Friday, December 23, 2016

Spellwork - Spirits

I spoke with a friend this morning, who has been too busy to read the blog, so as punishment for not paying attention 😝I'm going to post help for her child here. This way she has no choice, but to get all up in my magical space.

First, let me explain. Her daughter is around 9 or 10 and is blessed with the gift of seeing & possibly communicating with those that have passed. Also, being a small child, she doesn't understand what is happening and it deeply frightens her.

So, Today, I chose spellwork for her.

A Guardian Spirit. 

An Amakua (Hawiian) is a guardian spirit that comes in the form of a bird or a small animal of some kind. It is sought for its good luck and help in times of crisis and generally watches over the individual who has one. It's found by calling on ancestors to seek and find the spirit that is one's personal protector. Since it's a good idea to have a nature spirit as a guardian, here are some prayers for getting one.

You need to make an offering, and an appropriate one would be a glass of wine and a bowl of fruit. Place them on the table arranged as an altar, and say the prayers over the offering while picturing a deceased family member  who can help you find an Amakua.

For a male Amakua, suitable for anyone to have, say the following prayer: Heavens and spirit of the earth and seas and skies, listen o spirit, bring Amakua from the rainbow, from the sun and sacred lands. I bring you an offering. 

At this point, the petitioner makes his offerings, calling the god's attention to each one. He then prays as follows:

O great Kane, I sing to Kane, I talk to Kane, Kane of the skies and oceans and lands. 
I beg for an Amakua to come to rest here, To come inhabit this space in time and sprit.

To Pele, Goddess of fire and volcanoes, I sing your praises. 

To Kilauea, and the many spirits of fire and water and air, come close here and now and bring your powers to me. 

I seek an Amakua to protect and guide me, in all my days, in my coming and going. Brush aside the darkness, brush aside death, and come into this world of the living. Give me power 

(In Hawaiian mythology, Kāne is considered the highest of the four major Hawaiian deities, along with Kanaloa, Kū, and Lono, though he is most closely associated with Kanaloa. He represented the god of procreation and was worshipped as ancestor of chiefs and commoners. Pele the Fire Goddess, is the goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanoes and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Kīlauea is a currently active shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, and the most active of the ..... It is here that the conflict between Pele and the rain god Kamapuaʻa was centered )

Try to learn the chant a little bit before undertaking the ceremony. YOu may read the prayer, however, and the pronunciations are pretty much as the words indicate. Call on your Amakua when you want something or when a crisis transpires in your life.

Space Cleanser

You will need:
  • A white candle
  • Incence ( I prefer sage)
  • Water
  • Salt
To cleanse a room of unwanted energies you must first physically clean it by tidying, dusting, and vacuuming. Then light the candle and walk with it clockwise around the room, stopping briefly at the points of north, east, south, and west. As you walk say: Candle, candle, burning bright, cast out all not of the light; with your flame all shadows flee, asi do will, so must it be. 
Repeat with burning incense, saying: Evil spirits, I blow you out, with scented smoke that wreathes about; All bad spirits no more shall be, as I do will, so must it be. 
Repeat with water, sprinkling it around as you go. Say: Water, water, cleanse ths space, that all bad energy leave this place; of evil may this place be free, as i do will, so must it be. 
Finally, repeat with the salt, casting a pinch here and there, saying:  Creature of Earth, build a wall; build it strong and build it tall To keep all harm away from me, as I do will, so must it be. 
Plave the candle and incense together and let them burn a while longer, but do not leave them unattended. Open any windows to let the in the fresh air and play some soft music. All these thinges will recharge yoru room with positive energy and you feeling calm and happy.

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