Monday, December 12, 2016

Of The Day



Clear, Blue, Gray
Long bladed or short crystals, usually on a matrix
Obtained from specialist stores

Anhydrite gives support and strength on the physical plane. It promotes acceptance of the physical body as a transient vessel for the soul. 
Place over the throat or over the thymus gland - It treats disorders of the throat, especially ones caused by a difficulty in expressing oneself through a physical body. 


Balsam of Tolu

Tolu is a balsam ovtained by incision from the trunk of a large tree after it has been beaten and scorched. Originally it came from Colombia and Venezuela

It is an antiseptic and expectorant
It works mainly on the rspiratory mucous membranes. It is often used as an expectorant in cough medicines in the form of syrup or tincture. 
This herb is rarely emcountered by itself today. It may be used as an inhalant by putting about a teaspoonful of the balsam into a steam bath. The internal dosage is half to one gram taken three times a day. 



This is a rune of delay, the counsel of nied is one of patience. It always indicates a time of passing through a difficult learning situation. 
Reversed: it advises you to think twice about going through with a plan. Neid reversed often shows you setting off on an improper course of action, and warns of failure and despair. 


IX The Hermit

Upright this card symolizes a teacher and guide. It represents enlightenment and teh need to choose an unfamiliar path. 
Reversed of this is mistaken advice and excessive caution. 

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