Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wheel of the Year-Yule edition :D

Some lovely expcerts from Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials- Yule Edition-
You can order this book for around 10-11 dollars from
As usual, I'm only including my favorite parts. So, to read the whole thing and fully understand all the traditions (not just the ones I favor) you'll have to purchase or borrow the book from somewhere :)

In olden times, the Yule log was traditionally made of oak. The first step in preparing for the Yule log ceremony was the cleansing and blessing of the home. The women of the hearth would do this cleansing, while the oldest or "senior" male of the household searched for just the right log. The largest possible log was selected, and it might take several family members to drag it home, afterwhich it was trimmed to fit into the fireplace. Decorative carvings where added next often resembling the shape of a Cailleach-the Celtic mother crone. As the embodiment of cold and death, she was tossed into the fire so that the family could watch as "winter" was replaced by heat and light, a ritual in keeping with the burning log's representation of the waxing solar year, Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice.
The carved log was gestooned with greenery and anointed with ale, mead, or whiskey. It was lit on the solstice eve ideally on teh first try and using a piece of the precious year's log as kindling. Once lit it was watched over through the night with wishes and toasts made over the log and stories told in its presence. If the Yule log burned on until morning, it was considered a most positive omen.

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on other trees and woody shrubs-particularly on oak trees. Ancient Druides harvested mistletoe at Yule with great ceremony, believing it to be a holy plant with protective qualities. It is one of few plants that flower during the winter months, and during Satunalia fertility rituals took plce under bowers of mistletoe. ....Oh my a kiss under the mistletoe I suppose.

The Yule Tree (mine is fake, allergies to pine, I prefer a live tree) In the ancient traditions, cutting and bringing in the tree represented the death and sacrifice that are abound a Yule. Some believe cutting a tree is wrong and go with an alternative of digging one up and replanting it (which is what I did before I discovered it was causing me to be ill, though my reasoning was the dead tree left to many needles behind). Some things to consider while choosing your tree provided by the National Christmas Tree Association.

              Every acre of trees on a Christmas tree farm provides enough oxygen for 18 people

              For each tree that is harvested, three seedlings are planted.

              In one year, an average of mature evergreen tree produces enough oxygen to support a family of 4 and absorbs carbon dioxide pumped into the air by 4 automobiles.

              Planting trees is the cheapest, most effective way of removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

              Unsold trees are composited into mulch, bark dust, and compost

Decorating your tree should be a fun event. According to tradition you should take down your tree on January 5th, to take it down earlier is to fail to honor the solstice evergreen for its gifts.

 Winter House cleansing and Blessing

The winter holidays typically come with lots of magic, ost of excitement, and lots of company. All the energy moving in, around and out of your home its a great time to do a quick house cleasing. Smudge the entryways and corners using sage, sweetgrass, juniper, cedar, or sperge. Sprinkle with saltwater moving deosil (counterclockwise) from one room to the next. As you work, repeat this:
"May the winds inspire you, earth protect you, water heal you, and fire always warm your hearth." As you move throught the space, clap your hands to disperse old, stagnant energy, then use a bell or rattle to welcome in fresh, sacred energy.  Sleighbells are perfect for this Midwinter cleansing. Open windows to let in fresh air, even if for only a few minutes-this is not only great for a clesing and clarification, but it's also healful

A Yuletide Dream Pillow

Cut two identical pieces of fabric in red, green, gold, or in holiday print. Put the "right sides" together, sew around three sides; turn the resulting bag right side out. Trim the raw edge. Fill it with dried herbal mixture as follows: For sleep use lavender and cedar, for inspired dreams use mugwort, rosemary, and cloves, for psychic inspiration and astral travel add cinnamon and cardamom, to make sure Santa will come, try a cookies theme insurt cinnamon, vanilla, and a dash of sprinkles. After stuffing, sew the forth side closed, tuck the dream pillow inside your pillow case, and enjoy the sweet dreams.

A Yule Log Talisman

The day after burning your yule log, gather the cooled ashes. Sew them into a small magical bag or poppet to create a talisman against lightning damage and house fires. keep the talisman on your altar or use a tack to fasten it over an entrance door. On the next Yule, add the talisman to the kindling fire for that year's Yule log, Sharing aloud your gratitiude for the past year's well being.

A Generosity Charm

Save a favorite piece of ribbon from a favorite gift you've received, or if that isn't possible, select an especially beautiful length of ribbon. Wrapping it around both hands, Speak these words aloud: "However long the season be, my hands are working generously." Leave the ribbon on your altar throughout the holidays, and make a point of stopping daily to reflect on teh spirit of generosity within your heart and home. Variation" If the ribbon is long enough, bless it as above and use it to wrap a special gift for a loved one.

Gift idea for a fellow witch :) 

(the idea is included in the book but not included in the book as a gift I just thought it would be a cute gift) 

Make a Porta-pagan Magick Set

One of the best parts of working magic is being able to work spontaneously, when teh need or urge arises. Many Pagans aren't comfortable carrying magic tools or supplies with them or having them visable to Muggles (tee hee ok so that word isn't in the book either) 
You can solve some of these problems and put magic in your hands with this set. 
Empty altoids can or small tin - decorate with stickers, paint, or glued fabric. Then line the inside the same way. Tuck general materials for useful working inside. Small candles (Tiny birthday candles fit into plastic pony beads), a few strike anywhere matches, a small altar cloth, a packet of salt, a few gems or crystals (quartz is a good general purpose; turquoise for protection; obsidian for grounding) a small cial of essential oils, an incence cone, small scrying mirror, or anything else that suits your purpose. Tuck this into a small bag, tied shut with a cord, and leave in your purse, briefcase, or glovebox. 

Recipes for a good time!!


3 eggs seperated
6 tbs sugar
1/2 pint heavy cream
2 pints whole milk
1/4 to 1/2 pint brandy, bourbon, or rum
1/2 tbs good quality banilla extract
whole nutmeg

In a bowl beat egg yolks with 4 tbs sugar until thick
in a med bowl beat egg white with 2 tbs sugar until thick
in another med bowl beat the cream to soft peaks
add cream to the yolks, fold in the egg white and add milk, alcohol, vanilla, and a pinch of fresh grated nutmeg. stir counterclockwise. pour eggnog into a large bowl and chill in teh freezer for about an hour before serving (until it turns a little icy)
to serve, pile more whipped heavy cream atop the bowl and dust generously with more grated nutmeg. spoon the eggnog into individual cups. 

Tree-decorating chili

(for meatless leave out beef add a can of black beans in its place)

1 pound ground beef
1 diced onion
8 oz tomato sauce
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 can black beans
8 ounces cooked p into beans
1/2 cup water
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

in a large pan or a 3-4 quart kettle,  brown ground beef and onions spoon off and discard the fat. Add tomato sauce and steweed tomatoes, black and pinto beans, water, salt, chili powder, and cayenne. Bring to gentle boil then lower to a simmer. Simmer for about 2 hours uncovered. Add water to thin if needed, check salt & pepper to make sure its to your taste. 
spoon into a bowl. Top with cheese, diced sweet onion, diced sweet pepper, sliced jalapeno, diced avocado, sour cream or corn chips 


A Hot chocolate kit (makes 2 gifts) 
12 oz dark chocolate chips
1tsp dried red paper flakes or 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp raw turbinado sugar
wax paper
baking sheet
2 half pint mason jars with lids
heavy paper
pen or permanent marker
2 small 4 inch wire whisks (optional) 

microwave the chocolate chips until they soften slightly. stir in pepper flakes and sugar and mix well. Spoon the mixture into a wax paper lined baking sheet and allow to cool until brittle. chop the chocolate mixture into small pieces and fill the jars. Label with instructions: "Add a heaping spoonful of chocolate chunks to a cup of steaming hot milk. Stir until Chocolate melts, whisking to blend" if you choose tie a small whisk to a each jar. 

Mulling spices (2 gifts)
Cheesecloth (9 inch circles)
A cup of assorted spices: Broken cinamon, allspice berries, star anise, whole cardamom, peppercorns, chunks of dried vanilla bean and or cloves
Several strips of dried citrus peel (strip peels from oranges or lemons several days ahead
whole nutmeg
natural string (cotton or hemp) cut in 9 inch lengths
2 half pint mason jars
heavy paper
pen or marker

Lay out circles 3 layers in each pile place an assortment (2-4 TBS) of whole spices and citrus peels on teh cheesecloth. grate nutmeg onto the mixture, tie into a small bundle. pack in mason jar. each jar should hold about 6 bundles. Label with insturctions: "Add one bundle to one quart apple cider or red wine. Simmer over medium heat for about an hour. Sweeten with brown sugar to taste and if desired, add a dollop of brandy. 
As an option you can also simply fill a glass jar with a mixture of finley chopped spices and citrus peels and instruct the user to add 1 tablespoon to the mixture of 8 ounces of very hot cider or red wine, allow the mixture to infuse 15-30 minutes and strain before drinking. 

Bath Salts (number of gift varies)

table or dendritic salt
essental oil (lavender, mint, rosemary, juniper, chamomile)
Coarse- Grained Kosher Salt ( or Himalayan pink Salt) 
Epsom Salt
Coarse or extra large grained sea salt
Wide mouth pint jar with lid
1/4 cup measuring cup 
heavy paper 
pen or marker

place the table salt into small bowl, scent with several drops of essential oil and stir well. 
place enough of the sented salt into a jar to fill it about 1/4 of the way. Add in layers 1/4 cup scoops of the other salts. Top with final layer of the remaining scented table salt, addinf a few more drops of essntial oil. The differnt salts have diffeerent textures and slightly different colors, and the visible layers will sho through the glass and look gorgeous. Screw on the lid and use a ribbon to attach the label to the jar Label instructions " To use, add a 1/4 cup scoop of salts to hot bath. Scoop deeply so you get some of each salt or stir the jar before using. Relax" 

I hope you've read all the way to the bottom, And I hope you buy the book, And I hope you have a very wonderful YULE CELEBRATION!!!! 

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