Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Of the Day



Yellow, Green, Gray, Blue, White, Purple, Vrown, Red-brown, Violet
Opaque, Sometimes transpartent, glassy, hexagonal crystal
Blue is readily available, Yellow is rare
Mexico, Norway, Russia, US

Apatite has inspirational properties. It is a stone of manifestation and promotes a humanitarian attitude, inclining toward service. 
Apatite heals bones and encourages formation of new cells. It aids absorption of calcium and helps cartilage, bones, teeth, and motor skills and ameliorates arthritis, joint problems, and rickets. This stone suppresses hunger and raises the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating. 

Wear on skin ocer affected part, or plase as appropriate. 

Blue Apatite

Connects to a high level of spiritual guidance. facilitates public speakinga nd enhances group communication

Yellow Apatite 

This color of the gem is a great eliminator, especially of toxins. It activates the solar plexus and draws off stagnant energy. Yellow is known to treat CFS, lethargy, depression, and ocercomes lack of concentration, inefficient learning, and poor digestion. 



Part Used: Bark of root or stem

The roots should be unearthed in the spring (March) or fall (November), and the stem bark should be collected at the same time. Pare off the bark from root and stem and dry in the shade.
Barberry is one of the best remedies for correcting liver function and promoting the flow of bile. As a bitter tonic with mild laxative effects, it is used with weak or debilitated peaple to strengthen and cleanse the system. An interesting action, is its ability to reduce an enlarged spleen. It acts against malaria and is also efffective in te treatment of protozoal infection due to leishmania spp. 
Avoid during pregnancy
Decoction: 1 tsp of the cark into a cup of cold water and bring to boil. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink 3 times daily 



Isa signifies a cessation of activities- a freeze. All plans should be put on hold for the moment to be resumed at a more auspicious time. Unless surrounded by very negative runes, this delay will only be temporary. It often indicates a cooling trend in a relationship- buisiness or emotional will be shown by the runes following it. There will be ill feelings and resentments, perhaps even a seperation or severance of ties. This rune often indicates a breach of loyalty on the part of another in emotional relationships. When shown with strongly negative runes in a cast, it could signify that the cooling trend has gone too far to be salvageable. 


X The Wheel of Fortune

Upright, it represents unexpected events, wisdom gained from experience, changes, a new cycle, a turn of the wheel, a progression, or a movement.
Reversed, it means failed enterprise or a difficult change. 

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