Friday, December 2, 2016


Ever licked your salt candle holder? Well, I have, it's salty too! LMAO couldn't resist!

Candles are something that I always have at my house. Literally, There's a box in my mud room, a basket in the end table by my couch, a basket in my closet, a pile next to my tub and in the bathroom window, they're in every corner of my bedroom, a stack of all the best Christmas scents in my hall closet,  a huge bag in my dresser, and stacks of ones I've made in the guest room closet.

Candles are how I clear my head to meditate; I use candle flames to cleanse some of my stones, tarot cards, and runes.

During ritual, my lovely partners and I set up 5 to represent the elements and to represent the points of a compass.

Candles are versatile as fuck. They can even represent a specific need in a spell.
For example, in healing spells I use a purple candle. I also use purple as my spirit candle and sit it in the center of my circle. Green- monetary spells- earth - north- new moon- winter- midnight.

Speaking of directions and elements, here's a handy little guide I've found useful

Speaking of that handy little guide, I swiped it from

Basic candle colors. 

Yellow- Cheer someone up, sweeten a mood, celebrate success, boost a creative project
Red- campaign a cause , boost willpower, 
Blue- peace, harmony, health, truth, wisdom, psychic
Green- heal the planet, fertility, regeneration, 
Black-banish, connect to spirit world, protection
White- can be used in place of any candle, purity, peace

Scented candles are also used in healing and magic. Scented candles are a wonderful way to practice aroma therapy, they are best when used with genuine essential oils. 
You can also roll your candles in herbs, pair them with crystals, photos, paper shapes, small figures (careful not to melt them)

A good book for candle magic reference is another 10 dollar favorite 
Pagan Portals- Candle Magic by Lucya Starza. 

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