Monday, December 26, 2016

Of The Birthday 24, 25, 26 ..Whew holiday got me slackin!


Boji Stone

Brownish, some Blue
Metallic looking, smooth (female) or with square protrusions (male)
True Boji stones can be difficult to obtain
US, Britain

Most effective grounding stones. Strongly protective functions, very useful for overcoming blockages

Blue Boji stones have high but grounded spiritual vibration. Facilitates traveling and guards the body until the soul returns during out of body journeys. 


Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Clear, Brown, Pink, Grey, Red
Translucent and waxy, often banded
US, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil

Powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy

Black Calcite is a record-keeper stone for regression and regaining memories.
Blue Calcite is a gentle stone for recuperation and relaxation.
Clear Calcite is a "cure-all"  and powerful detoxifier. 
Gold Calcite is used for meditations and attuning the higher mental planes.
Green Calcite is a mental healer, dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs and restoring balance to the mind.
Iceland Spar (Optical Calcite) amplifies images and heals eyes
Orange Calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone (especially in lower chakras).
Pink Calcite (Mangano Calcite) is a heart crystal in contact with the angelic realm. It is a stone of forgiveness, it realeases fear and grief that keep the heart trapped in the past. 
Red Calcite increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids in willpower, and opens the heart Chakra. 
Rhomboid Calcite closes off mind chatter, bringing mental stillness. 
Yellow or Golden Calcite is a great eliminator and stimulates the will. 


Red, Orange, Pink, Brown
Small, translucent pebble, often water-worn
Britain, India, Czech Republic, Sovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania

Grounds and anchors you in the present reality. A stabilizing stone with high energy, excellent for restoring citality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity. 

Pink Carnelian improves the parent-child relationship. It helps to restore love and trust after abuse or manipulation
Red Carnelian warms and energizes. It is useful for combating sluggishness and for invigorating the mind and body. 


Black Root

Parts Used: Rhizome and Root
Collection: Ducg up in the fall and stored for a year before use

Black Root is used as a reliever of liver congestion and for inflamed gallbladder. 

Decoction: Put 1-2 teaspoonfulls of the dried herb in a cup of cold water and bring to boil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Take one cup 3 times a day. 

Black Willow

Parts Used: Bark
Collection: The bark is collected in the spring with new growth starts

Black willow is a safe natural source of aspirinlike chemicals. Is used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis where there is much associated pain and inflammation

Decoction: pour a cup of water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the bark, bring to voil, and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day


Common Name: Kelp
Parts used: the whole plant, which is a common seaweed.

Proved useful in the treatment of underactive thyroid glands and goiter. Through regulation of the thyroid function, there is an improvement in all teh associated symptoms. Where ovesity is associated with thyroid trouble, this herb may be very helpful in reducing the excess weight. 

Can be taken in tablet form as a dietary supplement or as an infusion by pouring a cup of boiling water on 2-3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leaving it to steep for 10 minutes. Should be drunk 3 times a day. 


These are the last 3 runes for this segment. However, I've only been covering the runes in Divination and readings. Starting tomorrow, I'm going back to the begining and will be doing uses in magic. The Runes will continue!! 


Almost always a positive rune. Indicates taht the force is acailable to you at this time to complete any projects, and it shows a successful conclusion to the problem at hand. It also represents the sense of relief that comes from a positive accomplishment, but it can also merely indicate a mind free from anxiety. It has no reverse meaning. 


Symbolic of increase and growth, a major period of increase and prosperity is often introduced by this rune. It has no negative aspects, and even in a negative reading it shows that you possess the inner strength to turn your situation around if only you will utilize it. 
There is no reverse meaning. 


Rune of possessions and usually represents the things that money can buy, usually land or a building. It also represents money in the from of inheritances, trusts, or pension funds. 

Reversed it shows delay and frustration. and could indicate difficulties encountered throught trying to progress too fast. 


XXI The World

Upright it represents completion, reward, celebration and success. It is closely related to the meaning and symbolization of the circle. 
Reversed it is disappointment, lack of vision and inconclusion. 


The suit of cups symbolizes romance, friendship, creativity, and sociability. The reverse of this suit means jealousy, pain, rejection, eccessive love of luxury, and preoccupation with ones self 

ACE : Beginning of great love, and may indicate pregnancy
TWO: Often means two forces are drawn together-engagement or marriage
THREE: Friendship-or community- the network of support created when interacting with others
FOUR: Positive period of self reflectionand renewal
FIVE: Loss, regret or denial in carying degrees - break up or loss of opportunity
SIX: Happy feelings coming from the past and innocence
SEVEN: Illusions and deceptions
EIGHT: Seperations or divorce
NINE: Sometimes called the wish card- what you have an appetite for you will be given
TEN: Joy, love and friendship. Represents the type of family we all wish to create.
PAGE: Romance, deep feelings, and the inner life
KNIGHT: Balanced objectivity and outlook, sincerity, harmony and equilibrium
QUEEN: Someone intouch with their emotions, an atmosphere of love, acceptance and respect for feelings
KING: Someone who responds calmly in a crisis, uses diplomacy rather than force, reaches out to help, or accepts a different point of view. Also, shows an atomosphere of caring and tolerance. 


The suit of wands stands for creative integrity, security, positive relationships, and inner development. The reverse is a disrupted work, laziness, ignorance, and romantic jealousy. 

ACE: Begining of new life or a new phase in life.
TWO:  Indicates that we are in charge of the way that our life is unfolding. 
THREE: Represents our trueness to our own inner needs and inspirations.
FOUR: Completion. Applies to work projects, personal situations, and even phases of life. 
FIVE: Indicates quarrels, conflict and discord.
SIX: card of fight, competition, and eventual victory. Any where you have to fight to acheive a goal.
SEVEN: Indicates you are facing one of those momentous happenings in your life.
EIGHT: New surge of energy and often signals entry into a new phase or project-good chance of success. 
NINE: Inner strength will guide toward goals.
TEN: Situations that are prolonged, trapped and deeply unhappy. a conflict you can not win
PAGE: Child like innocence 
KNIGHT: Departure from a challenge.
QUEEN: Represents a passionate female who wantes to rouse people into action through outspoken and critical nature.
KING: Represents a male with creative efforts, who motivates ambitions, upholding the principals of integrity.  


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Tarot Card: The Devil (Materialism)
Number: 8
Favorable colors: Green, Brown, Black
Key phrase: I am ambitious, but responsible.
Love matches: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces

December 24

"I will grow wiser and stronger emotionally every day."

The birthday of complicated far sight.

Your greatest challenge is learning from your mistakes.

On the Dark Side: Confusing, tactless, stubborn
At Your Best: Innovative, visionary, exciting

December 25

"I already have all of the joy I need to feel fulfilled and truly alive."

The birthday of peak experience.

Your greatest challenge is being realistic.

On the Dark Side: Esacpist, restless, sensation seeking
At Your Best: Visionary, courageous, spiritual

December 26

"My loving heart knows no bounds and my flexible mind knows no boundaries." 

The birthday of the vantage point

Your greatest challenge is admitting you made mistakes.

On the Dark Side: Defensive, rigid, unfeeling
At Your Best: Energetic, methodical, inspirational.


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