Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Of the Birthday December 27



Blue, Yellow, Red, White
Transparent, pyramidal crystals as medium to large cluster, geode, or platelike piece
Easily obtained but quite expensive
Britain, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Libya, Madagascar

High vibration and is a teacher for the New Age. Takes you into the infinite peace of the spritual and contacts the angelic realms. Useful stone for stimulating clairvoyant communication, dream recall, and journeys out of the body. 


Blessed Thistle

Parts Used: Dried aerial parts and seeds. 
Collection: The leaves and flowering twigs should be gathered when blooming (June to August). Dry them in the shade and cut them up after drying. The seeds are collected in the fall when the plant has set seed. 
It increases the flow of gastric and bile secretions. May be used with benefit in appetite loss (anorexia), dyspepsia, and indigestion. 
Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Drank 3 times daily.



Fehu symbolizes primal, uncontrolled Fire. Its energy is that of the "Big Bang" and of lightening strikes in the wilderneses. It is the power of generation at its most basic level. Its energies are totally wild and very useful for magic involving swift, radical changes. '


  1. To hasten affairs to their next stage-use after the "subject" runes in your runescrtipt
  2. Increase in monetary wealth. 
  3. Protection of valuables.
  4. The "sending" rune- use it to send either your energy or the energy of the runes out into the formative spheres. 


Pentacles or Coins

The suit of pentacles symbolizes generosity, financial reward, success at work and craftmanship. The reverse of the suit is meanness, covetousness, poverty, unemployment, and isolation. 

ACE: Marks, on the every day level, the start of a new project, which is likely to be successful. 
TWO: indicates necessity of constant change in our life if we are not to stagnate- turning point
THREE: attainment through effort and marks achievement in the working area
FOUR: stable level of material balance
FIVE: unexpected expense, job concerns, disturbance in family, worries
SIX: inner confidence, self-belief, promise of bounty
SEVEN: fear of failure, be patient, don't rush, the need for self-control
EIGHT: predicts the need to progress with caution
NINE: profit or gain
TEN: abundance, wealth, and gain-prosperity. 
PAGE: fresh opportunities, usually in the form of a task, activity or job involving responsibility
KNIGHT: male who is firm and least impetuous
QUEEN: female who is always there to help, in a material or tangible way. 
KING: male who is known for generosity and has worked hard for his money and is successful. 


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 27

"If I put my mind and heart into it, there's nothing I cannot do."

The birthday of the Golden Heart

Your greatest challenge is saying "no."

On the Dark Side: Self-sacrificing, insecure, frustrated
At Your Best: Generous, chaming, noble. 


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