Monday, December 5, 2016

Yule/Solstice is Dec 21st this year. A little info for helping you decorate and celebrate according to the witchy way!

The longest night of the year! This means celebration of the Sun God and transitioning to the season of light!!! Traditional decorations are things that symoblize light and life. Fruit, Stars, Suns, Nut shaped ornaments to represent fertility of the upcoming agricultural year. Pine (that i'm so allergic to) to represent everlasting life. Pine wreaths (for eternity). Lights to your Yule tree for divinity. Red ribbons, bows, candles, tree lights for the life force (blood you know). Candles to burn for this holiday are of course red- life force, white- winter, and green-everlasting life (the spring to come bring us harvest). Have a great Yule Holiday loves!!!

I swiped this from a lovely facebook post. I always love when I come across usefull stuffs. Not sure if I've shared it before so here it is. 

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