and give the paper a big fat smooch to seal your wish with a kiss. Fold the paper and place it in the envelope. With the flower petals in your hand, picture yourself happy and in love. Drop the petals in the envelope and seal it. To set the spell in motion, place the envelope by your bed or hide it in a drawer

Of the Birthday Dec. 28



White, Gray, Gray-Black, Yellow
White and yellow translucent crystals, or gray and black granular, usually on a matrix
Can be obtained from specialist stores

Excellent grounding stone that assists in feeling comfortable in the environment. 
Useful for people who feel that the earth is not their natural home. 
Ameliorates "homesickness" and makes teh soul feel at home wherever it finds itself. 



Parts Used: Dried Rhizome
Collection: The rhizome is unearthed in the early summer (May to June) or in the fall, when the leaves have dried. It Should be dried carefully in the shade. 

Bloodroot finds its main use in the treatment of bronchitis in any of its forms. 

Decoction: put 1 teaspoonfull of the rhizome in a cup of cold water, bring to boil, and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times daily. 



This is the rune of changes. URUZ is the shaping power that brings about manifestation. Use it to give sluggish cicumstances a little prod. A rune of vitality and strength, it is also useful in any healing magic, especially when the patient is weak and could use some extra strength. 

  1. To draw new situations into your life.
  2. To initiate new circumstances purely by a force of will.
  3. Healing and maintenance of good physical health. 



The suit of swords means strength, courage, hope and peace amid strife, and a successful journey. The reverse means spiritual suffering, loneliness, sacrifice, loss, and defeat.

ACE: the ablity to see things from a clear perspective. 
TWO: indicates a painful and difficult situation is being reconciled. 
THREE: indicates some sort of disruption  which will cause pain and uncertainty, loss of balance. disharmony 
FOUR: rest, recover
FIVE: disappointment or loss. reversed is a lesser chance of defeat or an empty victory
SIX: safety, recuperation, difficulties hace arisen
SEVEN: overwhelmed, doubrful, indecisive
EIGHT: deliverate or accidental interference with natural flow of energy
NINE: hardness, unkindness, total lack of consideration or compassion
TEN: fulfilment of dreams, beliefs, and aspirations 
PAGE: recieving a message which contains important information
KNIGHT: insecure mind that refuses to take anothers feelings or opinions into account
QUEEN: cold and emotionally detached way of dealing with the world
KING: intimidation, law, plitics, society, communication, emotionally cold  


  Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 28

"Keeping my thinking possitive means I can overcome any problems."

The birthday of the shining example

Your greatest challenge is coping with disappointment
On the Dark Side: Over-confident, fragile, serious
At Your Best: Inspiring, sophisticated, confident


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Of the Birthday December 27



Blue, Yellow, Red, White
Transparent, pyramidal crystals as medium to large cluster, geode, or platelike piece
Easily obtained but quite expensive
Britain, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Libya, Madagascar

High vibration and is a teacher for the New Age. Takes you into the infinite peace of the spritual and contacts the angelic realms. Useful stone for stimulating clairvoyant communication, dream recall, and journeys out of the body. 


Blessed Thistle

Parts Used: Dried aerial parts and seeds. 
Collection: The leaves and flowering twigs should be gathered when blooming (June to August). Dry them in the shade and cut them up after drying. The seeds are collected in the fall when the plant has set seed. 
It increases the flow of gastric and bile secretions. May be used with benefit in appetite loss (anorexia), dyspepsia, and indigestion. 
Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Drank 3 times daily.



Fehu symbolizes primal, uncontrolled Fire. Its energy is that of the "Big Bang" and of lightening strikes in the wilderneses. It is the power of generation at its most basic level. Its energies are totally wild and very useful for magic involving swift, radical changes. '


  1. To hasten affairs to their next stage-use after the "subject" runes in your runescrtipt
  2. Increase in monetary wealth. 
  3. Protection of valuables.
  4. The "sending" rune- use it to send either your energy or the energy of the runes out into the formative spheres. 


Pentacles or Coins

The suit of pentacles symbolizes generosity, financial reward, success at work and craftmanship. The reverse of the suit is meanness, covetousness, poverty, unemployment, and isolation. 

ACE: Marks, on the every day level, the start of a new project, which is likely to be successful. 
TWO: indicates necessity of constant change in our life if we are not to stagnate- turning point
THREE: attainment through effort and marks achievement in the working area
FOUR: stable level of material balance
FIVE: unexpected expense, job concerns, disturbance in family, worries
SIX: inner confidence, self-belief, promise of bounty
SEVEN: fear of failure, be patient, don't rush, the need for self-control
EIGHT: predicts the need to progress with caution
NINE: profit or gain
TEN: abundance, wealth, and gain-prosperity. 
PAGE: fresh opportunities, usually in the form of a task, activity or job involving responsibility
KNIGHT: male who is firm and least impetuous
QUEEN: female who is always there to help, in a material or tangible way. 
KING: male who is known for generosity and has worked hard for his money and is successful. 


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 27

"If I put my mind and heart into it, there's nothing I cannot do."

The birthday of the Golden Heart

Your greatest challenge is saying "no."

On the Dark Side: Self-sacrificing, insecure, frustrated
At Your Best: Generous, chaming, noble. 


Monday, December 26, 2016

Of The Birthday 24, 25, 26 ..Whew holiday got me slackin!


Boji Stone

Brownish, some Blue
Metallic looking, smooth (female) or with square protrusions (male)
True Boji stones can be difficult to obtain
US, Britain

Most effective grounding stones. Strongly protective functions, very useful for overcoming blockages

Blue Boji stones have high but grounded spiritual vibration. Facilitates traveling and guards the body until the soul returns during out of body journeys. 


Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Clear, Brown, Pink, Grey, Red
Translucent and waxy, often banded
US, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil

Powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy

Black Calcite is a record-keeper stone for regression and regaining memories.
Blue Calcite is a gentle stone for recuperation and relaxation.
Clear Calcite is a "cure-all"  and powerful detoxifier. 
Gold Calcite is used for meditations and attuning the higher mental planes.
Green Calcite is a mental healer, dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs and restoring balance to the mind.
Iceland Spar (Optical Calcite) amplifies images and heals eyes
Orange Calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone (especially in lower chakras).
Pink Calcite (Mangano Calcite) is a heart crystal in contact with the angelic realm. It is a stone of forgiveness, it realeases fear and grief that keep the heart trapped in the past. 
Red Calcite increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids in willpower, and opens the heart Chakra. 
Rhomboid Calcite closes off mind chatter, bringing mental stillness. 
Yellow or Golden Calcite is a great eliminator and stimulates the will. 


Red, Orange, Pink, Brown
Small, translucent pebble, often water-worn
Britain, India, Czech Republic, Sovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania

Grounds and anchors you in the present reality. A stabilizing stone with high energy, excellent for restoring citality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity. 

Pink Carnelian improves the parent-child relationship. It helps to restore love and trust after abuse or manipulation
Red Carnelian warms and energizes. It is useful for combating sluggishness and for invigorating the mind and body. 


Black Root

Parts Used: Rhizome and Root
Collection: Ducg up in the fall and stored for a year before use

Black Root is used as a reliever of liver congestion and for inflamed gallbladder. 

Decoction: Put 1-2 teaspoonfulls of the dried herb in a cup of cold water and bring to boil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Take one cup 3 times a day. 

Black Willow

Parts Used: Bark
Collection: The bark is collected in the spring with new growth starts

Black willow is a safe natural source of aspirinlike chemicals. Is used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis where there is much associated pain and inflammation

Decoction: pour a cup of water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the bark, bring to voil, and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day


Common Name: Kelp
Parts used: the whole plant, which is a common seaweed.

Proved useful in the treatment of underactive thyroid glands and goiter. Through regulation of the thyroid function, there is an improvement in all teh associated symptoms. Where ovesity is associated with thyroid trouble, this herb may be very helpful in reducing the excess weight. 

Can be taken in tablet form as a dietary supplement or as an infusion by pouring a cup of boiling water on 2-3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leaving it to steep for 10 minutes. Should be drunk 3 times a day. 


These are the last 3 runes for this segment. However, I've only been covering the runes in Divination and readings. Starting tomorrow, I'm going back to the begining and will be doing uses in magic. The Runes will continue!! 


Almost always a positive rune. Indicates taht the force is acailable to you at this time to complete any projects, and it shows a successful conclusion to the problem at hand. It also represents the sense of relief that comes from a positive accomplishment, but it can also merely indicate a mind free from anxiety. It has no reverse meaning. 


Symbolic of increase and growth, a major period of increase and prosperity is often introduced by this rune. It has no negative aspects, and even in a negative reading it shows that you possess the inner strength to turn your situation around if only you will utilize it. 
There is no reverse meaning. 


Rune of possessions and usually represents the things that money can buy, usually land or a building. It also represents money in the from of inheritances, trusts, or pension funds. 

Reversed it shows delay and frustration. and could indicate difficulties encountered throught trying to progress too fast. 


XXI The World

Upright it represents completion, reward, celebration and success. It is closely related to the meaning and symbolization of the circle. 
Reversed it is disappointment, lack of vision and inconclusion. 


The suit of cups symbolizes romance, friendship, creativity, and sociability. The reverse of this suit means jealousy, pain, rejection, eccessive love of luxury, and preoccupation with ones self 

ACE : Beginning of great love, and may indicate pregnancy
TWO: Often means two forces are drawn together-engagement or marriage
THREE: Friendship-or community- the network of support created when interacting with others
FOUR: Positive period of self reflectionand renewal
FIVE: Loss, regret or denial in carying degrees - break up or loss of opportunity
SIX: Happy feelings coming from the past and innocence
SEVEN: Illusions and deceptions
EIGHT: Seperations or divorce
NINE: Sometimes called the wish card- what you have an appetite for you will be given
TEN: Joy, love and friendship. Represents the type of family we all wish to create.
PAGE: Romance, deep feelings, and the inner life
KNIGHT: Balanced objectivity and outlook, sincerity, harmony and equilibrium
QUEEN: Someone intouch with their emotions, an atmosphere of love, acceptance and respect for feelings
KING: Someone who responds calmly in a crisis, uses diplomacy rather than force, reaches out to help, or accepts a different point of view. Also, shows an atomosphere of caring and tolerance. 


The suit of wands stands for creative integrity, security, positive relationships, and inner development. The reverse is a disrupted work, laziness, ignorance, and romantic jealousy. 

ACE: Begining of new life or a new phase in life.
TWO:  Indicates that we are in charge of the way that our life is unfolding. 
THREE: Represents our trueness to our own inner needs and inspirations.
FOUR: Completion. Applies to work projects, personal situations, and even phases of life. 
FIVE: Indicates quarrels, conflict and discord.
SIX: card of fight, competition, and eventual victory. Any where you have to fight to acheive a goal.
SEVEN: Indicates you are facing one of those momentous happenings in your life.
EIGHT: New surge of energy and often signals entry into a new phase or project-good chance of success. 
NINE: Inner strength will guide toward goals.
TEN: Situations that are prolonged, trapped and deeply unhappy. a conflict you can not win
PAGE: Child like innocence 
KNIGHT: Departure from a challenge.
QUEEN: Represents a passionate female who wantes to rouse people into action through outspoken and critical nature.
KING: Represents a male with creative efforts, who motivates ambitions, upholding the principals of integrity.  


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 24

"I will grow wiser and stronger emotionally every day."

The birthday of complicated far sight.

Your greatest challenge is learning from your mistakes.

On the Dark Side: Confusing, tactless, stubborn
At Your Best: Innovative, visionary, exciting

December 25

"I already have all of the joy I need to feel fulfilled and truly alive."

The birthday of peak experience.

Your greatest challenge is being realistic.

On the Dark Side: Esacpist, restless, sensation seeking
At Your Best: Visionary, courageous, spiritual

December 26

"My loving heart knows no bounds and my flexible mind knows no boundaries." 

The birthday of the vantage point

Your greatest challenge is admitting you made mistakes.

On the Dark Side: Defensive, rigid, unfeeling
At Your Best: Energetic, methodical, inspirational.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Of the Birthday, December 23! Happy Birthday Bri!! (if you read this)



Green quartz flecked with red or yellow jasper
Readily available
Australia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Russia, India

Excellent blood cleanser and powerful healer

Believed to have mystical and magical properties, controlling the weather and conferring the abilty to banish evil and negativity

In ancient times it was said to have been and audible oracle, giving off sounds as a means of guidance. 

Wear continually for good health. Place in a bowl of water beside the bed to ensure peaceful sleep. 


Black Horehound

Parts Used: Dried aerial parts. 
Collection: The herb should be gathered just as it begins to bloom in July. 

Black Horehound (don't confuse with White Horehound) is an excellent remedy for the settling of nausea and vomitting where the cause lies within the nervous system rather than the stomach. For example: motion sickness, morning sickness (with pregnancy) and nervousness. 

Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10- 15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day or as needed. 



Intuitive knowlege
Indicates you should follow your intuitions closely in the matter in question
Reversed, unless backed with very positive runes, is a very bad sign. It shows that you will be or already are misled by your intuition into tackling something for which you have no real aptitude. 


XX Judgement

This card is also known as Rejuvenation. It symbolizes development, resolution, and release. 
The reverse is transient success, loss, and delay.


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 23

"There is no greater power for me than the power of the present moment"

The birthday of the cautious revolutionary. 

Your greatest challenge is coping with sudden change
On the Dark Side: Complacent, authoritarian, inflexible
At your Best: Responsible, innovative, steady


Spellwork - Spirits

I spoke with a friend this morning, who has been too busy to read the blog, so as punishment for not paying attention 😝I'm going to post help for her child here. This way she has no choice, but to get all up in my magical space.

First, let me explain. Her daughter is around 9 or 10 and is blessed with the gift of seeing & possibly communicating with those that have passed. Also, being a small child, she doesn't understand what is happening and it deeply frightens her.

So, Today, I chose spellwork for her.

A Guardian Spirit. 

An Amakua (Hawiian) is a guardian spirit that comes in the form of a bird or a small animal of some kind. It is sought for its good luck and help in times of crisis and generally watches over the individual who has one. It's found by calling on ancestors to seek and find the spirit that is one's personal protector. Since it's a good idea to have a nature spirit as a guardian, here are some prayers for getting one.

You need to make an offering, and an appropriate one would be a glass of wine and a bowl of fruit. Place them on the table arranged as an altar, and say the prayers over the offering while picturing a deceased family member  who can help you find an Amakua.

For a male Amakua, suitable for anyone to have, say the following prayer: Heavens and spirit of the earth and seas and skies, listen o spirit, bring Amakua from the rainbow, from the sun and sacred lands. I bring you an offering. 

At this point, the petitioner makes his offerings, calling the god's attention to each one. He then prays as follows:

O great Kane, I sing to Kane, I talk to Kane, Kane of the skies and oceans and lands. 
I beg for an Amakua to come to rest here, To come inhabit this space in time and sprit.

To Pele, Goddess of fire and volcanoes, I sing your praises. 

To Kilauea, and the many spirits of fire and water and air, come close here and now and bring your powers to me. 

I seek an Amakua to protect and guide me, in all my days, in my coming and going. Brush aside the darkness, brush aside death, and come into this world of the living. Give me power 

(In Hawaiian mythology, Kāne is considered the highest of the four major Hawaiian deities, along with Kanaloa, Kū, and Lono, though he is most closely associated with Kanaloa. He represented the god of procreation and was worshipped as ancestor of chiefs and commoners. Pele the Fire Goddess, is the goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanoes and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Kīlauea is a currently active shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, and the most active of the ..... It is here that the conflict between Pele and the rain god Kamapuaʻa was centered )

Try to learn the chant a little bit before undertaking the ceremony. YOu may read the prayer, however, and the pronunciations are pretty much as the words indicate. Call on your Amakua when you want something or when a crisis transpires in your life.

Space Cleanser

You will need:
  • A white candle
  • Incence ( I prefer sage)
  • Water
  • Salt
To cleanse a room of unwanted energies you must first physically clean it by tidying, dusting, and vacuuming. Then light the candle and walk with it clockwise around the room, stopping briefly at the points of north, east, south, and west. As you walk say: Candle, candle, burning bright, cast out all not of the light; with your flame all shadows flee, asi do will, so must it be. 
Repeat with burning incense, saying: Evil spirits, I blow you out, with scented smoke that wreathes about; All bad spirits no more shall be, as I do will, so must it be. 
Repeat with water, sprinkling it around as you go. Say: Water, water, cleanse ths space, that all bad energy leave this place; of evil may this place be free, as i do will, so must it be. 
Finally, repeat with the salt, casting a pinch here and there, saying:  Creature of Earth, build a wall; build it strong and build it tall To keep all harm away from me, as I do will, so must it be. 
Plave the candle and incense together and let them burn a while longer, but do not leave them unattended. Open any windows to let the in the fresh air and play some soft music. All these thinges will recharge yoru room with positive energy and you feeling calm and happy.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Superstitions.... lets pick one!

Witch Watch

This one made me giggle, I pick it.

If you want to fend off witches and the trouble they can bring, there are a number of measures you can take. For example, a variety of plants grown in the garden or hung in the house are said to keep away witches. They are used in different ways including:

  • fennel stuffed in the keyhole or hung over a door. 
  • rosemary planted by the door step
  • rowan twigs or branches hung above doors, beds, and cupboards
  • holly and ivy growing on any part of the house. 

In the home, wax from consecrated candles , such as those used at Candlemas or other religious ceremonies, may also protect against witches, if sprinkled around the home. There is evidence of this practice from as early as the sixteenth century in Europe. 

Witches were often thought to steal horses and sometimes cows. They were said to ride them to exhaustion during the night. But a stone with a naturally made hole that was hung in the stable was believed to keep witches out. Indoors, similar stones hung over the bed were thought to prevent sleepers from having nightmares. It was said that iron, particularly iron that was cold to the touch, repelled wiches, so an iron horseshoe hung over the threshold kept them away from the house, too. A knife, also a cold metal, stuck into a door lintel (or mast, if on a ship or boat), is good luck, and also keeps witches away. 

Spellwork- Lift your Spirits

Just incase any one has winter blues

You Will Need :

peppermint tea
peppermint essential oil
A large bowl of hot water

Brew the peppermint tea and leave it to steep for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a footbath by adding 5 drops of peppernint oil to a large bowl of fairly hotwater. Do this in a methoodical manner, thinking only of the task in hand. Stir the oil into the water clockwise, and while you are watching the circles of oil disperse, chant: "Dispel the cloud upon my brow, uplift my spirits here and now."

Sit in a comfortable chair that hugs your body, and sip the tea as you soak your feet. Close your eyes and feel the warmth spreading up your body from your feet and meeting the hot peppermint tea you are drinking. As the warmth and essence engulf your senses, your whole body will glow, revitalized.

Peppermint was revered by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, Japanese, and Romans. Greek athletes used peppermint oil as a muscle toner before competitions and more generally as a refreshing perfume. The name comes from the latin "mente," meaning "thought," and the Romans used it to stimulate the brain. You need to set aside half an hour at any time of the day or night for this ritual remedy.

Of the Birthday December 22


Beryl: Chrysoberyl

Golden yellow, Yellow with Brown, Green with Red
Tabular transparent crystals. Appears green in natural light and red in artificial light. Cat's Eye or Cymophane is banded or eye-like
Readily available; Cat's eye may be expensive, Alexandrite rare
Australia, Brazil, Myanmar, Canada, Ghana, Norway, Zimbabwe, Russia. 

A form of Beryl, this stone is one of new beginnings. It brings compassion and forgiveness, generosity and confidence. 

Used with other crystals, Chrysoberyl highlights the cause of dis-ease (DUDE every other time I've typed that in this blog I've left out the hyphen! Fuck! Now I need to go back and fix every damn one. 😢 It's totally dis-ease not disease.) It supports self-healing, balances adrenaline and cholesterol, and fortifies the chest and liver. 


Crystal of contrasts. Opens intuition and metaphysical abilities, creats a strong will and personal magnetism. Regenerative, it rebuilds self-respect, and supports rebirth of the inner and outer self. 

Cat's Eye

Grounding stone, but stimulates the intuition. Dispels negative energy from teh aura and provides protection.


A form of Cat's Eye, Stimulates and stabilizes the intellect and supports flexibility of mind


Black Haw

Parts Used: Dried bark of root, stem, or trunk
Collection: The cark from the roots and the trunk is collected in the fall. The shrubs should be dug out and the bark stripped from roots and trunk. The cark from branches should be collected in the spring and summer. In both cases, the bark should be dried in the shate

Black Haw is very similar to Cramp Bark in use. The two plants are closely related. It is a powerful relaxant of the uterus and is used for dysmenorrhea (uterine cramps) and false labor pains. It may be used in threatened miscarriage as well. Black Haw may also be used as an antispasmodic in the treatment of asthma. 

Decotion: put 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried bark in a cup of water, bring t boil, and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day. 



The rune of humankind. It shows interdependence, you can expect to recieve some kind of aid or cooperation in dealing with the problem at hand. 

Reversed it means the opposite. You can expect to recieve no help in your predicament from any fellow human. 


XIX The Sun

This card represents satisfaction, gratitude, health, happiness, strenth, inspiration, and liveration, when it is cast upright. Reversed, its meaning is lack of confidence and mild unhappiness. 


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 22

The Birthday of enduring poise
Your greatest challenge is broadening your outlook
On the dark side: narrow-minded, controlling, workaholic
At your best: prepared, self-confident, dignified
