Friday, December 9, 2016

Spellwork- Introduction and Wealth

I don't really do a lot of traditional spellwork, or ceremonial spellwork, or spells at all really. It feels a little staged or for show to me. There are special occasions for me that I will break out a cauldron, take a hike down some secluded trail, invite some friends, and have a go at it.  However, some witches go all out with this.

Things to think about while working spells can go all sorts of specific; days of the week, moon phases, holidays, where you are in your monthly cycle (sorry thats incredibly personal and feminine), seasons, the list for this is endless.

I'm not going to cover everything in that list. I will, however, share a few things I've read in a tiny little book which shimmery writing has worn off. The binding says "The Witches' Spell Book" Running Press.

Days of the Week.


Sunday is a day for healing, vitality, creativity, and new hope. Color correspondences for this day are gold, orange, and yellow. Stones follow the colors: Amber, Citrine, Topaz. Herbs for Sunday include clove, cedar, chamomile, sunflower.


Moon day is a dreamy day for intuition, beauty, women's rituals and home. Color representation is shiny silver, pearl, pale rose, white, and lavender. Reflective colors like the moon. Gems are likewise: Moonstone, Pearl, Quartz Crystal, Aquamarine. Incence you might use include night blooming jasmine, myrtle, moonwort, white rose, and poppy. 


Tuesday is known as Mars day, high powered energy on this day means action: career, work out routine. Red is todays color. Likewise, the stones for today are ruby, garnet, bloodstone. Herbs or incence to use: red rose, pine, pepper, garlic, carnations.  


Odin's day is the day of communication. written work, public speaking, memory, all fall under communications. Colors for today include light lue, gray, green, orange, and yellow. Crystals to use sodalite, moss agate, opal, adventurine. Dill, cinnamon, sweat pea and ferns are all herbs that correspond with this weekday.


Thor's Day is all business, politics, legalities, bargaining, material and fiscal wealth. Corresponding colors include blue, purple, and turquoise. Thus crystals are turquoise, sapphire, amethyst and lapiz lazuli. Incence you can burn on this day for spellwork are saffron, cedar, nutmeg, pine, oak, cinnamon 


Ruled by Freya, Friday is all about beauty, love, sex, fertility, friendships, arts, music, and bringing new into your life.  Pale green, deep green, robin's egg blue, pink and violet are colors of the day. emerald, rose quartz, jade, malachite, and peridot cover the gems. Herba snd incense for Friday are apple, lily, birch, pink rose, verbena, ivy, and sage.


Today is ruled by Saturn -time for protection, discipline, duty, binding, family, manifestation, and completion. Colors are not listed in this book but if I had to guess, gray, deep reds, black, because the corresponding stones are onyx, jet, obsidian, and darkest garnet. Incense plants and herbs for this day are (use caution some are toxic) rue, moss, myrrh, deadly nightshade, mandrake, hemlock, and wolfsbane.

With all your new found knowledge ( Go research some more!), Who's in for a bit of fun?

A Spell for Wealth

This little book suggests Thursdays or a new moon. Light your altar candle, at midnight and burn frankincense and myrrh incense. Make an offering of a golden fruit, apples or peaches, to Jupiter, and anoint your third eye with essinsial oil of frankencense, myrrh, apple, or peach.
The spell aloud "This offering I make as my blessing to all.Greatest Gods, Lord Jove of the sky. From you all heavenly gifts do fall. Most generous of all, you never deny. To you, I am grateful, and so mote it be!"
Put the candle in a safe place to allow it to burn all night. You will dream of your loved ones, including yourself, recieving a bounty of material and spiritual wealth.

Pot of Gold An Abundance Blessing

To attract money, fill a big pot with water, place it on your altar during a waxing moon. Pour into it an offering of a cup of milk mixed with honey. Toss handfuls of dried chamomile, woodruff, moss, and vervein into the cauldron. With your head raised say aloud, "I call upon you, gods and goddesses of old, to fill my purse with gold. I offer you honey's gold and mother's milk. With harm to none and blessings to thee, I honor you for bringing me health and prosperity." 

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