Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Of the Day (Wednesday)


Blue, Green
opalescent with veins
US, Russia, Canada, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Austria
Is a powerful filter, blocking out geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves, and cell phone emanations, protects against electromagnetic pollution



Part Used: Flower head
The flowers are collected between June and August
Its an Anti-inflammatory, and Vulnerary. External use only
Potentially toxic do not use internally.  May be used with distilled Witch Hazel for a lotion

1 pint of 70% alcohol over 2 oz of fresh picked flowers. Seal it tightly in a clear glass container and let it stand for at least a week in the sun or in a warm place. Filter it and it is ready for use. To store it, put the tincture in a sealed container and keep it out of direct sunlight. 



This rune is a indicator of travel for pleasure or movement. It often shos a safe or pleasant journey with out mishaps. Sometimes, it can be a journey of the soul. If this meaning applies to you, now is the time to make that journey within. Already following your soul? It councels you to keep on it. 
When this rune shows it is also a good time to enter into discussions or negotiations. 
Reversed. All teh areas which are commonly ascribed to Raidho take on a bad tone when reversed. Shows journey that you must take even if its unexpected time or reason, a visit to a sick friend or relation. It can also show unexpected visitors at a bad time. 


IV The Emperor

(PS. most of the tarot images I've posted are from Guilded this guy is not. I just found him more appealing to look at)

Represents worldly wealth and power, strenth and confidence. Focusing on energy, organization, vision and ability
Reverse means weakness, immaturity, and an obsession with fame and fortune. 

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